The old man was very happy.

Dressrosa, King’s Highland.

Doflamingo sat on the sofa, his hands crossed and his chin supported, his elbows on his knees, staring at the World News spread out on the table in front of him.

The headline was a photo.

The photo showed a monster with a crocodile head, a body covered with rugged scales, and a human lower body.

“Ne, Dover, is there really anyone in the Seven Waters who can make artificial devil fruits?”

“Plum Blossom” Trebol, one of the four major cadres of the Don Quixote family, stood behind the sofa and asked Doflamingo for confirmation.

Caesar Kulang, a former member of the World Government’s Science Corps, has reached a cooperation with the Don Quixote family on the manufacture of artificial devil fruits, and a factory in Dressrosa is under construction.

But no results have been obtained yet.

Doflamingo stared at the newspaper in front of him and smiled greedily: “Caesar said that only he can make artificial devil fruits SMILE. It seems that he has a competitor. Where is BABY-5?”

Trebol chuckled and said, “She received a confession from someone else this morning, and she should still be dating now.”

Doflamingo sat up straight, put his hands on the back of the sofa, looked up at the ceiling and smiled: “Go call her back, and by the way, kill the guy who confessed to her… What a troublesome guy.”

Trebol chuckled and left.

Not long after, BABY-5 walked in with an unhappy look on her face, and stepped heavily on the table in front of Doflamingo with one long leg: “Young Master, you interrupted my date!”

“But I need you to do a little thing for me.”

Doflamingo cast his eyes on BABY-5’s face, not caring about her rude behavior at all, and laughed: “You are only fifteen years old, don’t fall in love so early, I still need you.”

BABY-5’s resentment disappeared immediately, it was so happy to be needed by others.

“You and Buffalo go to the Seven Waters City and bring this monster back.” Doflamingo gestured to BABY-5 to pick up the newspaper and remember the goal of this trip.

“What kind of monster is this? It’s so ugly.”

BABY-5 picked it up and took a look at it, then threw away the newspaper with a look of disgust, and took out a cigarette box to light a cigarette for herself to calm down.

“If there is a chance, bring back the person behind this monster.”

Doflamingo smiled maliciously. The monster that appeared in Water Seven was not his real target, but the person who created this monster was.

“I want to live.”

Ghost Island.

Kaido took the wine gourd and poured wine into his mouth in big gulps. He put down the wine gourd until it was all gone, wiped the wine from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, and burped.

“JOKER told me that someone in Water Seven created an artificial devil fruit. Who will bring it back to me?”

Black Maria handed over a new wine gourd and was not interested in this matter at all.

Jin and Quinn had no intention of standing up.

Water Seven is a well-known tourist city. The monster was witnessed by countless people in Water Seven, but there was no evidence that the monster had eaten an artificial devil fruit.

“Lord Kaido, apart from Vegapunk and Caesar, I can’t think of anyone who can make artificial devil fruits.” Quinn, who is also a former member of MADS, doesn’t believe that there is a third person in the world who can make artificial devil fruits.

“JOKER has promised to provide us with artificial devil fruits, so we don’t need to go to the Seven Waters.”

Jin’s idea is simpler. Since Doflamingo is willing to provide artificial devil fruits, the Beasts Pirates don’t need to spend more energy, and don’t have to worry about Doflamingo’s fraud. After all, no one dares to deceive the Four Emperors Kaido.

“Lord Kaido, I’ll go.”

Runti, who is only 12 years old, saw that no one was willing to go to the Seven Waters, and immediately pulled her brother Page One to raise her hand enthusiastically.

Page One was pulled in front of Kaido with a look of despair by her sister, and she was too ashamed to look up.


Kaido ignored her and directly pointed out Sasaki, one of the Flying Six.

Runti was furious: “Lord Kaido, you look down on me!”

For her and her brother’s position in the Beasts Pirates, she stole two ancient animal-type devil fruits from Kaido’s collection. Kaido did not punish her, but she was eager to show her and her brother’s value.

In her opinion, the trip to the Seven Waters was an excellent opportunity.

Black Maria covered her mouth and smiled: “You are still young, it is best to leave this kind of thing to adults.”

Runti sneered and mocked: “I am not a woman who can only pour wine.”

“Sister, stop talking.”

Peggy One hurriedly tried to stop his sister from making fun of him. Compared to other real fighters, he and his sister were only newcomers.

Runti was like an angry little Tyrannosaurus Rex. He grabbed Peggy One’s neck and scolded, “You should stand firmly on my side.”

Black Maria covered her mouth and laughed, not caring about Runti’s ridicule.

She was a woman with a low desire for power.

“Lord Kaido, Runti is also a real fighter. There is no problem going to the Seven Water Capital.” Sasaki was just hoping that someone would go to the Seven Water Capital for him, and recommended Runti.

Runti stared, as if he was going to get mad if you don’t agree.

Kaido burped and waved his hand impatiently, “You two go and take that man back to Onigashima.”

Judicial Island.

Rob Lucci put on a black suit and walked to the door.

Pigeon Hadori fluttered its wings and landed on his shoulder, following him out of the room.

Soon, all the CP9 members arrived.

Kalifa adjusted her glasses and said seriously, “Has the mission of Water Seven changed?”

The news of the monster rampage in Water Seven has spread all over the world with the World News, and CP9, as one of the intelligence organizations of the World Government, has naturally received the information.

Moreover, after the execution of Tom, the world’s number one shipbuilding technician, CP9’s next mission is to go to Water Seven to lurk and seize the design drawings of the ancient weapon Pluto.

However, it is still in the preparation stage.

Lucci nodded and said, “Spandam wants us to find out who is behind the monster.”

Kaku shook his head and held his forehead: “The person who wants Spandam to create this monster… wants to replace us?”

Spandam took over CP9 as his father’s business, but no one in the organization looked down on this incompetent waste.

It is not impossible to replace them with monsters.

Kalifa sneered: “CP9 is not just a killer organization. Using monsters to replace us is simply a joke.”

Lucci said: “No matter what Spandam wants to do with this monster, our mission is to find the person who created the monster and find an opportunity to lurk around Tom’s disciple…Iceberg.”

Bruno asked: “Should I open a bar as planned?”

Lucci nodded.

Bars are one of the easiest channels to obtain intelligence, and they can also cover up their connections.

Lucci explained a few key points and then walked in front.

“Let’s go.”

The merchant ship docked at the dock of the Seven Waters City.

Lucci and his men pretended to be strangers and dispersed to start their investigation.

They didn’t know that a child in the crowd had recognized them.

“Are these the people Dr. Reddy is looking for?”

Haya thought to himself, turned around and ran out of the dock. He didn’t care who these people were, anyway, they were the target Reddy was looking for.

When Haya returned to the camp, she saw Reddy playing with some three or four-year-old kids. She pouted, wondering why a grown-up like him would be willing to play with little kids.

“Dr. Reddy, the person you’re looking for is here.”

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