The idiot said that the man was a fool.

“Don’t let me catch you, bastard!”

BABY-5 walked down the street with a cigarette in her mouth, looking for the bastard who knocked her out in the crowd with an expression that she didn’t like.

The murderous aura that almost condensed into substance made tourists and even locals avoid her as much as possible.

For a moment, there was no one within three meters of her.

At this time, a man came towards her.

BABY-5 saw that someone dared not to avoid her, and greeted him with a stinky face.

Seeing this, the people nearby hurriedly fled to the distance.

In a short time, the whole bustling street became deserted.


BABY-5 stared at the man unhappily, her right arm turning into a blade.

As soon as she said a word, the man opposite her disappeared from her sight in an instant.

The next second!

The man suddenly appeared in front of BABY-5, stretched out his right hand like lightning, and pushed BABY-5’s shoulder.

BABY-5 staggered back.

At this time, a door suddenly opened in the air behind her.

Before BABY-5 could react, a pair of big hands stretched out from the door and grabbed her in.

The air door disappeared.

Lucci’s face was indifferent, and he continued to walk forward, as if nothing had happened.

No one noticed the scene just now.

After turning the corner, a door opened again in the air in front of him.

Lucci stepped into the different space.

“How dare you arrest me!”

BABY-5 was now handcuffed with seastone handcuffs, and fell to the ground powerlessly, but she was still ruthless and swore at him.

“Is it her?”

Lucci glanced at her and turned to look at Bruno.

Bruno nodded.

Lucci walked forward, squatted beside BABY-5, and asked without any emotion: “Why did Doflamingo take action against the World Government?”

“World Government?”

CP9 is a spy organization directly under the World Government, and it has always been secretive to the outside world. BABY-5 was stunned.

It was you who kidnapped me!


Are you from the World Government?

Seeing the surprise in BABY-5’s eyes, Lucci stood up and shook his head: “It seems that her bloodline factor has been collected by someone, and the person who attacked you was not her.”

Bruno nodded: “The person who attacked me last night was very strong, but she was very weak.”

BABY-5 didn’t like this and cursed: “I am a weapon fruit ability user. If you have the ability, let me go. You can only sneak attack, you are not my opponent at all!”

Lucci completely ignored her shouting and ordered: “Go back to the bar, Kaku and the others should have caught another one, you will go to meet them later.”

Buffalo hovered in the sky, observing the movements in the Seven Water City.

The young master wanted that monster, and BABY-5 wanted to find the bastard who knocked her out. The two things happened to be done at once.

“Well, Moon Step?”

Buffalo was stunned and saw a figure suddenly jumped up from a tall building and approached him quickly.

Just distracted for a moment, the other party has come in front of him, his legs alternately stepping on the air, strangely hovering in the air.

“The fruit ability user… Tsk tsk.”

Kaku stepped on the moon step, and looked at Buffalo with a sound of tsk tsk.

Buffalo cautiously distanced himself: “Are you from the navy?”

The Navy Six Styles is almost synonymous with the navy.

He felt tricky and didn’t understand why the navy would find him.

Is the navy going to attack the young master?

Buffalo was thinking, suddenly a whip shadow flew from below and entangled his body.

“Don’t waste time talking to him, just take it back and give it to the captain.”

Kalifa took advantage of Kaku attracting Buffalo’s attention and attacked from below, and didn’t want to waste time talking to Buffalo.

“Don’t underestimate me!”

Buffalo grinned, and his body spun rapidly in an instant.

The whip was released immediately.

Kalifa’s face darkened, and she shook her hand and retracted the whip.

“I turn, I turn, I turn…”

Buffalo broke free from the whip and accelerated his rotation speed again. The chains wrapped around his body immediately whistled towards Kalifa.

Kalifa frowned and swung out the long whip.

A muffled groan!

The long whip in Kalifa’s hand slipped out of her hand, and her face suddenly became solemn.

Miserable defeat!

In the first round, she completely underestimated the strong centrifugal force brought by Buffalo’s rotation, and the weapon was swept away.

“Don’t play, Kalifa!”

Kaku laughed and swung out a slash with his right leg.


The slash was knocked away by the chain.

Kalifa adjusted her glasses and said coldly: “You are fucking harassing me.”

As she spoke, Kalifa also kicked with a storm kick.

Almost at the same time, Kaku flashed to the top of Buffalo and kicked with a storm kick.

Buffalo blocked Kalifa’s storm kick, but failed to block Kaku, and fell to the beach like a meteor.

Kalifa and the other jumped down immediately.

“Damn it!”

Buffalo climbed out of the big pit on the beach, with blood stains on the corners of his mouth, looking embarrassed.

“You are too slow.”

Gabra jumped down from the reef and blocked Buffalo’s right rear.

“Such an obvious target, do you think we are blind?”

Weiqu blocked Buffalo’s right rear and taunted.

On the other side, Owl quietly blocked Buffalo’s last retreat, and then said: “You can only escape to the sky, but we all know the Moon Step.”

“Shut up!”

Kaku and the others glared.

Currently, only Kaku and Kalifa are exposed.

Originally, I could have taken the opportunity to trick my opponent, but now it’s all exposed by you.

“You let it slip again.”

Owl zipped up his mouth.

Kaku shook his head helplessly, and then looked at Buffalo: “Surrender, we don’t want to be enemies with the Seven Warlords yet.”

Buffalo didn’t say anything, his eyes just turned around, looking for a chance to escape.

“Are you waiting for that little girl to save you?”

Kalifa adjusted her glasses and sneered arrogantly: “Our captain went to capture her personally, it’s her honor.”

“Is BABY-5 still alive?”

Buffalo completely gave up the idea of ​​escaping. Without BABY-5, he would be punished by the young master if he returned.

“We don’t want to be enemies with Doflamingo.”

The purpose of this trip is to capture the people sent by the Don Quixote family alive, and Kaku doesn’t want to cause trouble.

“I surrender.”

Buffalo chose to surrender alone.

Central Street, a bar that has not been renovated yet.

BABY-5 glared at Buffalo who came with Kaku and others: “You are such a waste!”

Buffalo was also helpless.

I can’t beat him.

Lucci’s eyes swept across Buffalo’s face and waved his hand.

Bruno then took out a Den Den Mushi and walked over and handed it to Buffalo.

“Contact Doflamingo, I have something to talk to him about.” Lucci signaled Buffalo to contact Doflamingo immediately.

Buffalo had no choice but to do it.

Soon the Den Den Mushi was connected.

Lucci walked up to Buffalo, took the Den Den Mushi, and asked calmly: “Doflamingo, what’s your purpose?”

“You are not Buffalo… Oh, you should be a member of CP9, right?”

The face of Doflamingo imitated by the Den Den Mushi was gloomy at first, but soon he laughed and revealed Lucci’s identity.

“Your purpose.”

Lucci was not surprised that Doflamingo knew his identity.

Doflamingo laughed: “I want blood factor technology.”

Lucci said coldly: “Impossible, blood factor is a forbidden technology blocked by the World Government, don’t try to challenge the bottom line of the World Government.”

“Young Master…”

BABY-5 struggled to speak, but was ruthlessly blocked by Kalifa with a rag.

Lucci said coldly: “Doflamingo, you have no other choice.”

Doflamingo’s voice turned cold: “Let them go, I will cooperate with you, as for who can get the bloodline factor technology, it depends on their respective abilities.”

Lucci was unmoved: “Give up, or… they die.”

Doflamingo was silent for a long time, and then laughed again: “Without my help, you will definitely not find the target, this is my promise.”

Lucci’s face changed slightly.

Doflamingo’s identity is very special.

He is not only a former Celestial Dragon, but also the current Shichibukai, the king of the Kingdom of Dressrosa, a member of the World Government, and a big boss of the underground world.

The World Government tacitly agreed that Doflamingo seized the Kingdom of Dressrosa and accepted Dressrosa as a member of the World Government, which is itself very unscientific.

With so many identities, Lucci cannot ignore Doflamingo’s threats without completely tearing his face apart.

Doflamingo didn’t say anything, just waited for Lucci’s answer with a confident smile.

Lucci spoke after a long while: “We can cooperate, but you won’t get what you want, this is my promise.”

“BABY-5, Buffalo!”

Doflamingo laughed wildly: “Go tell the gangs in the Seven Waters City, let them mobilize all their manpower to find that monster.”

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