The old man was born in a strange way.

Reddy does have an idea for making artificial devil fruits.

Its principle is based on bloodline factor technology, which allows users to obtain the ability of animal devil fruits.

Reddy’s idea is to extract specific gene fragments of beasts, and use a special catalyst as a medium to fuse human genes with beast gene fragments, so as to obtain body animalization.

Extracting specific gene fragments of beasts, most researchers in the institute can do it more or less.

Hurd is one of the best.

The only difficulty lies in the special catalyst.

This catalyst needs to tear the human gene chain, and also allow the beast gene fragment to be smoothly embedded in the gene chain, and finally reassemble into a gene chain under the premise of eliminating rejection reactions.

Fortunately, this is the Punk Hazard Institute, which has huge resources given by the World Government.

Reddy spent two days finding what he needed from the numerous raw data.

In fact, he was not unfamiliar with this sample.


This special plant that grows on the floating island has the effect of changing the genes of wild beasts.

Reddy once collected the genetic samples of this plant on the floating island.

But what made him curious was that Punk Hazard also had this special plant in stock.

Reddy thought about it and it made sense.

Since Vegapunk discovered the bloodline factor, it immediately received great attention from the world government.

“IQ”, a plant that can change the genes of wild beasts, is naturally collected, but no one has developed it until now, just as a raw material reserve.

So Reddy called this raw material without hesitation.

The first thing is to use the system to analyze IQ and lock in specific gene fragments.

Then according to the analysis results, determine the research direction for assistants such as Hurd.

And he continued to eat and drink, actively storing energy.

In just one year, his energy reserves have reached as much as 21 million again.

This is the result of him having to spend part of his time to win over researchers such as Hurd.

Otherwise, there would be more reserves.

Hurd and others had a clear research direction and were full of energy.

In just one week, the first generation of catalysts was developed.

In scientific research, you can do whatever you want if you have money.

Hurd and others developed the first generation of catalysts and immediately urged Reddy to conduct experiments.

The experimental results frustrated Hurd and others.


The first generation of catalysts can indeed tear apart the gene chain, but it cannot fuse different genes without eliminating the rejection reaction.

Reddy disagreed and comforted: “We still have a lot of time, no rush.”

“Is it going to succeed?”

It was an open secret that Reddy accepted the challenge, and the institute was paying attention to it. Soon, the news reached Caesar’s ears.

Caesar looked dazed.

It’s only been a week, right?

But soon the news of Reddy’s failed experiment spread throughout the institute.

Caesar was immediately revived and belittled: “Shu la la la la… Does he think he is Vegapunk?”

Even though he always thought he was the world’s number one scientist, Caesar still unconsciously used Vegapunk as an example.

And he didn’t realize this at all.

However, the good times didn’t last long. Various unconfirmed news came out from Reddy’s laboratory.

Caesar felt like he was going to have a heart attack.

One moment it was about to succeed, and the next moment there was news of failure.

Caesar’s mood fluctuated like a roller coaster.

One month!

Two months!

Three months!

Reddy’s laboratory had not announced the results for a long time, and Caesar suddenly had an idea.

That’s it?

Just say that no one except me can create an artificial devil fruit!

Half a year has passed in a flash.

The atmosphere in the institute has changed from the initial expectation to the current peace. The researchers have their own research projects and have almost forgotten about this matter.

Until one day, Hurd and several assistants appeared in front of people with a proud look on their faces.

Only then did the other researchers remember the challenge.

“Did it succeed?”

An anxious researcher couldn’t wait to ask Hurd and others for confirmation.

“Dr. Reddy is the first person in the field of bloodline factors!”

After spending half a year in Reddy’s laboratory, Hurd and others have completely become Reddy’s fans, praising Reddy in various ways.

The researchers were immediately shocked.

The news quickly spread throughout the institute.

Even the navy stationed in Punk Hazard was no exception.

“Ah, Dr. Reddy is starting again.

It has produced amazing results, which is really amazing. ” Borsalino was amazed when he received the news.

In just half a year, Reddy has produced two results of great strategic value.

There is no need to say more about the active agent.

Although it has not yet reached mass production, the small-scale production has already made the Navy Headquarters taste the sweetness.

As long as the person is not fatally injured and dies on the spot, a shot of active agent can save the person.

Even if the person is fatally injured, if a dose of active agent is injected before death, there is a 70% chance that the injured person will survive until the hospital for emergency treatment.

And the new results announced next are even more amazing.

Artificial devil fruit!

Vegapunk once studied this technology and achieved outstanding results.

But Vegapunk is A perfectionist, he thought that the artificial devil fruit he made was a failure, so he sealed it and stopped researching and developing it.

However, now, Reddy has actually completed this technology.

Borsalino came to Reddy’s laboratory with amazement.

At this time, the laboratory was crowded.

Researchers from the entire institute gathered here, ready to witness the historic moment.

Caesar was in it, with a very sour face, racking his brains to think about how to destroy Reddy’s results.

After waiting for a long time, Reddy did not show up.

The researchers couldn’t help whispering.

Caesar was excited and took the opportunity to fan the flames: “See, he is a liar and can’t produce an artificial devil fruit at all!”

Others began to waver.

At this time, Heard and others who went to find Reddy walked into the laboratory with strange expressions.

“Dr. Reddy said that the artificial devil fruit is not worthy of his attention, so let us announce the results. ”

Hurd’s words set off the whole place.

Everyone was stunned.

Artificial devil fruits are not worthy of Dr. Reddy’s attention?

Then what research project can attract Dr. Reddy’s attention?

Caesar was mad, wishing he could bite Reddy to death, this bastard, it was too infuriating.

Hurd and his men ignored the reactions of others and began to prepare in an orderly manner.

Borusalino rubbed his chin, thinking.

Soon, the preparations were completed.

Hurd and his men only arranged one experimental subject.

This move made other researchers marvel.

What confidence!

Aren’t you afraid that the experiment will fail?

Although experimental failure is commonplace for them, the failure of this experiment will inevitably affect Dr. Reddy’s reputation.

Everyone held their breath and watched Hurd inject an injection into the body of the experimental subject.

“Ah! ”

The experimental subject fell down with a scream, curled up like a prawn, and the pain made the other researchers change color.

Caesar laughed wildly in his heart.

You said that my artificial devil fruit has great side effects, but your results are the same?

Let’s see how you can quibble this time!

The scream of the experimental subject lasted for nearly two minutes.

Soon, in full view of everyone, the experimental subject mutated.

The body began to grow taller, thick hair gradually appeared on the surface of the body, the teeth became slender and sharp, and the hands and feet also mutated into beasts.

In a short time, a panting werewolf appeared in front of everyone.

Borsalino glanced at the very tired werewolf, walked out of the laboratory silently, and took out the Den Den Mushi.

The Den Den Mushi was connected.

Borsalino scratched his head and said, “Dr. Reddy really created an artificial devil fruit. ”

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