The new situation is getting worse.

Since Reddy returned to Punk Hazard, the number of navy has doubled.

Borsalino would occasionally carry out Marinford’s mission, but now he basically no longer leaves the island.

Reddy didn’t take it seriously, and other researchers were not interested in it.

But Caesar saw it and was angry.

“Damn bastard!”

Caesar stayed in his laboratory and looked through the latest experimental records, cursing.

A month ago, Reddy’s laboratory developed an artificial devil fruit reagent, which was very effective and made Reddy win the respect of others again.

But he saw the flaws of this reagent.

So Caesar didn’t give up and took the time to further improve SAD.

However, the results were not optimistic.

The improvement of SAD is progressing slowly, and the actual success rate is still difficult to break through 20%.

Although the reagents launched by Reddy Laboratory have defects, no one can deny that the reagents have achieved a 100% success rate.

“Damn it!”

Caesar angrily threw the experimental records on the ground, crossed his arms and had a bad idea.

After thinking for a long time, he took out the Den Den Mushi.

Soon the Den Den Mushi was connected.

Caesar grinned: “Shu la la la la… Marshal Sengoku, I report that Dr. Reddy concealed the perfect artificial devil fruit formula.”


Sengoku looked solemn, staring at the Den Den Mushi on the table and fell into deep thought.

The Science Force belongs to the Navy.

However, the World Government is taking steps to seize the leadership of the Science Force, and Marinford is not in a position to express his position, so he can only pretend that nothing happened.

But the contact from Caesar, the second-in-command of the Punk Hazard Institute, just now made him feel difficult.

Perfect artificial devil fruit!

This is an important combat force supplement that the Navy urgently needs.

Earlier, Punk Hazard had sent him information that Dr. Reddy, who had just joined the institute for a year, had successfully developed an artificial devil fruit reagent, which was like a shot of adrenaline, and most of the pressure he had accumulated was gone.

However, a report on the defects of the reagent was also sent to him.

(Caesar: Huh, huh, huh… Yes, the person who reported it was me.)

Zhan Guo was a little disappointed at the time, but soon he had greater hope for Reddy and wanted to improve this magical reagent as soon as possible.

In his opinion, since it can be developed, it must be improved to a practical level.

Caesar’s report made him entangled.

Is it true or false?

Zhan Guo was silent for a long time and asked Crane to come.

Crane was surprised after hearing Zhan Guo’s concerns: “Dr. Reddy concealed the perfect artificial devil fruit… um, reagent?”

Zhan Guo shook his head: “I can’t be sure whether this information is true or false.”

Crane nodded.

This information is indeed difficult to determine whether it is true or false.

The reagent was developed by Reddy. Apart from him, who can be sure whether there is a perfect reagent?

“Maybe this is an opportunity.”

He was silent for a moment, and suddenly proposed a bold idea: “Marinford should perhaps set up a direct science class.”

Zhan Guo was startled, and then he was thoughtful.

He understood what He meant.

The current scientific forces are being taken over little by little by the World Government.

Vegapunk was transferred to Egghead, which is directly under the World Government, which is obvious evidence.

If it were before, Marinford could only be angry but not speak.

But now there is a genius scientist Reddy who is comparable to Vegapunk.

Unlike Vegapunk, who is a generalist and has outstanding achievements in various fields, Reddy is obviously better at the field of bloodline factors.

Does Marinford need those fancy inventions?

Of course not!

The more Zhan Guo thought about it, the more excited he became: “You are right, Dr. Reddy is the talent that Marinford needs most.”

He smiled faintly: “The Navy Headquarters is not suitable for this matter. The CP organization directly under the World Government is more professional.”

Punk Hazard Naval Base.

Borsalino put his legs on the desk, holding the Den Den Mushi in silence.

Just now, the World Government sent a contact, saying that it would arrange for CP5 to come to the institute in the near future to carry out routine inspections to prevent Dr. Reddy’s results from leaking out.

“Ah, Dr. Reddy seems to be in trouble.”

Borsalino scratched his head and quickly put the matter behind him, too lazy to pay attention.

CP5 came quickly.

Just one day later, a warship docked at the dock.

The news quickly spread in the institute.


Caesar smiled triumphantly, leaving his hands behind.

The research on the research, Dian Dian rushed to the dock to greet, and as soon as he saw the members of CP5, he couldn’t wait to report.

“Such an important invention as artificial devil fruit technology was actually completed by a few assistants.”

“I swear on the honor of a scientist!”

“That guy must have the formula of the perfect reagent!”

The leading CP5 member’s eyes suddenly lit up, coughed lightly, and said tactfully: “We are only responsible for routine inspections to prevent pirates or GM troops from stealing important inventions… Since you know the institute very well, I hope you can cooperate with our work. The World Government will not treat the heroes unfairly.”

Caesar heard the music and understood the elegant meaning, and nodded fiercely with a sly smile on his face.

The members of CP5 smiled at each other, and Caesar politely led them into the institute.

The institute did not have much resistance to the arrival of CP5.

The Punk Hazard Institute was once an important base of the scientific forces. Routine inspections were just routine to prevent important results from leaking out and causing shock to the world.

CP5 members conducted routine inspections during the day, and secretly found Caesar at night.


Caesar immediately took out the evidence he had fabricated and said with a sly smile: “This is my inference based on the honor of a genius scientist.”

The leading CP5 member took it and immediately flipped through it.

Caesar first explained the significance of an important invention, emphasizing that artificial devil fruit technology is the supreme honor for a scientist.

But Reddy didn’t take it seriously at all, and all the development work was handed over to several assistants such as Hurd.

This is unreasonable!

Secondly, Caesar explained the principle of Reddy’s version of artificial devil fruit in the “evidence”, emphasizing the prospects of artificial devil fruit technology.

At the same time, he also stated in the “evidence” that such an important invention that can affect the world should not be sealed for no reason.

This is hindering the progress of science!

Third, Caesar also pointed out that Reddy is actually a jealous villain who deliberately suppresses himself as the world’s top scientist, and implicitly stated that once he becomes the director, he will inevitably bring huge benefits to the world government.

But Reddy will not!

In the “evidence”, Caesar also claimed that Reddy and Vegapunk are actually the same kind of people, emphasizing that the world government must keep them firmly under control.

Here, Caesar specifically pointed out the clones that Reddy had created, saying that the existence of these clones is a huge threat to the world government, and authoritarian chips must be installed to ensure that the first control authority is in the hands of the world government.

“Dr. Caesar, I thank you on behalf of the world government.”

The leading CP5 member was very satisfied with this “evidence” and solemnly stated that he would recommend in the report that the world government should hand over such an important research institute to an honest and reliable young man.

“Shu la la la la… I will definitely not let the world government down.”

Caesar made a promise with a flattering face.

Both parties were happy.

Caesar got the promise to take over as the next director, and CP5 also got the most important “evidence”.

Especially Caesar’s proposal to install authoritarian chips on the clones made by Reddy really touched the hearts of these intelligence personnel.

Regardless of whether the evidence is true or false, they believed it anyway.

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