The world is in chaos, and the world is in chaos.

“Drive away the navy, control Punk Hazard!”

“We are all free!”

“We want to be free to do the research we like!”

Heard stood on a dining table and shouted.

Every roar was met with enthusiastic responses from other researchers.

The world government’s distrust of Reddy resonated with everyone.

They are the group of people in this world who understand the bloodline factor the most.

The bloodline factor technology is enough to subvert the world.

In theory, the world government’s interference is not excessive.

But emotionally, no one is willing to accept the interference of the world government.

Today is Dr. Reddy, so what about tomorrow?

Under the instigation of Heard and several others, everyone’s emotions gradually turned to Reddy unconsciously.

“Shut up!”

A scream of exasperation made the whole restaurant quiet down.

Everyone turned their eyes to the restaurant door.

Caesar floated in front of the crowd and cursed: “Who do you think you are? Lord Reddy? Or Vegapunk? Or me, the second most talented scientist in the world?”

Other researchers glared.

Before they could refute, Caesar changed his face and shouted with a fanatical face: “Only under the wise guidance of Lord Reddy can you trash make a little achievement!”

As he said, Caesar used his thumb and index finger to make a gap that was almost close together, and he did not hide his contempt.

Hard’s assistants looked at each other and saw the same meaning in each other’s eyes.

This…you went to persuade?

Caesar’s character was extremely bad, but it could not be denied that he had made achievements in the field of science. He pointed out the poor performance of other researchers in the field of bloodline factors.

The researchers were scolded until their faces turned red, and then they lowered their heads in dejection.

Damn, there is no way to refute it!

Caesar put on a flattering smile again, pointed his hands at the door of the restaurant, and shouted: “Please welcome Lord Reddy!”

At this moment, Reddy was standing outside the restaurant, so embarrassed.

He just wanted to use Caesar to fish, such as a flamingo, or a zoo director.

Knowing that Caesar was afraid of death, I didn’t expect this guy to be so indifferent.

“Lord Reddy!”

Although Hurd’s assistants didn’t understand why Caesar suddenly became a fanatic of Reddy, they immediately raised their arms and shouted when they saw the atmosphere was here.

“Lord Reddy!”

Other researchers hesitated, and soon someone responded.

“Lord Reddy!”

“Lord Reddy!”

“Lord Reddy!”


Infected by others, other researchers also shouted one after another.

When Reddy walked into the restaurant, the cheers rose again.

Caesar floated in front of Reddy with a flattering face: “Shu la la la la… Lord Reddy, please tell these rubbish that they are nothing without your wise leadership!”

“Resisting the World Government means losing research funding.”

The first sentence Reddy said cooled the hot atmosphere in the room.

More and more researchers gradually regained their sanity.

Scientific research is indeed expensive.

Behind any achievement is a sea of ​​funds.

Without the funding provided by the World Government, can we still study bloodline factors with peace of mind?

“We can raise funds ourselves!”

Hurd had obviously prepared a draft in his mind, but he hadn’t had time to say it. Now that Reddy took the initiative to mention it, he immediately shouted out.

But the effect this time was not as good as before.

Most researchers were still depressed.

If they could raise funds themselves, most people here might not accept the recruitment of the World Government.

“Activating agent!”

Heard was confident and smiled confidently: “The World Government only got the formula of the active agent from Dr. Reddy, and did not take away the formula for cultivating donors.”

“To be precise, we have not yet developed the technology to cultivate donors stably.”

“As long as Lord Reddy leads us to perfect this technology, we can sell this active agent to the world in exchange for funds!”

“I believe that Lord Reddy cannot have only the active agent as an achievement.”

“Under the leadership of Lord Reddy, we will never lack research funds!”

The eyes of other researchers suddenly lit up.

That’s right!

Even these crazy scientists know the market prospects of active agents clearly.

What’s more, Heard is right.

In the bloodline factor

Lord Reddy, a genius scientist who is the best in the world in a field, may not have other achievements with broad market prospects.

In this case, do we still need to worry about the lack of research funds?

Caesar smiled slyly: “Shu la la la la… Lord Reddy, we can also sell military force to the outside world. Believe me, I have a way.”

The other researchers were stunned and no one spoke.

Not every scientist can accept the application of personal achievements in war and killing.

Even if they are all scientific lunatics.

Caesar was met with a cold reception, glanced at these researchers with contempt, and then put on a flattering face and looked at Reddy: “Selling military force to the outside world like the Germa Kingdom, this is a big business.”

“I have an ideal.”

Reddy put his hands in his pockets, with a smile on his face.

Caesar and others were stunned.

What are you talking about?

Reddy ignored their thoughts and said to himself: “I want to create an ideal place where there is no war, people live in peace, and they can live a good life as long as they work hard.”

“There, every orphan can be well taken care of.”

“There, every child has the right to go to school.”

“There, everyone enjoys freedom!”

“Freedom to decide your own future life!”

“Freedom to pursue your own ideals.”

“I hate war, but I know that the road to realizing this ideal is full of thorns!”

“Everyone who hinders me from realizing my ideal will become my enemy!”

“I will become the most terrifying existence in the eyes of my enemies!”

“I am not afraid of war, but I will not take the initiative to participate in it!”

Reddy’s tone gradually became higher and more firm, which made Hurd and others fall into silence.

Caesar had a fanatical look on his face, but he sneered at Reddy’s ideals in his heart. It was easier to raise a large amount of research funds by doing regular business than making money from war. It was really pedantic.

“I’ve finished my words.”

Reddy glanced at the researchers such as Hurd and smiled calmly: “You are all free, you can choose to stay or leave… or notify the navy.”

“I’ll stay!”

Hurd was the first to stand up and express his position.

“I’ll stay too!”

The other assistants also expressed their positions firmly.

When Caesar saw that he was a step late, he cursed Hurd and his colleagues as flatterers in his heart, and immediately put on a flattering face on the surface: “I’ll be wherever Lord Reddy is, and even the world government can’t stop me.”

Caesar and his colleagues expressed their positions one after another, and the other researchers were silent for a moment, and soon someone stood up and expressed their intention to stay.

Gradually, more and more people chose to stay.

Reddy’s credibility in the field of bloodline factors made them choose to believe.

Soon, everyone made their choice.

No one wanted to leave or notify the navy.

Reddy put his hands in his pockets and smiled mysteriously: “Since you all choose to stay, then I will reveal the true mystery of bloodline factors to you!”

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