The dead body was buried, and the dead body was buried.

Reddy found an important discovery from Longma’s clone, and his attention returned to Longma’s body.

However, before conducting a deeper study on Longma’s body, he still had new experiments to do.

Create a clone with the ability of the Shadow-Shadow Fruit.

Reddy brought Longma’s clone back to the laboratory, and did not disturb the research of Hud and others. He put a white coat on the clone to cover his shame and started to make it.

Hud’s assistants had seen Reddy’s ability and thought that this was a clone Reddy had made at some point. They just took a look and continued their research.

Extracting Moria’s gene sample from the gene bank, Reddy then stripped off the specific gene fragment in the gene sample.

He then edited and modified Moria’s gene sample.

Moria was once a strong man who could compete with Kaido. His gene rating reached lv12. Before there was a lv13 gene sample, he was the most suitable choice.

However, the appearance of the clone needs to be changed, and the individual defense needs to be strengthened.

After editing, the gene sample has changed a lot from before.

Among them, Reddy deliberately embedded the gene fragments related to the physique of the sea king in the gene sample to strengthen the physique of the clone, so as to enhance the duration of the clone’s fruit ability.

After the gene sample was edited, Reddy switched to the clone workshop to start manufacturing.

This step takes a little time.

Reddy continued to perfect the conjecture he had just discovered.

“Strengthen the main body…”

Reddy sighed in his heart.

Marinford… No, it should be that the World Government set a reward of 3 billion Baileys for him, and deliberately released detailed information about him. He roughly guessed the intention of the World Government.

Induce the strong people around the world who are interested in bloodline factor technology to encircle and suppress him.

There are probably three endings.

One is that he was hunted down and had nowhere to escape, and was finally caught and locked up for research.

The second is that when he had no way to retreat, he had to turn to the World Government again and completely control him.

The third is that he was able to cover the sky with one hand and continue to be at large.

The third ending is the most likely, but nothing can be determined, because as long as there are strong people who covet the bloodline factor technology, they will rush to it like moths to a flame.

In this way, he will have to fight constantly and will not have extra time to develop the clone army.

Reddy admitted that the World Government has a lot of ideas.

However, the World Government greatly underestimated his power. He used the system to create clones… especially high-end combat power.

Having said that, Reddy did not take it lightly.

After obtaining the talents of the Lunaria clan, he had a certain ability to protect himself, but it was not enough to make him feel at ease.

Originally, Reddy was not very interested in the Shadow-Shadow Fruit. At most, he used it as experimental material.

However, after discovering that Ryoma’s clones became swordsmen without any enhancement, he had a bold idea.

While Reddy was organizing his thoughts, the clone was finished.

Reddy put aside his thoughts for the time being and moved the clone into the transformation workshop. He consumed one million energy to add an exoskeleton with super strong defense to the clone.

“With strong defense and specially strengthened physique, the maintenance capacity should be enough.” Reddy admired his latest masterpiece with satisfaction.

He did not need this clone to fight, but only required the clone to be able to protect itself.

Then the clone merged with the ability of the Shadow-Shadow Fruit and was summoned by Reddy.

“Lord Reddy, do you have any new inventions?”

Several assistants except Hurd saw that Reddy had summoned a clone that they had never seen before, and seemed to take it very seriously, so they put down their research and surrounded him.

“A small experiment.”

Reddy did not hide anything from them.

He was inspired by the original book.

The ability of the Shadow-Shadow Fruit is very magical. As long as you put someone else’s shadow into your body, you can get the opponent’s moves.

The assistants were amazed and amazed. He was indeed a genius scientist praised by Vegapunk, so they became more interested.

Next, Reddy let the new clone activate the fruit ability, cut off the shadow of the clone Ryoma, and then stuffed it into his body.

“It seems… there is a reaction!”

Reddy carefully sensed the changes in his body, and the corners of his mouth gradually rose.

This is a very subtle feeling, and it is impossible to describe this wonderful feeling in words.

Reddy signaled one of his assistants to fetch a saber.

Soon the saber was in hand.

As soon as he got it, Reddy’s eyes became brighter.

If the subtle feeling just now could not be described in words, then it was particularly clear now.

A cold light flashed!

The assistants only felt a flash in front of their eyes, and when they looked again, Reddy seemed to have not moved.

Reddy’s mouth corners were harder to suppress than AK at this moment. He walked quickly to the experimental table and blew gently at the microscope.

“Lord Reddy!”

The assistants witnessed Reddy blowing the microscope into two pieces in one breath, and the gap was as smooth as a mirror, which was immediately amazing.

Reddy smiled.

After fusing with Jin’s genes, he gained the talent of the Lunaria tribe. Usually, the flames behind him were not revealed, which brought him unparalleled speed.

Unparalleled speed plus the swordsmanship inherited from the Dragon Horse clone.

The combination of the two created this swift knife that was so fast that people couldn’t see it clearly.

Reddy was very satisfied with this experiment.

Ryoma’s clone inherited Ryoma’s swordsmanship, and he also inherited the swordsmanship by using the ability of the Shadow-Shadow Fruit.

So what if the shadow of Ryoma’s original body was integrated?

Reddy was a little excited.

If the experiment succeeds, we can be considered a great swordsman.

Except there is no domineering.

The only problem is that Ryoma has become a corpse, is his shadow useful?

Reddy couldn’t be sure, and immediately started a new round of experiments.

Everything has a shadow, including corpses.

Moria’s clone quickly cut off Ryoma’s shadow and stuffed it into Reddy’s body.

This time Reddy felt a little uncomfortable, as if someone poked his nostrils with a finger.

“The quality of the soul?”

Reddy thought about it, guessing the reason why the results of the two experiments were different.

But he gave up soon.

This is not a field he can understand.

As long as the result is good, everything is OK.

To get the best experimental results, the laboratory is not a suitable place.

Reddy left the clone and walked out of the institute.

Several assistants were already fascinated by Reddy’s experiment and hurriedly followed him.

The group came to the outside of the institute.

At this time, Perona had regained her sense of superiority over Bonnie and ran away contentedly.

Bonnie was sulking when she suddenly saw Reddy and his group walking out of the institute. The child’s curiosity took over and she followed them.

Reddy stood in the open space, signaled several assistants to set up a few targets for him, and then waved to let them retreat to a safe place.

“What are you doing?”

Bonnie couldn’t understand what Reddy wanted to do at all and couldn’t help asking.

Reddy turned around and smiled, and his right hand rested on Qiushui’s knife handle.

Bonnie was immediately choked with anger.

But the next second, she only felt a flash in front of her eyes, and Reddy actually appeared behind the targets, and she opened her mouth in surprise.


As the blade was sheathed, the upper half of the targets slid off.

“Aren’t you very weak?”

Bonnie was so shocked that she was a little incoherent, pointing at the targets and shouting.

Reddy turned around and smiled mysteriously.

The child really doesn’t know how to talk. I am a real strong man now… Okay, maybe not yet.

I’ll make up for the three-color domineering and show it off another day.

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