Smogg dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, Grimm's armed domineering fist could be regarded as scaring him, it really hurt!

"Cut ~ stay and stay, what is the spirit?"


Green's phone worm suddenly rang, and after connecting it, the voice of the Sengoku came.

"Has the task already been received?"

"Oh, is it a mission to monitor the Hundred Beast Pirates? Already received.

"Well, be careful not to conflict with them, if you are sure, collect their information as much as possible, and determine if Kaido the Hundred Beasts have any thoughts about the country of Wano."

"Got it, Sengoku General." Green pouted in response, wasn't Kaido's actions clear enough? What else is the need for confirmation.

Hanging up the phone, Green waved: "Get on board!" The

Navy soldiers boarded the ship in an orderly manner, and Green asked Joel to give Smog some points to look out for, and then boarded the ship as well.

Although Smogg is still young, a natural Devil Fruit ability is similar in strength to the previous Joel, and defense will not be a big problem.

As Joel entered the power room, the warship quickly accelerated away from the port, slowly accelerating towards the direction of Wano Country.

"Hahaha, it seems that that guy Grimm has high hopes for you!" Okham watched the warship leave, turned to Smogg, who was still grinding his teeth, and smiled.

"Bah!" Smogg's face was full of defiance: "I'm going to overtake him sooner or later, and then I also punch a big bag on that bastard's head, hum!" Watching

the tsundere Smogg run to the training ground, Occam spread his hands and left.

"Funny little ghost!"


Wano Country is not close to the Nistad Kingdom, and Grimm needs to sail for nearly a month to reach it, passing through territory occupied by more than one powerful pirate group along the way.

Green did not hide his whereabouts in the slightest, and swaggered across the pirate's territory.

"Ahem, my lord, are we really okay like this?" Dadi said with a solemn face.

This has already entered the territory of the pirates, which will definitely attract their attack.

"Hey, heehee, what are you afraid of? We are the Navy, we should be afraid of them!

Green calmly looked at the deep sea in front of him, and said indifferently: "It's okay, the new world is like a pool of stagnant water now, and we just muddy it a little."

"When the water is muddy, it's good to touch the fish!"

Although he didn't understand, Harlan nodded his head sharply on the side, feeling that what the boss said was too reasonable.

"Pirate ship spotted ahead!!"

Suddenly the navy on the lookout shouted a loud warning, and in an instant all the navy moved, the bullets were loaded, the shells were loaded, and the swords were clenched.

Green walked a few steps to the bow of the ship, and sure enough, a pirate ship came straight in front of him.


Without any communication, the pirate ship suddenly turned sideways, and several shells flew out, exploding one after another next to the extremely fast warship.

"The pirates attacked, hit me hard!"

"Fight back, fight back! And the gunner? "

The number of guns on warships is scarce, only one or two cannons for window dressing.

But obviously the warship did not expect these cannons, Dudi sneered and walked next to Grimm, and a dense hole suddenly appeared on his body, and the dense number of people who looked at it felt hairy.

The sound of 'boom' sounded one after another, a cloud of gunsmoke spread in front of Dadi, and the dense shells first appeared suddenly, and after leaving his body, they began to appear, slamming into the pirate ship in the distance.

Fortunately, the naval soldiers in the castle have already undergone countless drills, and there will be no simultaneous firing of guns, otherwise the dense number is really difficult to say that it will not collide together after it becomes larger, causing a safety accident in which the shells explode before they fly out.

The pirate ships on the opposite side were frightened and stupid, they just fired a few shots, and the opposite side immediately returned the dense number of shells, which is too worthy of themselves.

And the question is, at best, there were two or three cannons on that warship, where did those shells come from?


Dense explosions came from around the pirate ship, and the pirate ship in the style of a medium-sized sailing ship was dead in the explosion, and even the larger planks could not be found.

Green nodded with satisfaction: "Well, it seems that the Jiancheng Fruit is indeed an excellent fruit to make up for the lack of firepower, not bad!"

Dadi grinned and said, "When we get some newly developed high-power cannons in the future, our firepower will be even stronger!"

Green's eyes flashed, now I don't know if Vegapunk has come to the world government, but he has developed a lot of high-power weapons, when the time comes, those pacifists can fire a laser is good.

The warship came to the place where the pirate ship was blown up, and randomly salvaged a few pirates who were not yet dead, and someone tortured the intelligence.

"Lord, they are members of the Quetzalcoatl Pirates, this is a team that came out to operate, the strongest of them is just a pirate with a bounty of 200 million, and the rest of them are still in the base camp." Dark One rushed to report as soon as possible.

Green nodded, some small roles, not worth paying attention to, how can the real value be this kind of guy who is finished with a round of shelling?

Dark One thought for a while, and then asked, "Sir, what happened to those captives?"

When Green heard this, he looked up at him, secretly shrunk his neck, and immediately bowed: "The subordinate knows!"

Green waved his hand casually, and stopped caring about it.

Dark One respectfully withdrew, and went directly to the place where the prisoners were held, and several killers immediately looked over when they saw him:

"Captain, are they...?"

Dark Yi's entire face was covered under the black towel so that people could not see the expression clearly, and he just reached out and swiped it around his neck and left.

Several killers' eyes flashed coldly, and they immediately turned their heads and pulled out the short knife on their waist.


Poof~" "

Ah..." A

few crisp and neat sounds of falling knives, accompanied by a few short screams stopped, and then a few sounds of falling water.

"Is there any information about the Quetzalcoatl Pirates?"

As soon as Dark One came back, he heard Green's question, and quickly replied, "Yes, but it's not too detailed."

"It's okay, bring it."

Soon a document was placed on Green's desk.

The strength of the Quetzalcoatl Pirates can only be regarded as medium in the New World, not to mention that compared with the top pirates such as Whitebeard and BIG·MOM Pirates, even the previous Macmillan Pirates are much stronger than them.

The high-end combat power of the Quetzalcoatl Pirates has four people including the captain and the deputy captain, the captain is an animal line snake snake fruit ability, his fruit ability is very peculiar, obviously an ordinary snake snake fruit, but it gives him two good abilities, which is why he led his subordinates to occupy a place in the new world.

"With both poisonous and extreme speed, running fast as if it were a short flight? Well...... Fly on the grass? "

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