The warship of the red dog moved slowly, farther and farther away from the coast.

Green stood on the deck, squinting at the fading Nelson and Sweet and the others, his journey had just begun.

"Green, Lord Lieutenant General has a request." A Navy soldier walked over.

"Okay, I see." Green nodded politely.

The Navy soldiers under Red Dog were obviously much more elite, and Green felt that if they fought with the navy of Division 13, they could even fight several of them one by one.

This is not an illusion, the soldiers of the Navy headquarters are originally stronger than the Navy of the division.

It's like the Navy Six, only the major level in the branch will come into contact, and the headquarters, just pull out a person to estimate that he can use some fur.

"Knock knock~

" "Lieutenant General Akainu, I'm Grimm."

"Come in.

A thick voice sounded inside the door.

Green pushed the door and walked in, only to see Sakaski sitting in a chair with a cigar in his mouth, looking at himself with a scrutinizing face.

"Green, what is your purpose in becoming a Navy?"

The red dog spoke directly and asked Green a question that Major Sweet had once asked.

Green stood straight, and the whole person was like a sharp javelin, and his body suddenly exuded an awe-inspiring coldness.

"Let the world have order!"

Chi Dog's eyes moved, obviously not satisfied with Green's answer, and said in a low voice: "I read Nelson's report, and he praised you in the report, saying that you assassinated half of the enemy's high-ranking officials as an undercover agent, is this true?" "

Fifteen years old, a fifteen-year-old boy, broke into the enemy camp alone, and successfully killed half of the opponent's high-level manpower, which sounds a little unbelievable.

Green shook his head: "I don't know if the lieutenant general's intelligence was wrong, or if Brigadier General Nelson said it was wrong, I didn't kill half of the enemy's high-level, plus only one-third of the people I assassinated in the final battle." The

red dog was silent for a moment, these things Green did not need to lie, because this matter could not stand up to investigation at all, if he lied, even if he could get momentary attention, he would lose all this after the investigation was clear.

"So, Grimm, would you like to consider staying on my ship?" Chi Inu took a deep breath of his cigar, puffed out a puff of smoke, and said lightly.

Green was stunned, is the red dog recruiting himself?

However, he had his own plans, so he said directly: "Sorry, Lieutenant General Akainu, I want to go to the headquarters training camp system to learn the basics first, and after graduation, I will strive to enter your command." To

be honest, Green still admires Sakaski, although he sometimes treats pirates more extremely, advocates 'complete justice', and will ruthlessly destroy everything that may become 'evil', but his justice is undoubtedly the most firm.

Compared with the yellow ape's incongruity, and the laziness of the green pheasant after being hit, he is undoubtedly the most fierce fist in the navy.

Following such a person is sometimes very good, at least in the treatment of pirates, he absolutely supports you.

Chi Inu nodded, he also saw from the intelligence that Green had not been systematically trained, but had only been trained in the five major families for three years.

"Well, wise choice!"

The conversation between the two fell silent, Akainu and Green were not people who talked much, and the scene fell into an awkward situation for a while.

Green glanced at the red dog and said softly: "Lieutenant General, if it's okay, I'll leave first." "


Green turned to leave, and the red dog fell silent.

Green has passed his test, and it seems that he is not an undercover agent sent by other forces.

His original route did not include here, but he accidentally saw Nelson's report, and he suddenly became interested in a teenager with such potential, so he volunteered to deviate from the course and come specially to come.

According to Nielsen's follow-up report, he was very pleased with Green's performance.

"Treat the enemy without leaving a living mouth, every blow is a killing move, a good seedling!"

Well, in fact, he just fancy Green's style and treats the enemy without leaving a living mouth, which is simply the same as his style, such a talent does not get to his own ship? Is it thrown to the yellow ape that guy who is out of tune?

Red Dog's warship has all kinds of facilities, even more than one training room, and after Green found out, he immediately found a person with few people and began to test himself.

“...... 982、983、984...... I lean, carry two hundred kilograms, and can still do a thousand push-ups, is this guy a monster?

"Don't talk, he hasn't stopped."

"It is said that this little devil is going to enter the training camp of the headquarters, can people with average talents enter?"

"It's also true that Lieutenant General Sakaski came out of the training camp."

Listening to the whispers of the naval soldiers, Green frowned and immediately stopped.

I just wanted to test my current physical strength, but I didn't expect to attract so many onlookers, which is not in line with my low profile.

Thinking about it, he casually picked up the clothes next to him and left under the awe and doubtful gazes of the naval soldiers.

"Huh? What about the boy just now?

"Well, I seem to have seen him leave just now, and I don't remember a little..." "I didn't

pay attention, probably... Let's go.

Green once again sighed at the power brought by the stone hat, he had just left in full view, and let so many people subconsciously ignore himself, if it was an enemy, he took the opportunity to wipe their necks without knowing.

And the red dog side also received a report about Grimm, he looked stunned, Grimm? Oh, that kid! It seems that he is old and his memory is a little bad.

Akainu: I think I'm only fucking thirty!!

Not mentioning the depressed red dog, Green returned to the room while again taking out the information given by Major Sweet, which recorded two people.

"Well, a bounty hunter who is fifteen or six years old, blonde hair, good physique, and good at using a spear, this is a bit similar, but that guy from House seems to like spears with shields, you can ask someone from the Navy headquarters to inquire."

Saying that, he picked up another piece of information: "Unknown age, perennial hooded face, golden hair, suspected of having superhuman demon fruit, using fists to fight, a newcomer pirate on the great voyage..."

"With House's personality, he should not become a pirate."

Green knows House's character very well, he and he were forced to jump into the sea with pirates, and without getting news of himself, House will also avenge himself, and will definitely not let himself become a pirate he once hated.

So Green could almost immediately determine that it was unlikely that the person in the second intelligence was House, and of course, it could not be ruled out that he had amnesia due to his injury.

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