The more you draw, the more you will get.

"Isn't this the Giant of Light?"

Although Xia Chen was drawing densely, he was quite satisfied with the things in it, so he picked a few.

Eve, who was transmitting sunlight from the outside world, gradually dimmed.

Its "core ability" was taken away by Xia Chen.

However, Xia Chen did not touch its physical properties, so it would not collapse on the spot like the giant vine on Sky Island. According to Xia Chen's prediction, Eve would not die, and one day it would be able to restore its previous ability to transmit light.

He took another look, and saw many virtual light balls in front of him. Most of them were related to the materials on Eve, such as branches, leaves, and pipes. Xia Chen even stepped on the energy pipe.

As a result, he got something like some kind of translucent glass.

"Reflected in? It seems that this Eve is not the devil fruit tree."

In the original work, there is not much coloring of Yangshu's chin, but according to Oda's habit, it is impossible to say that Yangshu Eve and Baoshu Adam have no connection between them. It is absolutely impossible that they are just a supporting role.

But the facts in front of him told Xia Chen that Yangshu Eve might be man-made.

The purpose is to provide sunlight for Fishman Island.

He continued to collect more than a dozen times, but the result was still full of "material" light balls.

It seems that he has to admit it. God-level collection skills can't go wrong, right? !

Just as Luffy shouted, Xia Chen left.

He appeared on the ship in an instant, pulled a space door, and they appeared again, and they had come to the sea.

But they accidentally plunged into the storm.

The range of this storm is hundreds of kilometers, and any wave is dozens of meters high.

But with Xia Chen, they don't have to worry at all. Luffy even asked Xia Chen to drive the boat to chase the waves and not to leave in a hurry.

Chopper, Usopp, Brook and others begged Xia Chen not to listen to Luffy's nonsense, and the three of them joined forces to deal with Luffy, asking Luffy to shut up quickly.

Although there is no need to worry about the ship being destroyed and people dying with Xia Chen.

But the risk factor is still too high to travel under this thunderstorm.

But Xia Chen was also happy to do so. Just when he was planning to leave here as soon as possible, he opened another space gate and arrived near Dressrosa.


"General White Dragon, General Yellow Monkey, have seen Fishman Island." Tina reported.

After confirming the purpose of the World Government, Xia Chen had already asked the clone White Dragon to set off, and brought Yellow Monkey with him. Yellow Monkey originally came to inform Xia Chen to let Xia Chen set off as soon as possible.

But who knew that he would be pulled onto the boat by this guy in the end.

Standing on the boat and looking at this thin bubble membrane, Kizaru was very anxious.

After all, as a Devil Fruit user, he was very afraid of sea water, and always felt that the outer membrane would suddenly break.

Now it has reached 10,000 meters under the sea, it is too late to leave, and he feels that with his own ability, he may not be able to run out.

Unlike Bai Long or Xia Chen, who are so perverted, he is just a normal human being, and the older he gets, the lower his physical strength.

If he were not a natural Pikachu Fruit user, he might have fallen below the combat power standard of the general emperor level.

After all, he is the most accustomed to cheating and playing tricks among the three generals of the same level.

But the main reason is that the ability of the Pikachu Fruit is too perverted.

There is no such great motivation to surpass others' decades of efforts with just a little practice.

"Very good, prepare to enter the port, and stop that Dragon King Xia Chen. What kind of person is he, daring to call himself Dragon King!"

The marines below echoed loudly. They were quite confident in Xia Chen's strength, even fanatical.

After all, Admiral Bailong's record is real and verifiable!

They felt that if Xia Chen was not too young and the current Navy Admiral had just taken office, this Xia Chen would be the most suitable to be the Navy Admiral. He was powerful, compassionate to his subordinates, conscientious, and kind-hearted.

Facts have proved that when a person has an innate filter for another person.

They will greatly ignore the shortcomings of the other person, and then continue to magnify and beautify them.

"Old Huang, don't be nervous. Isn't it just Fishman Island? Don't worry, I can bring you here, and of course I can take you away." Xia Chen looked at Huang Yuan, who looked normal but kept glancing around, and laughed.

It looks like he has never been to Fishman Island.

Huang Yuan said: "I'm just worried that my salary will be deducted."



A general of the headquarters cannot compare to someone like Bailong who is assigned to an outpost. He gets special allowances, but we only get a fixed salary. "

"That's not right. I should be a general of the headquarters." Xia Chen corrected, "Tina, is there any change in my military rank? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm sorry, General Bailong, Tina doesn't know either. "Tina shook her head and looked at Kizaru, hoping that he could give an explanation.

Kizaru knew that they had misunderstood, and that he had just spoken without thinking.

"I'm not talking about the rank or military position, but..." After Kizaru's explanation, Xia Chen understood that he had misunderstood.

Or maybe Kizaru was too serious.

My identity had not changed, but I was just a general stationed outside the headquarters, and I only received a few million more than Kizaru and Fujitora every month.

He was too superficial.

But it didn't matter, anyway, I was just making small talk, and continued to ask questions along with Kizaru's words to divert the other party's attention, and then they entered smoothly from the gate of Fishman Island. Kizaru was still surprised, Why can't I see the guards of the Dragon Palace?

But the situation inside is normal, with noises everywhere and fishmen, mermaids, starfish, conchs...

Seeing the land, Kizaru can't wait to flash over. When he is about to step on the ground, the surrounding scene suddenly seems to be distorted, and then there is a thunderous explosion.

In just a moment, the whole Fishman Island exploded, and Kizaru was so scared that he didn't have time to activate his observation Haki, and he was swept by the fierce flames and sea water. In just a moment, he felt a strong sense of powerlessness and suffocation, and then the life-and-death crisis continued to stimulate his cerebral cortex nerves.

Let him try to regain consciousness.

But this didn't work. The explosion caused The turbulence formed huge whirlpools, constantly pulling him, and from time to time some iron pieces, wood blocks, and gravel merged into the whirlpools, like broken sharp blades. Soon he was cut into tattered clothes, bleeding, and his body was covered with wounds of all sizes.

As for Bailong and the others, he could no longer care.

There were only two thoughts in his mind:

First, why did Fishman Island suddenly explode?

Second, Bailong, you are such a scumbag, can you still escape?

The former is more important, and he tried his best to maintain his sobriety.

But after being wrapped in sea water, his strength was only one hundredth of what it was, and his body was not crushed immediately because of the existence of a large number of vortices. .

And as the fastest fruit ability user, he has never used seawater and seastone to train his abilities.

Because he thinks it is meaningless, no one can catch him.

Still afraid of being restricted by seastone, isn't this a joke?

If you have this time, wouldn't it be good to go fishing, wash your feet, and trim your nails?

So the laziness and comfort of the past has now turned into deep regret.

As his blood flowed more and more, the whole person began to feel dizzy in front of his eyes, and finally fell into darkness. I don't know how long it has been, it seems like a few minutes, and it seems like a lifetime.

He felt someone talking and tapping his spot.

"Hey, Lao Huang, wake up!"

He opened his eyes and saw a dazzling white.

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