
As soon as Dr. Kuleha led everyone into the castle, he shouted at the top of his voice, and his steps began to stagger. He was holding the bottle of plum wine in his hand, and he had drunk half of it in a blink of an eye.

Chopper, who had been hiding in the dark and peeping from the opposite side, ran out subconsciously.


“I leave the person to you, Chopper!”

“Yes, Doctor Doriel!” Chopper said, “Follow me.”

At this moment, Chopper spoke very firmly, and he was completely different from his timid appearance before.

Everyone was happy to accept his command and thought about how to abduct the ship doctor on board.

We are here now!

Because Luffy was sick, and there were not so many stories like in the original book that Luffy and it had a bond. According to the current situation, it is unknown where that Walpo has gone, and it is impossible for him to return at this time.

Is he going to abduct him by force? After all, we are here now.

There is a probability of success, but this Dr. Kuleha should not be a simple person.

Ordinary normal humans can’t live to 140 years old.

There is even another saying on the forum in the previous life, that Blackbeard attacked Drum Island. Although it was for fame, he didn’t wreak havoc, not only because he didn’t want to leave a bad and irreparable impression on the navy, but also because he was afraid of Dr. Kuleha.

Although this statement is ridiculous, there are many supporters.

Xia Chen’s observation color can’t sense the life strength hair, and know the true strength of Dr. Kuleha. Of course, the collection technique can work on Garp, and it is also the same for Dr. Kuleha. He can get a rough idea after collecting it once.

After all, the experience accumulated before is sufficient.

But Xia Chen can’t do it.

He has his own moral bottom line, and he can’t repay kindness with enmity.

Even though the experience of being forced to drown in his previous life cast a shadow and darkness on his once passionate heart, the great motherland has laid a solid moral foundation for him since he entered school, allowing him to grow up to be a “person” safely.

Change is not so easy and thorough!

Let’s get back to the point.

Chopper, who works hard, looks very capable and imposing.

He did not use the corresponding treatment methods directly according to the decision given by Dr. Kuleha. He checked it himself and confirmed that it was correct before starting the treatment. The process was very simple and took less than 10 minutes.

Chopper wiped his forehead.

“Finish, finish…ah, human!” He was full of confidence in the first second, but was scared and jumped four feet high in the next second, ran away in a hurry, and knocked down many bottles and jars.

Xia Chen took action in time and controlled these things in the air with water flow.

“So magical, so beautiful.” Chopper still had the mind to pay attention to this, but soon the whole person hid behind a medicine shelf in the opposite direction. Looking at everyone quietly.

“You are Chopper, right? Thank you, your medical skills are great.” Even Xia Chen couldn’t help but be touched by it, and he praised it generously.

Sure enough, Chopper was touched and twisted his body like noodles, “Bagayalu, Huluyalu, even if you are praising me, I won’t be happy…hahahahahaha.”

“So cute.” Nami’s eyes were filled with obvious love. But thinking of the resistance of this little deer before, she stepped forward without authorization.

“Ah, female human… Hey, Bagayalu, Huluyalu, even if you are praising me, I will…”

This contrasting performance, except for Kalu, the rest of the people present were easily captured by Chopper, and Xia Chen sighed secretly, it turned out that this is indeed a pet that a tough man should keep.

Who doesn’t like Chopper!

Then, under Xia Chen’s persuasion, Chopper was tricked into coming over, and he was rubbed hard in his hands. Although he resisted, his whole body was as soft as noodles, and he seemed to be enjoying it.

Later, Nami easily held him in her arms as a doll, and no one was allowed to touch him except Xia Chen.

Although Nami developed very quickly during this period and achieved the transformation from A to B, he was not jealous of Chopper at all. After all, Chopper is not a human, even if he ate the human-human fruit.

At the same time, he also paid some attention to the left side of the room exit.

His observation color clearly captured Dr. Kuleha. Although the other party had left before, he returned later.

It is impossible that she is worried about Chopper’s medical skills, but just can’t let go of Chopper. After all, this is her “stupid son”!

The bottle in her hand was already empty, and her eyes were empty, and I don’t know what she was thinking.

Soon a day passed.

Xia Chen fell from the sky on the clouds,He patted the snowflakes off his body.

He just went to the dock to take a look.

After settling the others yesterday, Xia Chen went to find Bolton… He convinced him with reason and spent a sum of money to let him help repair the Merry.

It only needs to be reinforced a little, and Xia Chen needs to make up for the wasted day later.

Arriving in Alabasta as soon as possible, ending the conspiracy of Crocodile, the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and reassuring Vivi earlier. Of course, the most important thing is that they can also hide the world government and the navy as much as possible.

Complete Xia Chen’s next transformation plan for the Golden Merry.

The current ship is too small, and it is really inconvenient to do anything.

“So beautiful!” Chopper, who was making a snowman with Usov, looked at Xia Chen with shining eyes. Xia Chen immediately understood, summoned a ball of steam reinforcement, surrounded Chopper, and carried him to the sky.

Then a series of packages of deadly roller coaster + deadly Ferris wheel + deadly pendulum + deadly pirate ship were arranged for Chopper.

When he put it down, Chopper was already dumbfounded, but he was laughing very happily.

Then Xia Chen entered the castle.

He went to see Luffy and Vivi. Their conditions had improved a lot, but Luffy, who was still awake, fainted at this time. Fortunately, his breath was stable and he was expected to wake up this afternoon, and then they could set off.

Then Xia Chen came to the top floor of the castle. The cold wind was howling and the ice and snow were blowing in his face, but they were all blocked outside by a layer of high-temperature steam.

“Try again!”

When Xia Chen boarded the island, he had the idea of ​​collecting magnetic fields, but unfortunately he failed after trying it yesterday.

Because he found that it was useless to lock something with his own thoughts. On the surface, he was collecting magnetic fields, but in fact he was collecting air and then obtained a portion of pure oxygen.

After that, Xia Chen did not use it again, but he made some preparations today.

He found an open space on the roof, then took out some gravel from his pocket and arranged it into a pentagram with a sense of ceremony.

I don’t know if this is useful, but these stones are magnetic and come from the magnetite mine on the Drum Island.

Since this island is named so, it naturally has more than just doctors. There were not many other industries in the past, among which it was famous for making record pointers.

Unfortunately, this business was later banned by the World Government, so they can only develop the medical industry.

In addition, magnetite mines are not rare in the world.

They don’t have so many needs themselves, so since Valpo issued the “Doctor Twenty” decree, the economic development level of the Drum Kingdom has declined at a visible speed.

Xia Chen waved his hand on the hexagram, but he actually couldn’t feel anything.

“Collect once, target magnetic field!”

“Collect successfully, congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill: magnetic field induction!”

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