
The abbey of Frevans.

“Huh? Lingyun, there was a sudden commotion outside, and there seemed to be some uninvited guests on the other side of the port. Saron frowned and looked in the direction of the port.

Because of the arrival of naval warships.

Like a fuse, Frevans, who was not quite right, immediately became commotion and chaos.

The whole street became a mess, and the residents fled in panic.

The only remaining order was gone.

“Is the Navy’s pursuit finally here? And also deliberately chose to be in Frevans, the world government is really ruthless. Ling Yun narrowed his eyes slightly.

Because of platinum-lead disease.

The country of Frevans has been abandoned by the world government.

Therefore, treat this place as a battlefield, and do not worry about fishing boats and losses.

“Pursuit of the Navy?!”

Sister Mary’s face changed drastically, and she looked at Law with some concern.

“Sister Mary, you think too much, since I have become a member of the Asura Pirates, I will naturally protect Luo’s safety, and I will never let him suffer the slightest harm.” Ling Yun smiled lightly.

“Robin, Saron…”

“Ready? Let’s go give the Navy a meeting gift! ”

Ling Yun looked at the other two companions.

“Teach them a good lesson!”

Saron’s huge eyes burst with fierce fighting intent.

He hates the Navy!


Soon after.

Opposite the port of Frevans.

“Everyone obeys orders.”

“I’m about to arrive at the port, and everyone cheers me up, and once I go ashore, I immediately block the entire port.” The pheasant ordered methodically.

“Yes, Lieutenant General Kuzan!”

The Navy soldiers rose to echo.

“Kuzan, hard work on you, everything is under your command.” Karp stretched.

“Lieutenant General Karp, if you see the outside, you will be spared, and Lingyun will be handed over to you to deal with.” The green pheasant said with a serious face.

“Hahaha, rest assured, the old man’s iron fist is not vegetarian.” Karp let out a hearty laugh and patted the pheasant’s shoulder hard.


Right at this time.


A strong aura that was enough to crush the firmament suddenly came out from the direction of the port.

“This breath…”

The two of Qinghe and Karp changed and changed their faces.

With their strong and domineering appearance, they naturally instantly sensed the danger coming from the front, and an extremely dangerous aura appeared in that direction of the port.

“Trouble, it seems that Lingyun is ambushing us!” The green pheasant pulled his throat and ordered with a majestic face, “Pass the order down, and everyone will enter a state of alert!” ”

As the pheasant’s order was quickly given, the four warships slowed down.

But it was too late.

Something suddenly happens ahead!


The originally calm sea suddenly rioted, and a dark red sword qi chopping wave rushed like a crescent moon, and the sea was split in half everywhere it went, and the turbulent waves rolled violently.

“What? I’m not mistaken, the sea was split! On another warship on the side, Lieutenant General Ghost Spider was so shocked that the telescope fell off his hand.

“It seems that we have all been underestimated, and we have taken the initiative to launch an offensive towards the warship. That Lingyun boy is even more courageous than expected! On the deck of the dog-headed warship, Karp was not angry, but there was a hint of praise in his words.

He straddled the sea for thirty years.

Since becoming a naval hero, as long as you see the dog head symbol on the warship, every pirate will not be scared to run away, even the sea pirates of the New World.

Karp’s iron fist.

It’s a nightmare for the vast majority of pirates!

“Kuzan, I’ll leave it to you.” Karp looked at the pheasant calmly, “Freeze the entire sea.” ”


The pheasant responded confidently.

The moment the words fell, his figure instantly disappeared in place.


The green pheasant stepped on the air and came to the front of the warship.

“Ice Age!”

The pheasant stepped forward at a critical time, bursting out the power of the frozen fruit, easily freezing the entire sea, completely freezing the turbulent waves.

Just for a moment.

A huge ice sculpture towering into the clouds, towering like an insurmountable graben, brings a visually stunning effect.


The red sword qi chopping wave followed.


With a deafening loud noise, under the gaze of countless naval soldiers, the crimson sword qi chopping wave and the ice sculpture collided, and a huge vortex appeared around the two, and the tumbling sea water swept around like a torrent.

Even the largest top-level warships are floating in the torrent of chaos.

The whole sea suddenly rioted!

“Green pheasant, relying on the power of the frozen fruit, you can actually stop my slash, it seems that you have not been wasted in the past six years.” Lingyun’s voice came from the port.

Ling Yun, dressed in a white robe, appeared on the harbor with leisurely steps, followed by Robin and Salon.

Although there are only three of them.

But it brought indescribable oppression!

“Asura Pirates, it’s really you!” The green pheasant’s face was gloomy and angry, and his gaze shifted to Salong, “Salong, what a long-lost meeting.” ”

“Kuzan, I haven’t seen you for a long time, I didn’t expect that after six years, we would meet again in a hostile position.” A determined look appeared on Saron’s dark face.

Even if he had a deep friendship with the pheasant back then, that was in the past.

Today’s Salong has long dissociated himself from the navy, and is now a navigator of the Asura Pirates!


“Brother Lingyun, I didn’t expect you to be much younger than in the photo, it seems to be much more tricky than expected.” Karp finally spoke.

He stared intently at Ling Yun, and an imperceptible look of vigilance flashed in his vicissitudes and deep eyes.

The moment we met.

Standing on the port, Lingyun brings a sense of oppression.

Even if it is as strong as Karp, after sensing this compression, he instinctively tensed the nerves of the whole body.

Intuition told him – Ling Yun was stronger than any opponent he had met before!

“Naval hero, Iron Fist Karp, I didn’t expect that even you would be dispatched this time!” While Karp was secretly observing, Ling Yun was also looking at him.

The appearance of Tekken Karp.

Finally made him a little serious!

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