Pirates: Hades!

Chapter 143

The invasion of the Pluto Pirates has pushed the coalition forces, which were already at a disadvantage on the front line, into a deeper quagmire.

One navy branch after another was destroyed and slaughtered.

The hidden secret storage bases were also found by Hades and easily removed one by one.

Starting from the south to the north, the coalition's reconnaissance network continued to collapse.

The first to be affected was also the southern front.

Without the replenishment from the rear, the coalition's supplies directly entered a stage of scarcity.

After holding on for a while, the soldiers' daily rations of supplies were reduced.

Without enough guns and ammunition and logistical reserves, how could there be enough strength to resist the aggressive pirates.

They could only transfer some supplies from the G5 fortress.

The efficiency of the Pluto Pirates' actions exceeded the coalition's imagination.

No matter what, the coalition could not catch the Pluto Pirates.

The Pluto Pirates are like a greedy hyena, staring at your ass, but you can't do anything to them.

The rear of the coalition is like the back garden of the Pluto Pirates, allowing them to come and go freely.

The speed of the Falazul can easily shake off the pursuit of the navy warships.

There were two times when the navy was lucky, and the patrol ship happened to encounter the Pluto Pirates, and the patrol ship surrounded the Pluto Pirates.

Several navy warships are in the same sea area.

They can see each other.

In this case, even Hades can't avoid it.

Before the support of the coalition arrived.

The Pluto Pirates broke through the encirclement with their powerful strength, and all the coalition forces that blocked them were killed.

The speed of the Falazul made the pursuing navy warships watch the Pluto Pirates leave.

When the support had not arrived, the Pluto Pirates had already fled.

In the case that the front-line combat power cannot be easily mobilized, no one in the rear guard can resist the Pluto Pirates.

The only one who can be counted on is the army general "Lanlong" who has the ability to fly.

He wants him to use his powerful strength to solve the Pluto Pirates.

But it is useless.

"Here comes that guy again."

The Falazul sailed quickly on the sea, and Hades's head turned, feeling a familiar and powerful breath.

It is not a problem for Hades to open the observation Haki all day long.

Especially during this period, Hades needs to search the location of the secret storage base of the coalition forces.

The coalition forces are not vegetarians either. Every time a naval branch is destroyed, it can roughly determine which sea area the Pluto Pirates are in.

The relationship between the location and distance of the secret storage base and the naval branch itself hides some knowledge.

Hades uses this to determine the approximate location, and then searches within this range.

During this period, the encirclement of the coalition forces came like this.

This is what the two sides are competing for, to see who is more efficient.

The Pluto Pirates can always escape through loopholes in this process.

The coalition forces only had a few chances, but the Pluto Pirates escaped.

Another secret base was found by Hades, but the supplies in it were moved away in advance, leaving Hades empty-handed.

After discovering this, the Pluto Pirates fled as soon as possible.

Sure enough, the Army General "Lanlong" was on the way.

"Lanlong", who turned into a wind pterosaur, kept looking towards the sea, apparently looking for the traces of the Pluto Pirates.

Never underestimate the power of the navy.

The overall movement trend of the Pluto Pirates is from south to north.

It seems that the coalition forces have judged in advance that this base may be found by Hades.

In this confrontation, it can be said that the coalition forces successfully defended.

But Hades didn't care, even if the coalition forces transferred all the supplies, what would happen?

The logistics of the coalition forces ultimately need a transit station for transportation.

Otherwise, the cost will be very high and the probability of being discovered will also increase.

Along the way, the G42 Fortress has been destroyed by them.

Their target is all the secret storage bases and naval branches.

Even if a few storage bases slip through the net, it will not affect the overall strategy of this operation.

The transportation network has been destroyed by half.

Now the coalition forces want to transport supplies, they can only pass through the north where the Pluto Pirates have not yet ravaged.

As for the south, the inhabited islands are watched by the intelligence personnel who will arrive later from the Rocks Pirates.

Once the news of the approach of a transport ship will be passed to Hades, he does not mind a surprise attack.

By then, the role of the Rocks Pirates' intelligence personnel will be brought into play, and Hades will keep an eye on all exposed transport ships.

Or just wander around the important bases in the rear close to the coalition front, such as the G5 Fortress.

Once a transport ship approaches, intercept and destroy it as soon as possible.

Some helpless thingsThe coalition's ships are not enough. Such a huge war requires a large number of warships and transport ships.

War damage and looting.

Blockade of the front line, warships.

In the process of searching for the Pluto Pirates, hundreds of warships need to be mobilized.

In the past two years, the cost of building naval warships alone by the World Government has been a huge price.

Even the navy saves as much as possible.

Those that can be used and can still last will not be scrapped.

There are traces of repairs on many naval warships.

And construction is far slower than destruction.

The backwardness of the coalition is not only a disadvantage in the front-line war, but also affects all aspects.

"Titan, hold that guy back and buy time for us to leave."

Obviously, Hades does not want to be targeted by "Lanlong". Once targeted, it will be a bit troublesome.

With the speed of "Lanlong", it is impossible to get rid of it, even with Titan's obstruction.

No matter how fast the Falazul is, it can't compare with the "Rain Dragon".

Leave this sea area as soon as possible before being discovered.

This task is very simple for Titan. Just slightly reveal the aura on his body and naturally attract the "Rain Dragon".

As long as the direction of the search of the "Rain Dragon" is deviated, or it is a few dozen minutes slower, it will be impossible to catch the Pluto Pirates this time.

"It's you again."

Seeing the familiar huge figure, the face of the "Rain Dragon" who turned into a wind god pterosaur turned black.

Spreading his wings and flying quickly into the distance, he knew that the Pluto Pirates were in this sea area.

This is not the first time, how could he let the Pluto Pirates' plan succeed.

Although Titan is a mythical beast devil fruit ability user, "Rain Dragon" is only an ancient species.

And in terms of flying speed alone, Titan is a little worse than "Rain Dragon".

Seeing that "Rain Dragon" wants to leave, Titan opened his mouth and shouted "Hell Roar".

At the same time, he spread his wings and chased after it.

Hades has super long-range observation Haki. When "Lanlong" entered his perception range, they were still hundreds of kilometers away.

At such a distance, the probability of "Lanlong" finding them is not high.

However, one thing cannot be ignored, that is, as an animal-type devil fruit ability user, his nose is not ordinary.

Even if this is an endless sea with a sea breeze.

If you follow the remaining breath after the Falazul passed, it is still easy to find the Pluto Pirates.

The role of Titan is to interfere with "Lanlong"'s judgment and subconsciously affect his flight trajectory.

In this regard, Lanlong just wants to curse.

Doesn't he know Titan's plan?

But there is no way, he will be affected unconsciously.

Knowing that the opportunity to catch the Pluto Pirates is right in front of him, but it is far away.

This feeling really makes him feel depressed.

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