Pirates: Hades!

Chapter 192

The Rocks Pirates' actions were considered a failure.

But it won't end so easily, this is just the beginning.

Directly shift the target, or target the islands passing by, the pirate fleet loots while walking.

The crazy Rocks Pirates make people realize what real fear is.

Which island was slaughtered today, and that town was looted tomorrow.

The red marks on the nautical chart continue to spread, these are all the seas they have invaded.

Pirate warships are scattered, looting several targets at the same time.

If it is said that the Rocks Pirates' horror was just a rumor, and now it has really been brought to the whole world.

What can the World Government do? They can only try to stop it.

For a time, the four seas and the first half of the Great Route were in chaos.

However, all this is within the tolerance of the World Government. The member states are the main thing. The looted member states have not been destroyed. Even if the royal family is slaughtered, there are people surviving outside.

At that time, just support one person to take the throne.

As for the others, the impact is not that big, and it can't hurt the foundation of the World Government. After the Rocks Pirates leave, we can just send some supplies to appease them.

The killing brought by the Rocks Pirates will also make the Navy have countless young soil willing to join.

"It's a terrible situation, and those people above are actually quite satisfied?"

Garp complained a little.

In front of him was a mess, blood, corpses, everywhere.

What else can be left in the place ravaged by the Rocks Pirates?

Crane on the side sighed, "For them, as long as the member states are not in trouble, these are all trivial matters. A large part of our strength is used to protect the member states, and it is difficult to spare energy to fight against the Rocks Pirates."

"In order to prevent us from making targeted attacks, the pirate corps of the Rocks Pirates in each sea area have united."

"The Navy Headquarters and the Red Earth Continent both need someone to protect them."

"If you don't pay attention, the Rocks Pirates will attack."

"In the previous war, the affiliated forces of the Rocks Pirates, the affiliated pirate groups, attacked the G1 Fortress. If it weren't for the Army General Lanlong, the G1 Fortress might have fallen."

"It's really too passive."

The Rocks Pirates went completely crazy, killing and looting.

Many affiliated pirate groups also went completely crazy. Influenced by the Rocks Pirates, one pirate ship after another passed through Fishman Island and entered the first half of the Great Route.

So much so that the entire pirate group became crazy.

Rioting pirates!

A chaotic world!

The sea seemed to have turned into a pot of burning hot oil, boiling hot.

Endless chaos, collapsing order.

"What happened to this world?"

Countless people felt as if the sky was about to fall.

Chaos was everywhere, where could they hide safely?

This situation lasted for two months, maritime trade was affected, and the economy of the entire world was in recession.

Almost all forces were affected.

The fear of Rocks seemed to penetrate into the bone marrow.

The World Government and the Rocks Pirates were constantly at war. Every time the Rocks Pirates targeted a member country, the World Government had to send people to resist.

But sometimes it was unstoppable, just like the flying fleet of "Golden Lion" Shiki.

Even if the CP0 general could stop Shiki, what about the pirates under Shiki?

How could the speed of the admiral riding a warship compare with Shiki's flying speed?

Charlotte Linlin, who got inspiration from Shiki, went directly to the Sky Island at 10,000 meters and used the floating clouds combined with her own abilities to create the floating cloud Homies, who also had her own air force.

Several member states were plundered and killed, but the World Government had no way to deal with it.

Rocks even targeted the Navy Headquarters. In the end, the Navy tried its best to repel the troops led by Rocks, but lost a large number of navy, and the Navy Headquarters was also destroyed by more than half.

In addition to the pirates, the underground forces began to be restless, and those gangs began to take advantage of the situation to make trouble and grab territory.

This was a reshuffle of forces started by the Rocks Pirates.

With such an impact, even some member states that were sitting on the Diaoyutai could not sit still.

The kingdom was forced to block contact with the outside world. It might be okay in the short term, but over time, the operation of the kingdom would be affected. Maritime trade was the economic source of some kingdoms.

While putting pressure on the World Government and the Navy, it further armed its own kingdom army and purchased a large amount of arms.

It is difficult to protect yourself without weapons. During this extremely chaotic period, a large amount of guns and ammunition flowed into the sea and were spread all over the world through merchants.

Even an ordinary civilian withIf there is no extra money, they must be equipped with a flintlock for self-defense.

The evil of human nature began to erupt in such a period. In order to survive, some people can do anything.

Sometimes, friends around you can no longer be trusted.

In the past, if the Rocks Pirates only attacked the World Government and the Navy, weakened their power and reputation, and affected the stability of the world.

This time it is more direct and more intense.

No one could have imagined that the Rocks Pirates could do this.

Two months later, the Rocks Pirates also felt a little tired. They had obtained enough things.

The warehouses of each pirate ship were filled with various treasures, and Bailey could be said to have returned with a full load.

The World Government did not stop them. In order to protect the member countries and for the next World Conference, they dispersed most of their combat power, and could only send a small part to rescue the islands in the sea.

In most cases, it was just "delayed justice".

There was nothing we could do about it.

The Navy lacked money and people. If they wanted to recover and grow, they had to wait until the World Conference was over.

No matter what the Navy and the World Government are doing now, they are all working for the next World Conference.

The sea where the crazy Rocks Pirates ran wild has completely shocked the sea and these member states.

In the open situation, the Navy and the World Government have completely fallen behind.

It can be expected that the member states will have to support the World Government and the Navy in the future, and they will support them with all their strength.

The fear brought by the Rocks Pirates is something that most member states do not want to experience again.

The member states that have been invaded still exist, but they will experience some political turmoil and the reconstruction of the kingdom.

The mess left behind is destined to need someone to deal with it, and the losses will also take time to recover.

In fact, the damage suffered is beyond imagination. Every time the Rocks Pirates leave, many pirates will take the opportunity to come and drink soup.

Most of the kingdom's troops have been destroyed. How much power can resist these pirates?

Moreover, these pirates are very cunning. They will escape after grabbing a sum of money and dare not stay any longer.

The chaos in the sea will not end with the departure of the Rocks Pirates. Once it starts, it will be difficult to stop.

This is what the Navy will strive for next, and it cannot stop for a moment.

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