Pirates: Hades!

Chapter 243

"It's really troublesome. I didn't expect such a change to happen."

Hades was about to succeed the throne, and he received bad news from the Kurozumi family.

In front of Hades, there was a Den Den Mushi with a witch-like face. It was the current head of the Kurozumi family, Kurozumi Makuharu.

"Hades, what do you say we should do? If that damned little bastard from the Kozuki family noticed it, our business will definitely be affected in the future."

Kurozumi Makuharu's already ugly face became even more terrifying. Hades could hear her inner anxiety, but Hades's expression did not change at all.

Hades already understood the overall incident.

He had to sigh that this Kurozumi Makuharu was really a talent. Just like her appearance, she liked to play tricks.

Over the years, she spread the plague and caused many Wano residents to get "infectious diseases".

For this reason, some Wano residents had to be blocked and had to "die".

Or she bewitched these seriously ill Wano residents to go to the outside world for treatment.

These residents of Wano Country were deceived in this way.

Kurozumi Makuchan also used the ability of the imitation fruit to transform into many legendary monsters in Wano Country, and "ate" and "killed" the residents of Wano Country on the edge of Wano Country in the name of these monsters.

There are also various ways to exchange a large amount of materials and funds from Hades to become the largest slave trader in Wano Country.

Although there are not many people in the Kurozumi family now, people are always greedy. This way of getting money is too easy, and Kurozumi Makuchan can't stop.

However, the Kurozumi family did too much and was inevitably exposed. Some traces were caught by Wano Country, and it seemed that someone was playing tricks.

The origin of all this came from Kozuki Oden.

At this time, Kozuki Oden is already 21 years old. According to some information provided by the Kurozumi family, Kozuki Oden has become the daimyo of Le Jiuli.

Originally, Jiuli was a lawless place, like hell, full of thugs and some black businesses.

Many actions of the Kurozumi family used Kuri as a transit station to avoid the sight of the daimyo of Wano Country.

However, as Kozuki Oden transformed Kuri and became the daimyo of Wano Country, all this will change.

The actions of the Kurozumi family were eventually exposed and were noticed by the people of Kuri.

It was discovered that someone was plundering the population. With the identity of the son of General Kozuki Oden and the prestige in the hearts of the daimyo, Wano Country has now taken action.

It was also found that the plague in recent years was caused by human factors. It is unknown who plundered a large number of Wano Country population.

This news completely shocked Wano Country. The Kurozumi family has stopped the actions they have been taking, secretly shrinking the people outside, and returned to the Black Snake Island.

If you are not careful, you may be discovered.

"It's okay for the time being."

Hades, who knows Kurozumi Makuharu, knows that there are only some hidden dangers at present, and it has not reached that dangerous level.

Otherwise, Kurozumi Makuharu would have called earlier.

"It's OK. The group of ninjas from Oniwaban have been bribed by me, and now they are mainly gathering intelligence outside. Any news related to us will be covered up for us directly."

"I also have to thank the Shogun's Mansion and the daimyo. If they didn't pay little attention to the power of ninjas, I wouldn't have been able to bribe them so quickly. With their help, our deal won't be exposed for the time being."

"Hee hee..."

Heitan Muchan explained with a sly smile.

Ninja is a very old profession in Wano Country. Like samurai, they need to practice hard from childhood, and what they learn is very complicated.

However, in the general environment of Wano Country, samurai are the orthodox, and ninjas who hide in the dark and like to attack are generally looked down upon by others.

Oniwaban is an organization specially prepared by the Shogun's Mansion for ninjas, accommodating many ninjas.

To a certain extent, it is also for the convenience of Wano Country's management of ninjas, and Oniwaban's role is indeed not small.

In addition to Oniwaban, there are also many small ninja organizations among the people of Wano Country.

Long-term neglect has made countless ninjas in Oniwa Fan feel dissatisfied.

At this time, the Kurozumi family extended an olive branch, and Oniwa Fan was immediately lured over by the Kurozumi family.

In addition, the Kurozumi family now has too much money to spend.

In addition to the money offensive, corruption, and luring some unsuccessful politicians in Wano Country.

The Kurozumi family can also use some cheap things on the sea to exchange for high prices in Wano Country.

Even so, the Kurozumi family is still dormant.

And Oniwa Fan, who has mastered some secrets of the Kurozumi family, also saw the potential for the rise of the Kurozumi family. In addition, the Kurozumi family has given too much, so forTheir attention is unprecedented.

The Kurozumi clan has no samurai.

"But Hades, we have to hide for a while recently and avoid the limelight."

"Then wait until the limelight is over, and we will temporarily stop the population trade and focus on precious minerals such as seastone."

Hades doesn't mind. Of course, the more people the better, and it's okay to stop for a while.

He doesn't believe that the greedy Kurozumi clan can hold back?

How easy it is to rob money!

When the situation calms down a little, the Kurozumi clan will definitely start again, and this time there is also the cooperation of the Oniwaban.

It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is more difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

In addition to expanding military strength, according to intelligence, the Kurozumi clan also controlled two or three secret islands in the waters near Wano Country and relocated some members of the Kurozumi clan.

Before the plan was successful, Kurozumi Makuchan had already begun to prepare for a retreat.

Hades couldn't help but sigh at her cleverness. In the future, she will be able to make Wano Country go around in circles with her own strength and usurp the position of Wano Country's general in a legal way.

It's just that she met Kaido, who is unreasonable.

Compared with population, seastone is also an important strategic material, as well as various ores for making weapons in Wano Country.

There are quarries and mines in Wano Country, and the Kurozumi family controls several of them, especially seastone mines.

"If you get into trouble, you can seek help from others. You should be familiar with many monsters, right? Even if you don't know them, I can help you."

"My territory is in the middle of the New World, which is still too far away from Wano Country. If you want me to take action personally, these are not enough."

"That guy named Oden has grown up to be no weaker than the core cadres."

"You should know, right? Kurozumi Makuchan, the only thing that can deal with monsters is monsters!"

Hades gave his own advice.

As for the World Government, although he has the intention, it is too early, at least wait until Roger becomes the Pirate King.

If he can read the historical text and has a signpost stone, maybe Kozuki Oden will leave Wano Country and know all the truth.

By then, the threat of Wano Country to the World Government will reach its peak.

On the other side, Kurozumi Makuchan pondered. She did not expect that during the time of the Rocks Pirates, the Kozuki clan suddenly killed Kozuki Oden, a monster among monsters.

She obviously took Hades' words to heart.

Should we find helpers? In order to defeat the Kozuki clan, it is completely okay to give up some interests. After all, Wano Country is a treasure land.

Who should we find?

Captain John? Silver Axe? Bondi World?

Or the two new stars "Ba Long" Zack and "Demon King" Nash.

These are all those who have not yet established a fixed base.

In short, I didn't think of Kaido, this little Karami.

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