Pirates: Hades!

Chapter 515

Kozuki Oden's sword greatly boosted the morale of Roger's pirate group.

Rayleigh secretly glanced at Dragon, and he finally guessed a little bit of Dragon's thoughts.

Realized this.

Rayleigh directly left the CP0 general, and his figure in the sky rushed down like a meteorite, holding a black knife in his hand, aiming directly at a candidate of the God's Guard.

Rayleigh's sudden action made the CP0 general stunned.

Realizing that something was wrong, he spread his dragon wings and quickly chased after him, trying to intercept Rayleigh.

Dragon's reaction was faster, and he appeared under Rayleigh in the blink of an eye.

"Dragon Claw!"

As soon as he made a move, Rayleigh's Griffin strangely avoided his claws and hit his chest.

"God avoid!"

The semi-elemental body was forcibly interrupted, and Dragon was knocked out thousands of meters.

The CP0 general had no time to catch up, and Rayleigh's figure had already fallen.

The God's Guardian candidate was too late to find Rayleigh coming. He didn't expect that someone would turn away from his opponent and target him.

The terrifying pressure of the Dominator's Territory combined with Rayleigh's falling might as well be a mountain pressing down on his head.

Facing this mighty Celestial Dragon.

Rayleigh's eyes were full of killing intent.

A knife wrapped in the color of the Dominator chopped directly on his abdomen.

At the same time, an arm was chopped off directly.

It was a pity that he couldn't be killed directly, but the broken arm and the heavy injury were enough.

Colonel Muren, who was originally suppressed, stepped up his offensive and began to counterattack.

Rayleigh himself turned around and chopped, and the ground under him collapsed under the terrifying force.

The CP0 general who came over was covered with dragon scales, and the claw wrapped in domineering was accurately blocked by Rayleigh.


Rayleigh laughed and shouted, and his voice spread throughout the battlefield.

With the absolute gap in strength, they had no hope in such a two-on-one battle.

That is to say, in the melee, relying on the amazing tacit understanding of the crew, they can hold on for a longer time.

Kozuki Oden's counterattack and Rayleigh's target shift are just the beginning.

In any case, the Roger Pirates are at a disadvantage, so there will be more opportunities to counterattack.

If they don't fight back, they will just die like a frog in warm water.

The sacrifice of their companions has long accumulated a lot of anger in their hearts.

The primary target of the Navy and the World Government is their most important core combat power.

Then they will shift their targets to the weaker strong men of the Navy and the World Government, especially those potential new stars.

Captain Roger doesn't know what to do.

Even if they are doing it, it takes time to brew.

All they can do is delay more time.

Until now, they can't care about anything else. The fish will die and the net will be broken. This is undoubtedly the mentality of the Roger Pirates.

If I don't have a good life, you can't have a good life either.

Even if I die, I will bring them huge casualties.

In such a chaotic situation, the advantages of Roger's pirate group can undoubtedly be maximized.

The World Government and the Navy will definitely not be able to exert their full combat power as before.

With concerns in their hearts, those young monsters in the Navy and the Celestial Dragons are undoubtedly the objects that these strong men need to pay attention to.

Sure enough, except for Roger, who is still facing Garp and Sengoku, the battle has not changed.

The entire battlefield is in a mess, and the two sides are mixed together to fight.

It is no longer divided into small pieces of battlefields like before.

The battlefield situation is more complicated, and it is more necessary to be careful of attacks from others.

Like Kozuki Oden, Rayleigh and Jabba, they are still facing the siege of two or even three strong men.

But if there is a chance, they will still help their companions.

Maybe a small shot can save the life of a companion.

Even if they may suffer a blow from others.

This is nothing to them. With monster physique and strong domineering, they will not be seriously injured before their physical strength is exhausted.

Obviously, in this situation, the situation of Roger Pirates has improved a lot.

Especially the change of rhythm, which gave them a breathing space.

Even a short moment is important.

Crane, who did not participate in the battle, remained calm about the change of the situation.

This was just the last struggle of Roger Pirates, which could not change the overall situation. Roger Pirates as a whole were still suppressed.

A simple change was just a little more time.

In her opinion, Roger Pirates had difficulty turning over, and seriously injured members kept withdrawing from the battlefield.

In other words, casualties increased a little.

An army general, a candidate for the God's Guard, two navy vice admirals, three army vice generals, and a CP0 agent.

Such losses are still within the acceptable range.

Many of them are monsters of Roger Pirates and have been affected.The ones who were killed at the cost of being injured, and under the cover of other members, they had no time to evacuate.

However, the price paid by Roger's Pirates was equally heavy.

Even with injuries, they still insisted on fighting, and even wanted to die with their enemies and launched suicide attacks.

Facing crazy enemies who were determined to die, some losses were unavoidable for Crane.

Another day passed, and more than ten members of Roger's Pirates died.

Many of the remaining fighters have reached their limits. After all, they are often facing the siege of multiple strong men.

In this situation, physical strength and domineering are rapidly consumed.

That strong fighting will, there is no thought of giving up, wanting to fight to death.

Scars all over the body, blood almost covered the whole body.

From passive resistance to fighting back despite injuries.

Even Kozuki Oden's body suffered a lot of damage.

But the combat power has not decreased, and the Yan Mo in his hand seems to have sucked blood and looks more weird.

The enemies who fight him will be killed.

The more they fight, the more terrifying the killing power of Yan Mo, who has swallowed a lot of domineering energy.

The battle continues, and Lian He did not notice that the sea is strangely calm.

There seems to be something wrong in the deep sea.

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