Pirates: Hades!

Chapter 542

The war subsided, and the Roger Pirates disappeared on the sea.

The sea still did not fall into peace. Although there was no major war, it was more chaotic.

In order to support this war, the navy drew a large number of marines from the four seas and the various naval bases on the Great Route.

At the beginning, the navy sent a total of 100,000 elite soldiers.

After the war lasted for two months, another 30,000 soldiers were added.

The loss of troops alone was close to 50,000.

In terms of losses, the World Government far exceeded the pirates.

Although no one has calculated it, it can be seen through some channels.

In terms of middle and lower-level combat power, facing the pirates who survive in the cruel New World, they are completely at a disadvantage.

Over the years, the navy has been separated from the New World. Even the naval bases established in the New World, except for the G1 Fortress, are only a few cats of different sizes.

In addition to passive defense, there is basically no ability to launch an active attack on pirates.

First, the cleanup of the front section of the New World, and then the long-term war with the Bondi Pirates in the West Sea, and finally the destruction of tens of thousands of soldiers at once.

In addition, the Blood War Island has been consuming the navy's strength since its outbreak.

Although the navy is recruiting soldiers, the elite has been losing, and it can be said that there are not many.

Without the tempering of the harsh environment of the New World, even the so-called elite navy is nothing.

After all, in the navy, being able to survive two or three wars is already considered a veteran.

Although the number of pirates is small, the average strength is completely dominant.

A large number of troops have been withdrawn, and the dominance over the sea will naturally decline.

Especially in the Four Seas, there are only a few navies that can be said to be strong and deterrent.

All of them were transferred to the New World at once, which directly led to the decline of the overall strength of the Four Seas Navy.

This situation gave those forces hidden in the dark an opportunity to gather in the Chaos Sea. The pirates on the Chaos Island got the news and were ready to move.

Only one month after the outbreak of this war, the Four Seas, the trade route of the Great Route, was invaded by a large number of pirates.

Although the navy had been prepared and stopped many pirate attacks, a large number of merchant ships were still looted, and the Four Seas Navy itself suffered considerable losses.

On the contrary, some guilds hired to protect merchant ships became famous overnight. As long as they paid a certain amount of money, they could attract powerful guild members with good strength.

Of course, there were also some failures. Many guild missions failed and they were defeated and killed by brutal pirates.

However, outsiders never paid attention to these losers.

On the contrary, the media and newspapers wrote about the successful guilds, and their reputation soared for a while.

In contrast, people only magnified the failures of the navy and kept criticizing them.

It cannot be said that the guilds are better than the navy, but for the development of the navy, many forces are tacitly suppressing it.

The world government is weakening, and the influence and power of the navy and its active range are constantly weakening.

This is especially obvious in the past twenty years.

If you can draw a picture, you can clearly see that the navy's regular activity area has been shrinking.

In many sea areas, the influence of the navy has been negligible, and the order represented by the navy is gradually being replaced.

The navy has always had the idea of ​​expanding conscription, such as expanding conscription to one million.

At the same time, more naval bases are established in the four seas to cover more sea areas.

However, such plans have been implemented, and they have never succeeded.

The overall military force has not increased, and there is no extra money to build naval bases and more warships.

In a sense, the chaos in the world is also related to the decline of the strength of the world government and the navy.

The weaker the navy, the more chaotic the world will be.

This shows the importance of the navy to world peace and stability.

The chaos in the sea has severely impacted the interests of the member states, the world government, and many forces.

In addition to searching for traces of the Roger Pirates, the navy needs to send people to stabilize the trade routes that are no longer safe, clean up, and expel the pirates who are running around.

If necessary, the stolen materials and money must be taken back.

The dumping of various materials is actually very troublesome.

Pirates do not have the ability to sell these materials.

Even among the underground forces, not many people would want these supplies.

Except for the really valuable ones or the arms.

This gave rise to another profession, the dark merchants.

They bought the dirty goods with money far lower than the value of the goods themselves, and then let them flow into the market through special channels and sell them.

For pirates who don't know the specific value, these dark merchants can often madly lower the price. The lower the price, the more they earn.

Some well-known blackDark merchants can often make a lot of money.

The more chaotic the sea is, the more pirates there are, and the more they make.

This time, many pirates took the opportunity to attack the trade route. It is hard to say that they did not push it secretly.

For the sake of profit, they can do anything.

Especially this time, the chaos in the four seas is a feast for them.

A large amount of materials flowed into the Chaos Island, the Dark Island, and the black market.

Many dark merchants are selecting suitable goods on the island.

These islands are where they buy goods.

Facing those pirates who are waiting to sell goods and reveal stupidity in their eyes, they are just idiots who give money in their eyes.

They only need to spend 10 million or even 5 million to get materials that can sell 100 million Baileys. Isn’t this just robbing money?

Most pirates are people who don’t know the goods, and those who have vision are only a minority after all.

The four seas are the ruling foundation of the world government, and nothing can happen.

With the end of the war, a large number of high-ranking and core forces of the navy were transferred to the four seas.

The Navy Headquarters has issued an order to conduct a thorough cleanup of the pirates in the four seas.

It is imperative to stabilize the four seas thoroughly and deal with those pirate groups that have emerged.

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