Pirates: Hades!

Chapter 616

The war has been going on for a month.

It has been nearly two months since the Great Pirate Era began.

Most of the navy's elite troops were transferred to the New World to participate in the bloody battle with the New World pirates.

As the Great Pirate Era fermented, the entire sea was completely in turmoil.

Influenced by the words of "Pirate King" Goldo Roger before his death.

Countless people who were unwilling to be ordinary, mediocre, and poor were aroused by ambition.

Flocked to the sea, plundering money, treasures, and looking for the legendary great treasure!

For a time, countless pirates appeared on the sea.

The number of pirates expanded rapidly, especially in the four seas and the first half of the great route.

In just one month, the number of new pirates on the sea has exceeded the previous year.

The huge number of pirates made the sea completely lively.

Without the suppression of the navy, countless pirates began to act recklessly and plunder crazily.

The transformation from an ordinary person to a pirate may only require one battle and one plunder.

Once there is one, there will be countless times.

I don’t know how many islands and towns have been affected, and suffered from the impact and plunder of pirates. I don’t know how many families have been destroyed because of the arrival of pirates.

Suffering is spreading. Without the containment of the navy, it is difficult for most islands to stop the attacks of pirates.

Allied countries, whether in foreign trade or coastal areas, have been impacted by countless pirates.

Smaller islands and countries are still more difficult. As long as they have a certain amount of troops and powerful weapons, it is not difficult to resist the invasion of pirates.

And larger kingdoms, despite having larger territories and stronger troops.

But these pirates are omnipresent and can always find areas without troops to take advantage of.

When the army or guards who received the news arrived, the pirates had already fled, leaving a mess.

Once is okay, but no kingdom can withstand the harassment again and again. One loss can be borne, what about ten times? Dozens of times?

Many new pirates will disguise themselves as ordinary travel ships or merchant ships to enter the kingdom.

The impact of this is that many kingdoms began to blockade the entire kingdom.

The communication between the islands was abruptly cut off by dangerous pirates.

Economic trade had to be reduced.

Except for some powerful countries, most of the member countries suffered heavy losses.

For a time, the arms market of the entire sea was very lively, and the huge demand for arms led to a lot of increases in the prices of various arms.

In particular, the highly deterrent warships and artillery received a large number of orders.

In today's dangerous sea, a warship with powerful firepower is necessary to protect the security and stability of the country.

Facing most pirates, they have a strong deterrent power.

Under the powerful firepower, an ordinary pirate ship can't hold on for long and is destroyed.

Although the huge loss of interests has not reached the level that the member countries cannot bear.

But this is only more than a month.

Over time, it is difficult to persist even with a strong foundation.

Wealth was plundered, people were sacrificed, and if it was not curbed, the negative impact would be far-reaching.

It could even lead to civil strife in the kingdom.

Before the situation reached such a dangerous level, we needed to find a way to solve this problem.

The first thing that the member states thought of was the navy and the world government.

The world government has the obligation to protect the member states.

However, the world government refused on the grounds that the military expenditure was insufficient and most of the troops were gathered in the New World to resist the vicious pirates.

This is indeed a fact. Although there is not much information about the specific bloody battle in the New World, most of the combat power of the navy and the world government is gathered in the New World.

There is no way to protect the member states and clean up the pirates.

Most of the naval bases in the sea can only protect themselves, manage their own small acre of land, and the more important trade routes.

Not many can help the member states.

Even if some naval branches themselves have close interests with the member states, they don’t want to confront those vicious pirates when their forces are withdrawn and their troops are insufficient.

It is totally not worth sacrificing one's life for a little money.

If the navy seriously eliminates pirates and fights with all its strength, it will definitely achieve considerable results.

No matter how many pirates there are, most of them are just ordinary people. Even if there are outstanding ones, they don't have enough time to grow up.

With the powerful firepower of the navy warships, it is not difficult to deal with these pirates. Even if they cannot be completely solved, they can eliminate some of them and suppress the expansion of pirates.The momentum of expansion.

Unfortunately, under the tacit laissez-faire policy of the World Government, the Navy also began to rot.

Except for a few important islands and kingdoms, the Navy's scope of activities on the sea was reduced several times.

Without the suppression of the Navy, the sea was completely in chaos, and it was many times more chaotic than in the past. For a time, demons were dancing wildly.

The laissez-faire policy of the World Government, against the backdrop of the Great Pirate Era, undoubtedly made the world realize the importance of the Navy.

The Navy has always been struggling to maintain the order of the sea. Even if the situation on the sea is not very good, it is still many times better than it is now.

This sea cannot be without the Navy.

For a time, countless people expected the Navy to come out to save them.

The prestige of the Navy rose unknowingly.

Some people only think of the Navy when they are in danger.

Unfortunately, most of the Navy's power is now entangled in the New World.

They can only hope that the war will end soon and the World Government can win this war.

At the same time, the notoriety of "Pirate King" Goldo Roger, who opened the Great Pirate Era and caused countless tragedies, continued to spread, and countless people hated and cursed him.

Roger caused all this!

Almost a month after the war began, the World Government was also constantly negotiating with the member states, and the only remaining Five Elders, Pit Saint, was doing this work.

Things went even better than he imagined.

The member states did not object to the increase in the amount of Sky Gold, but it would take some time to negotiate the specific amount of Sky Gold.

The World Government's goal was undoubtedly achieved, and the next step was how to maximize the benefits.

And end this war in the New World.

The World Government's laissez-faire policy was undoubtedly successful.

But there are naturally disadvantages to advantages.

There are many new pirates on the sea, and the best time to eliminate them is when they just go to sea.

In particular, there are many young pirates who have considerable potential but need time to grow.

During this window period, they will grow up rapidly.

When the navy comes back to clean them up, it will be too late and will take more effort.

They could have been killed before they grew up. If they missed this opportunity, there will definitely be more pirates who can survive the pursuit of the navy in the future.

There will also be more pirates who would have been buried in the sea, surrounded by the navy, and failed to show their talents.

There will be more pirates who will rise, and there will even be young monsters who can impact the new world pattern and occupy a place.

In the long run, the laissez-faire policy is obviously not good.

The first batch of pirates in the Great Pirate Era has the largest number and is easier to deal with.

If this opportunity is missed, this large number of pirates will be a good supplement to the pirate force that has suffered huge losses due to the bloody battle, and the overall strength will recover quickly.

However, for the World Government, this is undoubtedly the best choice.

They could not refuse the declaration of war by the Pirate Alliance.

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