Pirates: Hades!

Chapter 693

Hades' biggest fortune was the "Golden Town" of Sky Island, Shandora.

Including the Golden Bell, there are a total of 2,000 tons of gold, worth 6 trillion berries.

6 trillion berries is a lot, but it can't bring much added value to the Kingdom of Chronos.

Compared with the overall annual income of the Kingdom of Chronos today, it is not a sky-high price.

No matter how precious seastone is, it is not as good as gold. No matter how rare it is, it is more than gold.

Because the seastone mine on Dragon Island is large enough.

Although seastone is very useful, its too hard material makes it difficult to use effectively.

It is very useless for most forces.

It is far less convenient to use than gold.

This is also the main reason why the value of seastone is lower than that of gold.

The real wealth of this sea is actually on the sea.

Because only a part of the land is on the sea, and more land is covered by seawater.

And the so-called mineral veins can only be mined as a tip of the iceberg.

The development of ocean resources and space is the further development direction of the Chronos Kingdom.

This world is much bigger than imagined.

Moreover, no one can occupy this island alone, especially after the news of the seastone mine was exposed.

Even Hades would not allow it.

The benefits are destined to be divided.

If the seastone mine was under Hades' own control, he would naturally hope that the price of seastone would be as high as possible.

Unfortunately, it is not.

Maybe soon, or maybe it will take some time, a chaotic war will break out on Dragon Island.

By then, it will not be just one top force that is eyeing this island, but two, three or even more.

The new world is destined to be restless.

It has only been a few months since the end of the bloody battle, and all the forces that suffered heavy losses in the bloody battle need enough time to recover.

Is the dispute going to break out so soon?

The spread of news was extremely fast and without signs.

But there is no doubt that the entire sea, especially the entire new world, was alarmed.

Even on Paros Island, where the Kendo Tournament was in full swing, many people were talking about it.

However, no matter how high the value of the seastone mine is, it has nothing to do with ordinary people.

This is a game of power, and it only belongs to those top forces.

The World Government doesn't care about the final result, because their plan has been successful.

The Tyrant Pirates will protect the seastone mine, that's for sure.

Even if the various forces that eventually occupied the seastone mine united and restricted the World Government like the Tyrant Pirates.

The World Government doesn't care.

This also broke the general monopoly of the Chronos Kingdom and the Eternal Kingdom on the seastone mine.

The Chronos Kingdom and the Eternal Kingdom can no longer obtain seastone through the Black Charcoal Family as before.

Because the Black Charcoal Family will also lose the power to help the Tyrant Pirates sell seastone.

Other top forces will not allow it either.

Pirates are greedy and will naturally maximize their profits.

The World Government remains vigilant about the Chronos Kingdom and the Eternal Kingdom.

They could have cooperated closely before.

With the World Government being kicked out, the original cooperation agreement was naturally abolished directly.

The World Government can buy seastone through Happy Street.

As an underground force, Happy Street, which maintains good relations with all parties, will not be rejected by those top forces.

Just spreading a message is a way to kill two birds with one stone for the World Government.

Although "Golden Lion" Shiki is on Paros Island, he got the news at the first time.

It takes time to spread the news.

It is enough to see how powerful the intelligence force of the Sky Pirates is now.

Although he was a little surprised at the value of the seastone mine, he did not take any action.

He was not in a hurry. With his strength and power, he could intervene at any time. Let other forces make trouble first, and he could just be the fisherman to benefit and reduce losses.

Besides, that island was originally his goal.

The ancient weapon he longed for was there.

The specific things still need to be planned.

The sudden news affected his plan in a sense.

Next, more people will definitely pay attention to Dragon Island.

This is not conducive to the Feikong Pirates' search for ancient weapons.

Moreover, Shiki actually does not want to expose the ancient weapons in advance.

This is a big killer at a critical moment, and it can also catch the World Government off guard.

The World Government is so powerful.

If several powerful forces can be eliminated first, it will definitely have a huge advantage in the war between the Feikong Pirates and the World Government.

Moreover, the destructive power of ancient weapons is far more than that simple.

He wants to destroy the World Government.

However, as long as the ancient weapon is found, Shiki will take it away as soon as possible.

The action of searching for the ancient weapon cannot be too big, and only those who are truly loyal to him can complete this task.

Shiki does not trust the members of the pirate group. If he is not careful, the news about the ancient weapon will spread to everyone.

Reinhard has been cultivating such people since the establishment of the intelligence agency.

Once they are stationed in Dragon Island, they can start to act.

Wano Country is not big, and it is only a matter of time to find it.

The second to get the news is the Big Mom Pirates, but similarly, Linlin did not do anything unusual.

Although they want to share a piece of the pie, the Big Mom Pirates' territory is too far away from Dragon Island.

Besides, she is not in a hurry to act.

With the two major forces of the Big Mom Pirates and the Monster Legion, they can tear off a piece of meat if they insist on intervening.

The Beasts Pirates, the Demon King Pirates, and the Five Peaks Pirates did not behave in a strange way.

However, their attention had already been directed to the territory of the Tyrant Dragon Pirates.

They knew.

That guy would make a move.

That's right, it was the Silver Axe Pirates to the north of the Tyrant Dragon Pirates.

The Silver Axe Pirates had long been eyeing the Dragon Island, and had even launched a war invasion before.

Unfortunately, they failed and were repelled by "Tyrant Dragon" Zack.

As the news spread, the Silver Axe Pirates would definitely not continue to endure.

A new war is about to begin.

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