Pirates: Hades!

Chapter 732

New North Starting Point Island.

As the name suggests, it is the starting point of the New World to the North Sea.

Because there are many trade port islands connecting the four seas, this naming method is used, and it is simple and clear.

When you come here, you can see an extremely spectacular scene.

The entire island has been artificially razed to the ground, and you can see it at a glance.

A large number of porters work on the island.

Manpower, mechanical crane operators, and even giants work on the island.

On the island, there are also conveyor belts as dense as spider webs.

A large number of materials are transported from the port to the island turtle through the conveyor belt, saving a lot of manpower.

At the port, cargo ships are constantly docked and unloading goods.

It can be said that on this island, few people can rest and need to work continuously.

Because the locations of the various port islands are not far apart, they are connected to form a circle.

Not only each island is guarded by a 3,000-man army led by a lieutenant general of the army.

There is an island in the middle of the eight port islands, where an army fortress is located.

Warships can be used to support each island at any time.

The army general currently stationed in this fortress is the "ferocious god" Tartarus Barrett.

Now the development of the Kingdom of Chronos in the north has been completed.

The slow infiltration outward requires the navy to develop.

The main task of the army is actually to guard.

Here, time is money.

The first thing to do when you arrive at the port island is to register the quantity of goods, container numbers, and container placement areas.

Then there are special people to command.

The sooner you arrive at the port island, the sooner you can set off.

After all, there is a limit to the amount of goods that the island turtle can carry.

Once saturation is reached, the island turtle will set off.

The remaining batch of goods can only wait for a while.

Although when one island turtle sets off, the other island turtle has almost unloaded the goods from the terminal island of the new world.

But loading takes time after all.

It will take about half a month.

Arriving at the New North Starting Point Island, the Black Emperor Pirates saw such a scene. On such an island where most people were busy, those who came for the first time felt a little at a loss.

Especially Teach felt it more deeply.

He had worked in the port of Paros for a long time, and it can be said that he was learning while working.

In his eyes, the port of Paros is already the largest port in the world.

Although he has not been to many places.

He had heard of it before, but he did not expect that the so-called trade port island would be so big.

The whole island itself is a port.

After all, the port island was also built in the last four years, and the trade system of the Kingdom of Chronos reached its peak because of it.

A port island can support nearly 100,000 people, or even more.

At the port registration office, the administrator was a little surprised to see the arrival of the Black Emperor Pirates, and his eyes fell on Teach.

But there was no malice.

"Marshall D. Teach? I know you. What cargo do you need to transport?"

"Our ship has sixty-four people."

Lubbock had already understood the process in advance and pointed to their "Mourning Mother".

"Okay, this is the area location and number." The administrator wrote a note and handed it to Lubbock.

The staff on the side was entering relevant information on the computer.

"And the shipping fee for the ship, and the shipping fee for your sixty-four people."

This price is not cheap, and it will cost five million Baileys in total.

However, for the Black Emperor Pirates, it is all affordable.

The ticket fee for one person alone costs thirty thousand Baileys. This price is not cheap, but it is worth it.

Compared with the ship, the ticket fee for a person is obviously more expensive.

There are also streets and taverns on the port island to meet the food and accommodation needs of traveling merchant ships and passengers.

The Black Emperor Pirates obviously cannot set off directly, and they need to wait for about a week.

On the island turtle, there is also a special area reserved for guests who plan to go to the North Sea.

It doesn't look big, but it can carry nearly 50,000 people.

After all, in addition to the back of the island turtle, the inside of the shell of the island turtle has also been modified.

Although it is relatively simple and not luxurious, it is completely sufficient.

"Has no one thought of plundering the supplies here?"

The members of the Black Emperor Pirates were strolling around the New Taipei Starting Point Island, planning to find a place to rest for a few days and wait for the time to set off.

A crew member asked with some confusion.

A large amount of supplies from the New World were transported to this island. According to his knowledge, it is at least worth tens or even hundreds of billions of Bailey.

Maybe in which container, there are some unknown devil fruits and rare treasures hidden.But what is the reality?

Based on Teach's experience as an "old foreman", it is far more than that. One hundred billion Baileys is the minimum.

There are many kinds of items, some cheap and some precious.

There are boxes of ore.

You can even see boxes full of guns being loaded into containers.

"Oh! Even if it really succeeds, how much can you take away?"

Lubbock asked back.

"Besides, are you ready to be enemies with the world? These goods come from various forces in the new world."

As soon as Lubbock's words came out, there was no doubt that they dispelled this unrealistic idea.

The mission of the Chronos Kingdom is to protect and transport goods.

Things were robbed in the territory of the Chronos Kingdom, and the Chronos Kingdom was naturally responsible.

However, the Chronos Kingdom will only bear 20% of the losses.

It looks very domineering.

The Chronos Kingdom is indeed like this.

After all, the current Chronos Kingdom is the center of world trade, and countless forces rely on the Chronos Kingdom to gain huge profits.

One rein after another pulls the entire world.

Once the Chronos Kingdom bans a certain force, it will be a painful blow to that force.

In a sense, the trade routes established by the World Government are dependent on the Chronos Kingdom trade system.

The trade routes protect the safe circulation of materials.

The Chronos Kingdom controls the main circulation channels of materials and occupies a dominant position.

With the establishment of the Chronos Kingdom trade system, it is obvious that world trade has prospered visibly in recent years.

The economic strength of each member country has been significantly improved.

This is also one of the reasons why the member countries are willing to increase the sky gold.

Even more member countries have the ability to pay the sky gold.

The World Government has made a lot of profits from this, all brought by the Chronos Kingdom.

In this case, no matter how demanding the requirements are, the forces still need to rely on trade routes to gain benefits.

The dominant power always lies in the Kingdom of Chronos.

Moreover, they have enough confidence in the strength of the Kingdom of Chronos.

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