Pirates: Hades!

Chapter 783

Now in the territory controlled by Goenitz, the Nest has been expanding the cultivation and production of contraband raw materials.

As the Nest is no longer restricted by funds, a large number of clones have been cloned to grow contraband raw materials on various islands.

The scale is constantly expanding, but it still cannot meet the needs of the huge market in the world.

In order to prevent exposure, the Nest built a special indoor production base in the doldrums and on the sky island.

Because the land is limited, further expansion will only expose it.

Therefore, an indoor production base is the best way.

A base can be divided into several layers to maximize the use of space.

Even if the islands in the sea area under Goenitz's command are exposed in the future, it will not have much impact on the Nest.

Because the contraband raw materials are grown by ordinary residents on some islands.

Sooner or later, the flaws will be exposed.

Of course, Ignis doesn't care.

Because what happens to the sea has nothing to do with him.

In essence, he is a very indifferent person who focuses on the interests of the Kingdom of Chronos.

He is very friendly to familiar friends, but he doesn't care about irrelevant people at all.

His goal is the world government after all, and he doesn't mind using this way of harming others and benefiting himself.

He even plans to bring the seeds for producing raw materials to the four seas and to the member countries.

It is still too slow to produce by himself, so let more forces help him grow them.

And he only needs to purchase, extract raw materials, and make them into contraband.

As long as the income from growing these contraband is higher than that of food and other plants.

Naturally, more and more people will choose to grow the raw materials for contraband.

This will have a consequence, that is, the overall food production in the ocean will decrease, leading to an increase in food prices.

Nothing is more important than food.

Food shortages will cause unrest and disputes.

Greater chaos, especially war, will naturally affect food production.

Leading to a decrease in food production, which will cause greater chaos in the ocean.

This is an open conspiracy.

For this, I don't know how many people will be sacrificed.

Yinchao has even developed a special biochemical agent "RED".

Used to aggravate the expansion of this disaster.

"RED" is a high-concentration herbicide. If it is used on crops, it will cause a large number of crops to die.

If this high-concentration herbicide is used inside the well-known food power in the ocean.

The food system of the entire ocean will collapse.

The country ruled by the World Government, which relies heavily on a large amount of food to maintain the survival of a large number of residents on the Red Earth Continent, will fall into a terrible disaster called hunger.

The Red Earth Continent will fall into greater turmoil.

This kind of thing requires someone to cooperate.

At present, the Nest cannot do it because it requires more clones.

Ignis is not in a hurry.

No matter what means are used, they are ultimately to deal with the World Government, and they are all stabbing at the foundation of the World Government.

When the member states are in civil strife, the rule of the World Government will be completely shaken.

At that time, the World Government will not have so much gold from heaven.

He does not believe that the Revolutionary Army will let go of this opportunity at that time.

The Revolutionary Army has to act.

Because the Revolutionary Army is even more short of food, they can only start a rebellion to rob food, which will also become a thorn in the eyes of the World Government.

The Nest is hiding behind the scenes.

Of course, all this is just Ignis's idea. He doesn't know to what extent the scale of planting contraband raw materials in the sea will reach.

But the impact should not be too great.

The most important thing is how much influence will be caused after using "RED" to attack those major grain-producing countries.

If it is more ruthless, let "RED" flow into the market directly. With the use of "RED", fierce wars will naturally break out between kingdoms and forces.

At that time, the food production in the sea will plummet.

In any case, this will have no effect on the Kingdom of Chronos.

The kingdom has a vast territory and a large number of islands. Even if there is a large population in the ruling area, it can still easily meet the food needs.

Of course, the most serious impact of this crisis on the sea is still the member states with a large population.

Ignis's plan is connected in series, which requires a long time to lay out. First, a large number of civilians must be allowed to plant contraband raw materials.

Increase the corruption of contraband to member states.

Next, he was not in a hurry to arrange the food.

Located on the top of the Aerial Nest.

Ignis sat on his own throne.

Looking at the vast white outside, the Aerial Nest was hidden in the clouds.

At the same time, the screen showedThe situation inside the aerospace mother nest, while monitoring the aerospace aircraft carrier and the deep-sea mother nest.

With his blond hair loose, his handsome face revealed a chilling smile.

His pupils were as deep as a whirlpool.

His plan was being implemented.

The establishment of the sound nest was not only to find some fun for him who was born at the peak.

It was also for the kingdom to deal with the world government.

Some means of the Chronos Kingdom were not suitable for action, and more were hidden in the dark and low-key.

And he didn't need to worry about it, the establishment of the sound nest was for this purpose.

In front of him, there was a huge sphere.

It was the general appearance of this sea, with four seas and great routes.

Ignis ignored it, and at the same time, a terrifying shadow was constantly covering the whole world.

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