Pirates: Hades!

Chapter 843

"They should have returned by now."

Hades was watching the battlefield. The war at the Navy Headquarters ended about half an hour ago.

While watching the battle below, Goenitz also turned on the small video Den Den Mushi to watch the live video of the G1 Fortress.

He keenly noticed the problem with the battle situation and issued an order to retreat.

"Flame Disaster" Jin and Borsalino tacitly stopped fighting.

"Pig Head Emperor" Krut also retreated under the command of Crow Monster Clay, and took his pig head army to board the blood and flesh flying carpet that fell from the sky.

Leaving under the eyes of many navy.

No one stopped them from leaving.

If they wanted, they could of course prevent "Pig Head Emperor" Krut from evacuating.

The flying speed of the blood and flesh flying carpet was not fast, and it was actually very simple to destroy it.

But once this was done, it meant that the war would continue to break out.

This was something they took the initiative to provoke. In this case, they could not guarantee what terrible things these pirates would do.

Especially Sengoku, he was still very cautious in his heart.

In the rear, there were still a large number of islanders who needed to be arranged and could not withstand the unknown blow.

Just as Hades expected.

"King" Reinhard avoided the attack of the CP0 general and controlled the strong airflow to roll up all his crew members.

Seeing this, "Bamboo Python", "Silver Snake" and other top combat forces wanted to intercept.

At the critical moment, Goenitz, Jin and Payne arrived in time, saw the danger of the situation, and easily resisted their attack.

Seeing the arrival of the three top combat forces.

The World Government also knew that it was impossible to keep the remaining high-end combat forces of the Flying Pirates.

At this point in the war, both sides knew that it was basically time to end.

Although the World Government still has an advantage here.

Facing pirates who want to evacuate, it is difficult to keep people.

"Let's go."

Shiki looked at the other pirates, said, and took his members to the island battleship and flew into the sky.

Bondi Wald left with the Flying Pirates.

The warships he brought were destroyed along with most of the crew.

A few of the surviving members were still on the sea, but Wald didn't care.

How could Bondi Wald care about these cannon fodders who didn't even play the role of cannon fodder?

Now he left without thinking of taking the living people with him.

Those who wanted to run away had already been scared away.

Jin and Garrosgar followed Kaido back to the Kingdom of Barbarossa.

Katakuri also left with the monsters of the Monster Legion.

The end of the war was beyond others' expectations.

Many people watching the war didn't know what was going on? They just watched the pirates start to retreat.

Watching the pirates leave.

The strong men of the World Government did not leave. They found a relatively intact conference room in the G1 Fortress, which had become a ruin, and started a secret meeting.

It can be said to be a post-war review.

The bodies were basically sorted out at the first time, the losses of our side and the losses of the pirates.

"Is Maz dead?"

Without seeing the body of Saint Maz, even though he had a premonition in his heart, Saint Satan still had some sadness on his face.

If Saint Maz could not be contacted, there was a possibility that he was seriously injured and unconscious and could not participate in the war.

But now, it can basically be settled.

His indifference and ruthlessness were reserved for ordinary people.

As for Saint Maz, who was also a Celestial Dragon and had worked with him for decades, he had a deeper feeling.

"He was killed by Bondi Wald, with gunshot wounds all over his body. At that time, his body could not move at all."

"If I recovered a step later, Zephyr would also be killed by the big rhinoceros beetle. At that time, Saint Maz would have been killed."

Garp looked a little lonely. The vice admirals who participated in the battle suffered heavy losses, and only one survived.

After the war, Zephyr finally couldn't hold on. He was wrapped in bandages and had to return to the Navy Headquarters for treatment.

With such injuries, it would take quite some time just to recuperate.

"Most of the people who died in the battle were killed directly by pirates or seriously injured."

"It seems to be a special weapon related to electromagnetics."

Satan Sheng, a top scientist, analyzed that based on the clear description of the victim and the traces left on the battlefield, he judged the nature of the weapon used by Bondi Wald.

"In addition to the G1 Fortress, the Navy Headquarters and the four large fortresses in the first half of the Grand Route were also invaded by pirates."

At this time, they also contacted the Navy Headquarters and learned about the news of several other battlefields.

"It seems that we are lucky. If those pirates don't split their forces, we will be veryIt is difficult to achieve such a great result. "

That being said, it was a bit unpleasant to the ears of the two top naval forces.

It seemed that the loss of several naval fortresses and the naval headquarters was not taken seriously at all.

In the eyes of Saint Satan, Saint Nasshoulang, and other five elders, including Saint Garin, the commander-in-chief of the God's Guard, it was indeed so.

In their opinion, how much combat power could be lost by several naval bases and the naval headquarters?

The so-called vice admirals were all ordinary and could not enter their eyes at all. They had suffered enough losses over the years and had no impact on the war situation.

In addition, Just select some people.

There are not many people who have the rank of Vice Admiral.

In fact, the Vice Admirals sent by the Warring States to the G1 Fortress are all ordinary, some old men.

When they learned that Bondi Wald might have a secret weapon, they were ready to sacrifice them.

It just makes room for those young navy who have not yet fully grown up.

For those who are the focus of training, stay in the Navy Headquarters, or shine in the world.

As for the large number of marines, if they are lost, they are lost. Now the world recruitment is still It is in progress and will be replenished soon.

The destroyed base can only be rebuilt with some money and time.

If Goenitz, Pain, Jin and the newly emerged "Pig Head Emperor" from the Monster Corps are added to the pirates attacking the G1 Fortress.

It is hard to say whether they can still stop the first wave of pirate attacks.

Even before Garp and his friends woke up, they were all killed by these pirates.

Whether it is Pain's repulsion or Goenitz's wind blade, they have the ability to slaughter them all in an instant.

He even relied on his own strength to almost destroy the entire navy. The "mosquito girl" whose branch was destroyed, the mosquitoes she controlled were even more threatening.

There were so many mosquitoes that they couldn't even be stopped.

Even if the World Government was fully serious this time, it was still a bit lucky to have the current results.

After a careful review, I still feel a little scared.

The pirates made a strategic mistake and did not fully utilize the time when the magnetic storm bomb was effective and seize the opportunity.

Garp and Zephyr also knew it, so they didn't express their opinions. More importantly, under the terrible power of the World Government, even he had to bow his head.

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