The world is full of hope.

"There's one more thing I forgot to tell you. People from the World Government have also come to this island."

Rean briefly told Shanks about the discovery of the agent last night.

Shanks thought for a moment and said in silence.

"It's not surprising that people from the World Government would target this place. The question is what is their purpose?"

"Is it this fruit?" Shanks touched the wooden box beside him, and then looked at Rean with a meaningful look: "Or is it you?"

If it was before last night, Shanks would definitely not have such a guess, but now it seems that Rean is carrying a huge secret, and the World Government may be wanted for this matter.

Rean knew what Shanks meant and shook his head.

"It can't be me."

"Captain, you are the only one who knows about that."

The two fell into silence.

According to Rean's previous speculation, it is unlikely that the World Government will recover the Rubber Fruit.

There is only one possibility now. Rean has speculated, but thinks that this possibility is relatively low, after all, there are too many pirates here.

But after excluding all possibilities, only this one is left.

"The target is the pirates participating in the World Expo?"

Shanks shook his head. He had fought with the navy for so many years, and he knew very well how capable the navy was.

"There are too many people. They can't gather such a large combat force in a short time."

"If they really want to attack, it is probably only against a specific target."

"Specific target?"

Shanks suddenly smiled and pointed at himself and said, "Me! I am a big pirate!"

Rean was speechless. Brother, can you be serious! The other party is ready to kill.

However, Rean thought about it carefully and it was really possible.

Although the Big Mom Pirates and the Kaido Pirates are both on the island, the information that Rean has found out shows that the two monsters are not here, but have only sent their assistants to lead people here.

As the saying goes, to capture a thief, you must first capture the leader. Shanks, the leader of the pirates, is naturally in the most dangerous position.

"Do you want to go first?"

If the target is really Shanks, then they will definitely send out a general-level force, and a large fleet will definitely be matched with it.

It is undoubtedly a pipe dream to expect the pirates on the island to fight the enemy together. Pirates are not obedient babies! And Shanks is not the "emperor" of the sea now.

Rean suddenly realized a problem. Now Skull Island is surrounded by a huge storm, which is much more fierce than when they first came in.

Even warships can't pass through at all.

"We can't get out, and they can't get in either?"

"That's right. If the navy wants to take action, they can only wait until the celebration is over and the storm dissipates. Then, we can escape in the chaos!"

Shanks suddenly looked at Rean with some pride: "How about this plan?"

Rean's head was full of black lines: "You are just going with the flow!"

"Then what plan do you have?"


Finally, the two reached an agreement: If the enemy comes, the general will fight, and if the water comes, the earth will cover it.


On a certain street, Rean came to the door of a bar.

There was a pirate mark similar to a smiley face on the door. This was the place where the Doflamingo family sold intelligence.

Rean came here to find information about the pet fruit. What happened last night made Rean feel a strong sense of crisis!

A strong man like Shanks can see Kurama in his body with his over-trained domineering. Can other strong men see it too?

Kurama is the talkative guy who wants Rean to oppose all the strong men in the world.

Rean couldn't fight those strong men with his own strength, so he had to borrow its power to break free from the seal.

If he was found to be from another world, he would definitely be on the headlines of Morgans, the news king.

I thought Kurama was my biggest trump card, but it turned out to be a death warrant!

It must be tamed as quickly as possible, otherwise it will be bound to be restrained when facing strong men. Although there are not many opportunities to face strong men like Shanks at this stage, we must prepare for the rainy day.

The pet fruit is a good choice at this stage, and it works quickly; relying on other fruits, it still needs to be developed and trained, and it is also necessary to find a way to remove the hateful part of the Nine-Tails Chakra. There is not so much time to spend on this.

After finding it, no matter how bad it tastes, you have to swallow it!


Rean walked into the bar, and only two of the eight tables had people talking to the waiters.

, probably also a buyer of intelligence.

In front of the bar, several people were chatting. One of them looked up at Li En who came in, then looked away and continued chatting.

Where did the lost kid come from?

Li En found a table and sat down casually. After waiting for a long time, no servant came.

Dong Dong Dong!

Li En knocked on the table rhythmically, with a somewhat unfriendly tone: "Is there anyone breathing!"

In this place where pirates are everywhere, if you are polite, others will not be polite to you.

At this time, a servant came over slowly, with a face full of disdain: "Little devil, you are in the wrong place!"

Li En did not speak, and put his hand into his arms. There is only one way to deal with such people. It is the most useful,


Li En slapped a string of priceless jewels on the table. This is the reward for the big fight.

"I want to buy information!"

The people who work here are all smart people, and they are naturally knowledgeable. The expression on their faces changed from disdain to smile in 0.1 seconds, and they rubbed their hands and bowed.

"Sir, what information do you need?"

Li En...

As expected, the rich are the masters.

Li En said in a deep voice.

"I need information about the pet devil fruit."

The servant was secretly shocked. Any information about the devil fruit is extremely precious and expensive. It seems to be a fat sheep!

He did not dare to neglect it at the moment, and his smile became even wider.

"Please wait a moment, sir. I will go call our boss!"

This information is beyond his authority.

Boss? Li En was a little surprised. Is Doflamingo here too?

After a while, a man with a fur-brimmed hat, two facial wrinkles on his face, a red cloak, and dressed like an indigenous tribe came to Li En and sat down.

"I'm Diamante. I'm young enough to join the Red Hair Pirates. I have a bright future!"

The other party knew him. He was indeed an intelligence agent.

Rean had some impression of this person. Diamante was one of the four highest officials of the Don Quixote Family. He was codenamed "Cube". He led the "Fighting Group" of the Don Quixote Family. He was a user of the Flying Fruit and a flag bearer.

However, Rean was not in the mood to greet him and went straight to the point.

"Do you know the information about the pet devil fruit?"

Diamante shook his head. Rean was disappointed. There was no need to waste time here. He stood up and was about to leave.

Diamante called Rean.

"Wait a minute. I'm sorry to disappoint you."

"There is indeed nothing here now, but we can still help you."

Rean sat down again and motioned Diamante to continue.

"Our store provides pre-sale service for devil fruits. You only need to pay a small deposit and we will do our best to find them."

"Of course, the specified devil fruit is hard to find, so I can't guarantee whether it will be successful."

"If you don't find it, half of the deposit will be refunded."

"But don't worry, our store will do its best to find it!"

"Service first, this is the concept proposed by our young master!"

When Diamante mentioned the young master, he looked proud.

Rean was shocked. Doflamingo was still a good businessman! Pre-sale, refund of deposit, and business matters made him understand everything.

"How much is the deposit?"

"This is charged according to the preciousness of the fruit's ability." Diamante took out a small notebook from his arms and flipped through it.

"The pet fruit... I found it, it's not very precious, I'll charge you 100 million Baileys as a deposit."

"After finding it, pay another 100 million and the fruit will be yours."

100 million! Rean's face was full of black lines.

"As far as I know, the ordinary devil fruits sold in the underworld are only 100 million!"

"Customer, you should know that the designated devil fruits are hard to find. Our store has to spend a lot of manpower and material resources, which are all costs."

Then Diamante talked about a lot of difficulties, but Rean didn't understand at all. His mind was full of memories of 100 million Baileys.

"Customer, have you decided? A deposit of 100 million is really not expensive."

In the end, Rean still gritted his teeth and paid the deposit of 100 million. He even went back once to search the treasures on the ship and barely made up the deposit.

Half an hour later, Rean walked out of the bar with a painful look on his face. It's really dark!

Although the reward for the entertainment show tomorrow is just around the corner, the navy will definitely take action tomorrow. It's hard to say whether it can be obtained, so it's better to leave a backup.

Money is something outside of the body. If it's gone, just rob it again.


In a certain sea area outside.

Twenty-two warships are advancing in an orderly manner.

On the front warship, a man with a stubble on his face and a slightly wretched appearance, holding a cup of coffee, placed it on the table in the middle of the deck.

"Teacher Zefa, do we have to go there now?"

"The storm on Skull Island has not ended yet. We should wait until it ends before attacking.

Should it be like this? And," the man glanced at the permanent pointer on his hand: "The direction is wrong too."

Bang! The current admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Zefa, put his feet on the table: "The so-called attack is to be unexpected to be effective! And when the enemy has more people, surprise attacks are more effective, understand? Borsalino."

"Also, you have to remember it for me!" Zefa looked at a hooded navy next to him, "Sakaski!"

Both of them were silent. Can the wrong direction still be effective?


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