The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

After watching the robin not far away give a very familiar button to the dream chaser in the dream, Kuroba Kaito's mouth twitched slightly.

The other party also noticed him and walked over with a smile.

"Hello, guest, do you want a gift?"

As he said that, he handed over an identical button.

Kuroba Kaito forced out a smile, "Just kidding, Miss Hanabi, you should keep this thing for yourself."

Seeing this, Hanabi no longer hid and returned to her original state, "Well, you look so sad, you disappeared without a word, and I have to clean up this mess.

But speaking of it, you actually came out of there so quickly, which is great, little guy."

Kuroba Kaito was a little surprised, "Do you know where I went?"

Hanabi smiled, "Of course, although I don't want to get involved in this matter, it doesn't mean that I know nothing about it. I have to act stupid when I should act stupid. I am a fool, not a fool."

Looking at his surprised expression, Hanabi tempted, "Do you want to know the secret behind this Harmony Ceremony?"

As she spoke, her body gradually moved closer to Kuroba Kaito.

Kuroba Kaito also gradually approached. He was quite curious about this matter. After all, his mission was this, and he wanted to hear what Hanabi had to say.

However, Hua Huo leaned close to his ear, her tone full of teasing, "Do you want to know? Why don't you help me distribute the gifts? After the matter is done, I will tell you everything you want to know."


"So, you are the watchmaker himself!" San Yueqi looked at him in surprise.

"It's a pity that the dream tycoon that everyone admires is no longer here. I am just a microcosm of his life.

And the child who has been with you all until now is the ignorant protagonist in his childhood dream - the watch boy's good friend, a young apprentice, a future train mechanic...

At the same time, it is also the starting point of his life's development."

At this point, Misha's voice is no longer childish, and a much older voice overlaps with his voice.

"At the end of my life journey, I left this precious flame in my deepest dream, hoping to pass it on to the unknown guests of the future generations."

As he spoke, Misha showed a helpless expression on his face, "But somehow, he ran out of the dream bubble without permission and forgot all his mission. Sorry, I really made a fool of myself."

Jizi smiled, "Because he was born to explore, right?

I think Misha has not forgotten his mission as a guide, so he mistakenly thought he was a hotel doorman and appeared at the first moment when Xing entered the dream."

Jizi tapped her chin, "It must be him who brought her here while she was unconscious. So, didn't we miss the watchmaker's legacy from the very beginning?"

Misha closed his eyes, "Haha, I have a bad friend who always says that I have been going around in circles all my life, and finally returned to the starting point... Maybe this is the stage that every nameless guest has to go through."

As he spoke, Misha's expression became serious, "But in the end, you still found me. Let's get back to the topic. Everyone who has come here must be very concerned about what the watchmaker's legacy is. My hound should have mentioned the star core, And the tycoon's wealth..."

"Let me apologize, the star core is true, but Mikhail's wealth is just a rumor.

I left my hometown as a child and embarked on a pioneering journey, passing through one station after another, and finally stopped in Asdena. My friends and I built the original Pinocchio and have been fighting for its future to this day.

I have been moving forward all my life, doing my best to break through the obstacles that blocked my way. But in the end, my road has come to an end, and my body is like a broken car head, and there is no property worth entrusting behind me.

So, if you want to ask this broken car, What is left in the locomotive that can be called a legacy... I think it is only those things that are still burning in the engine furnace. "

After a moment of silence, Misha said: "You already know the current situation of Pinocchio. Of course, I hope someone can help the world get back on track. But this decision should be made by you, because the road to development has never been paved by others.

So... I leave you a story and two gifts. "

As he said, he lowered his head and looked at the things hanging around his waist, "I want to give it to you, my pocket watch. It accompanied me through the long journey and guided that

A foolish kid who knows nothing keeps moving forward, and is fortunate to have come to this day with so many great people.

And my hat. The person who led me put it on my head, and from then on, I had an unrealistic idea: the journey of exploration will never end. "

"Next, it's your turn to make a choice. If you are determined, push open that door and walk into an old man's long dream. "

After that, he turned around and walked towards the door.

Seeing this, the clock boy hurriedly followed and disappeared behind the door together.

And in this clock room, the last sentence left was, "I will wait for you at the end of this time corridor."

"Okay, everyone. Let's make a decision.

But I think no one will object. "

However, Xing smiled, "I have objections!"

March Seven looked at her speechlessly, and couldn't help complaining: "You... Don't make a fuss at this time. You have come to this point. Is there any option other than moving forward? "

Conan nodded, "Yes, what this former unknown guest wants to say is indeed very curious.

Don't you think so, Haibara?"

He looked at Xiao Ai beside him.

"Well, Mikhail has been on the road of pioneering all his life. What he wants to leave us at the end of his life is indeed very curious.

And as an unknown guest, we can't let this senior down."

Xiao Ai smiled. She admired this watchmaker, so she wanted to know what he wanted to say in the end.

Himeko smiled, "In this case, the voting result is four to one. Let's go to the end of this dream together... Tell Mikhail our choice. "

Since the decision has been made, everyone calmed down and strode towards the end of this dream bubble.

It is no exaggeration to say that the future of Pinocchio is now in their hands.

After a burst of white light, Mikhail's past flashed before everyone's eyes like a slide.

And this first scene is what Misha said before, the day when he and the navigator Mikhail parted ways.

"Mikhail! Where are you going..." Misha's voice revealed uneasiness.

Mikhail's voice was full of smiles, and he asked back: "Someone has to stand up to save Rusalka, Xiao Misha, why can't it be me?"

Xiao Misha had seen such a scene once, that was the scene of his father's departure. Thinking of this, his voice was filled with tears, "Don't go, okay? Or take me with you, please, don't leave..."

And his prayer was destined not to be agreed to. Mikhail had already known the danger of this trip, but his tone was still kind, "Even without me, you know how to move forward. Brave Captain Misha, the Compass is waiting for you. Haven't you always wanted to be a better adventurer than me? "

As he spoke, his voice was a little more open-minded, "Let's go, get on that train, and then... start your journey..."

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