The old man was very angry.

"Miss Liuying, you who suffer from entropy, you must understand what this means, right?"

Sunday looked at Liuying in front of her, hoping that she could resonate with her.

Liuying lowered her head and slowly clenched her hands.

Xiao Sanyue beside her also scratched the back of her head in distress, "It sounds... as if it's impeccable..."

Even Ji Zi sighed.

Liuying also raised her head at this moment, "Then... what is the price of all this?"

Even though everything described by Sunday is very tempting, there may be a huge price behind it, at least that's what she thinks.

However, Sunday closed his eyes and then shook his head slightly, "The price is insignificant, just a permanent martyrdom for me personally. If you want to maintain this paradise for everyone, there must be someone who falls into lonely wakefulness until the end of the universe."

Liu Ying understood, "Wakefulness... That is to say, the paradise is still a dream. Entering the paradise means giving up reality, right?"

"This is not giving up, but transcendence. If material is the root of spiritual suffering, then we should overcome it." Sunday obviously has a different view on this point.

But Liu Ying did not support this, "But in such happiness, people have never overcome suffering, and have lost the opportunity to overcome suffering forever. In other words... This is escape."

Looking at her, Sunday said slowly: "You can think so, but escape is not shameful. On the contrary, everyone has the seeds of escape in their hearts. Doesn't Miss Liu Ying think so? Why does life sleep? It's because people are afraid to wake up from dreams.

But this does not conflict with the great cause. Only by admitting this can we understand the weakness of human nature, and then tolerate and protect it."

Seeing that no one can convince the other, Liu Ying ... Ying sighed softly, "I... recognize that you are a natural leader. You are full of pessimism about human beings, but you still have a negative heart and give equal compassion to all beings.

But I am different from you. I live for myself. In my opinion, the choices people make for themselves are natural behaviors and their innate rights.

Maybe escaping is the nature of the weak, but who is a weak person... should not be defined by others."

Speaking of this, she looked at Sunday in front of her with burning eyes, "Do you think I should be classified as a weak person in your eyes?"

Sunday chuckled, but said nothing.

Liu Ying shook her head, "I don't think so."

Seeing this, Ji Zi also stood up, "Since Miss Liu Ying has expressed her point of view, the Starry Sky Train will naturally give our answer."

As she said, she looked at Xing on the side, "Leave it to you, Xing, just like Mikhail instructed, tell him our choice."

Xing nodded, then stepped forward.

On her right hand, a hat suddenly appeared. It was the one that Mikhail had given them earlier.

At this moment, Xing slowly put it on her head, which also meant that they had accepted Mikhail's expectations for Pinocchio.

At the same time, the clock boy also jumped out beside her, glaring at the Sunday in front of him.

At this moment, Xing slowly spoke, "The so-called pioneering is to go further along the unfinished road of the predecessors...

The Pinocchio in Mikhail's dream is definitely not part of order."

Just after she finished speaking, everyone present, including Conan and Xiao Ai, felt a metaphysical presence casting a gaze at this place.

In a trance, they saw a tall and majestic woman, with puzzle-like pieces all over her body, and on both sides of her face, there were these two faces vaguely.

But on the face looking at them, there was a gentle look.

Ai was a little shocked, "That was the so-called Star God just now."

On the side, Conan nodded, "Well, the god with three faces should be the same Star God Hippe that the family originally believed in."

Sunday was a little surprised, "The Star God would actually glance at Pinocchio at this time... Is it because of the inheritance of pioneering? Or is it that your tacit understanding can even move the Star God?"

Jizi smiled and said, "In my opinion, there is another possibility - maybe He also wants to know who will control the future of Pinocchio, so he will come to witness on behalf of the dead Star God."

Without further investigation, Sunday followed her words, "In this case, on behalf of Pinocchio, I would like to

Connie's dream master and the 107,336 compatriots of the Oak family formally invite you all.

We sincerely invite you all to come to the Pinoconi Grand Theater to participate in the upcoming Harmony Festival. Of course, you want me to go to the center of the stage instead of the audience seats.

It concerns the future of the star core, Pinoconi, and even the entire galaxy. For the sake of fairness, let's see the truth there.

Since you are committed to the path of Akivali, then show me His courage and enlightenment. "

After saying that, he left directly without giving the few people a chance to say more.

Looking at this scene, Sanyueqi was a little confused and asked tentatively: "Does he mean that we should compete at the Harmony Festival?"

Liuying nodded, "I'm afraid that's what he meant."

Little Sanyue was a little surprised, "How strange! I was always on guard against when the big villain would make trouble, but in the end he was still talking about fairness... Could it be that he didn't take us seriously at all? "

Conan shook his head, "Mr. Sunday is a noble man. Even if we have different ideas, he will give us full respect."

Xiao Ai looked at him with some surprise, and then teased: "This is not what you say, great detective. Shouldn't you find a way to catch him at this time? Why are you still saying nice things?"

Conan rolled his eyes and was a little speechless, "Please, what kind of image do you think I am in your mind!"

Xiao Ai spread his hands, "What do you think, a self-righteous guy."


Jizi on the side smiled, "Okay, both of you, let's get back to the topic."

Seeing that the two stopped bickering, Jizi continued: "Just like Conan said. In my opinion, Sunday is convinced of his ideals and sincerely wants to prove the correctness of order to us.

From him, I felt a strong belief and desire to dominate. If he can't win in an upright manner, he must not be able to give himself an explanation.

That is why, in the next duel, he will definitely go all out. "

Xing rarely joked, "We can't retreat either."

March Seven nodded, "Well... you are right. We have even dealt with the extinction lord of destruction, so the order is definitely no problem!"

Ji Zi looked at everyone, "No matter what, the Star Train cannot sit idly by and watch the star core. It is also the long-cherished wish of Mikhail and other predecessors to open up the future for Pinoconi.

Everyone, since we have taken over the baton, we will definitely not let them down."

Liu Ying suddenly said: "But this is the same for order. Their plan is not overnight. Behind it is the huge consciousness that the Star of the Festival has nurtured for hundreds of years...

The desire to dream, the laziness to sleep, and escape and give up... The emotions that people are unconsciously stimulated have become the cradle of the dream of order.

Using the will of the entire world to promote the birth of a star god... This duel is by no means a pure battle of power. For the future of Pinoconi, you can't be the only ones fighting on the stage. "

March Seven heard her subtext and was a little surprised, "You? What do you mean, you're not going with us..."

Ji Zi answered for Liuying, "I think Miss Liuying means that she is going to another battlefield."

Hearing her words, Liuying also nodded, obviously agreeing with her statement, "Before leaving, the slave of fate told me that this trip would give me unforgettable gains. The script he gave was only a few lines, but it was hard to ignore.

Because one of the lines said... I will experience three deaths in the land of dreams. "

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