"It's great to hear your voice again. Congratulations on becoming the biggest behind-the-scenes winner of this event." In a room, Sha Jin answered the phone. He smiled, "You called me all the way here just to tease me?"

Emerald teased, "No, I'm just lamenting that you didn't lose again this time. Not only did you go deep into the Wolf's Den alone and dig out the truth about Liumeng Reef, but you also escaped with the help of that pure and beautiful knight..."

She sighed, "Oh, and the recording you received from your pioneer friend, it is already the most valuable chip on the gambling table."

As she was talking, Emerald suddenly changed the subject, "But, as the price of winning all this... losing a cornerstone is still too expensive. Diamond just held a meeting about you."

In this regard, Sand Gold had already thought of this possibility, "As expected. So Diamond is going to demote me, or kick me out of the Stone Heart Ten directly?"

Emerald smiled, "This is a rare opportunity, why not take a gamble?"

"Hmph, okay. Then I'll bet - he's going to upgrade me to P46, right?"

"Well, what are you going to bet on?" Emerald was a little curious.

Gold Dust made a joke, "Real or fake? I don't want to give you anything as a pledge, so as to avoid being taken advantage of."

He smiled, "But if it's just a bet for fun. Then let's do it like the first time - bet my life, ma'am."

Hearing this, Emerald smiled, remembering the first time she met this child, "Interesting. But since it's Diamond's decision, no one can guess the answer in advance.

I'm on my way to Pinocchio. Once the rest of the things are arranged, we will return to Pierpoint together to welcome the opening of the cards."

Gold Dust smiled, "It sounds like I won't have anything to do in the short term, which means I can enjoy my vacation?"

"Leave it to me and Topa, kid. Thanks to you, the company's layout was completed the moment the Emerald Stone was delivered to the family residence.

The seeds sown have taken root and sprouted, and then... it's time to harvest."

As he said this, Emerald's topic led to As for Sha Jin, "As for you, kid, go to another world with those outsider friends and have a good rest."

Sha Jin was a little surprised, "Oh? You know about this?"

"Of course, the channel connecting the two worlds must have been discovered by the Star God, and he will definitely take action later. The company needs someone to explore the world outside the Star God system. Your next gambling table is there."

Sha Jin jokingly said, "Then is this considered a public holiday?"

"You can think of it this way. Originally, this overseas mission should be handled by the people in the market development department, but according to Diamond, since you have established an unbreakable connection with the people over there, why not let us take over.

After all, the relationship between the market development department and us is not good. As for that meeting, Diamond said that he is willing to wait for you for a while."

Listening to Feicui's words, Sha Jin smiled, and suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door.

"Let's go here first, it seems that there are guests here..."

Having said that, Sha Jin hung up the call.

As the sound of someone falling came, the door was pushed open, and a guy dressed in cowboy clothes suddenly rushed in.

"Oh? There are so many new things today. A sea ranger and wanted criminal actually came to the door himself--

He also killed two company employees under the nose of the company fleet. Do you know what this means?"

Potio said disdainfully: "Go to Wuwubo, just let them sleep for a while, don't use this trick to threaten me. Besides, I killed more company dogs than you squeezed out of the surplus value, I don't mind a few more zeros on the wanted order.

I have a problem. Be honest, or I will shoot you to death right now--"

As he said, he took out his gun and pointed the muzzle at Shajin's head.

Shajin's face did not change, just looked at him indifferently.

"Tell me...Where is Osvaldo Schneider?"


Starry Sky Train

Kudo Yusaku looked at Walter and the others in front of him and said with a smile: "This time it is really time to say goodbye. I think we are not still in a dream."

Walter pushed his glasses, "Mr. Kudo is joking. Mr. Sunday's plan has failed. People have already woken up from Taiyi's dream.


Pam said reluctantly: "Kudo passenger, Maori passenger, Pam will miss your Pam!

I must come to play Pam on the train again if I have the chance in the future!"

Kudo Yusaku smiled, "We will, conductor."

On the other side, Xing pulled Xiaolan, with a look of reluctance in his eyes, "Are you leaving now?"

Xiaolan nodded, with some sadness of parting, "Well, after all, there are family and friends waiting for us."

March Seven jumped out, "Before that, let's take a photo together and leave it on the train as a souvenir. You can also take one. Maybe we will have a chance to see each other again in the future!"

Xing and Xiaolan looked at each other and felt that this plan was very feasible.

March Seven waved to everyone, "Everyone, listen to me, let's take a photo together!"

"Everyone look at the camera, Conan, you and Xiaoai stand in the front.

Yes, that's it, Xing, leave a space next to you, I will stand there later. "

In front of the camera, Xiao Sanyue adjusted the time and hurried to the crowd.



"Okay, everyone, after this exciting trip to Pinocchio, I believe everyone has gained something, so I won't say much here.

This game is about to end, and your relatives and friends are waiting for you, goodbye."

After a burst of white light, only a few people were left in this space.

Mouri Kogoro, Kudo Yusaku, Conan, Xiao Ai, Xiao Ran and Shajin.

Noah's Ark showed its image in front of everyone for the first time. It was a little boy, and Kudo Yusaku recognized him instantly.


Noah's Ark nodded, but did not explain too much. Instead, he turned around and asked: "At the end of this journey, I believe everyone has the answer to the original mission, so why is life sleeping? "

Most of them did not witness the final battle. Conan and Xiaolan just watched from afar. At the end of this journey that belonged to them, they should give their own answers.

Conan stood up and looked at Noah's Ark with burning eyes, "People sleep in order to finally wake up from their dreams."

Noah's Ark smiled, then looked at Xiaolan, "What about Miss Xiaolan? Why can birds fly?"

Xiaolan hesitated, "I think it's because they want to fly into the sky. Birds can't fly by nature, but after thousands of years of hard work, they finally flew into the sky."

"It's a very romantic idea. Everyone will have different answers to these questions. I hope you can answer them through your future life."

Kudo Yusaku smiled, "Sure enough, you hope to make people grow through this game, and you don't want everyone to die here.

Otherwise, you wouldn't have dressed up as gold dust to remind me in the first dream. "

Noah's Ark smiled, then pointed his finger, and a door appeared in one direction.

"We should say goodbye. After you wake up, I hope you can tell everyone that real life is not as simple as games."

He couldn't help but smile, "Although it seems that this game is not simple either."

Before leaving, Conan looked back at Noah's Ark, "Hey, Noah's Ark, Hiroki's heart will always live here, right?"

Noah's Ark, or Hiroki Sawada, shook his head slowly, "If a computer like me continues to exist, it will only be used by adults to do bad things. Things like artificial intelligence should not exist at all."

After looking at him deeply, everyone walked out of here one after another.

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