After a long conversation with Topa, the other party also understood why he came here. Yes, it was Aha who did it.

Except for him, no other star god would be so idle, and no one else could send a person to another world so quietly.

After learning this, Topa touched his chin, "It's really interesting, a world independent of the star god system."

Shajin looked at her, very curious, "What happened to what I said before?"

"Don't worry, I didn't let her talk to the little boy, but what's the reason? The other party seems to have a good relationship with her." Topa was a little puzzled.

"Teach him a lesson and let him pay attention in the future." Shajin smiled.

Then, looking at Topa's strange expression, Jin Sha was very confused, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it just feels a little bit unlike you. Would you do such a thing?"

Jin Sha smiled, and then looked at Topa with some curiosity, "Speaking of which, where is your pig? Wasn't it sent with you?"

Topa looked at him unhappily, "I've told you many times that Zhang Zhang is a piggy bank. Although it is unexpectedly close to people, it is not a pig!"

"So, it didn't follow you? It's really strange." Jin Sha looked casual, obviously not listening to her words.

"Well, it seems that the Joyful Star God forgot about it, or deliberately didn't send it over."


"Dangdangdang, Dr. Agasa's Great Adventure Part 2!"

Just after the two finished talking, the sound coming from Xiao Ai made them a little curious.

As if sensing the gazes of the two, Ai said without raising her head: "This is the game that the doctor asked me to bring to Mitsuhiko. This is the only one I have for now. As for Mitsuhiko's game, I'll have to ask the doctor to make another one later."

"By the way, do you know how to spell Hercule Poirot?" Ai suddenly asked.

Jinsha was a little confused, "Why are you asking this?"

Xiao Ai urged, "Tell me quickly! How do you spell those two words!"

Jinsha touched his nose and said, "H-e-r-c-u-l-e P-o-i-r-o-t, that's it."

After Xiao Ai entered it, she was a little distressed, "It still doesn't work, it's not this password..."

Jinsha was a little confused, "Don't you know the passcode for that drug?"

"I don't know, I was only responsible for the research and development of drugs before, and I didn't care much about this aspect.

I just know that people in the organization sometimes call this kind of experimental drug like this.

From its number 4869, I think of Sherlock Holmes, so I call it a famous detective who can't accomplish anything. So I typed in the names of detectives I could think of to try my luck, but things are not as easy as I thought."

Jinsha nodded, "Then you try shelling Ford. "

Ai was a little confused, "Is there such a detective?"

But she still tried to enter it, and then hit enter. Unexpectedly, the page really jumped this time.

The words APOPTOXIN SELIAL NUMBER 4869 appeared on the screen, and then pages were opened continuously.

Ai looked at this scene in surprise, "It's opened, how could it be..."

Shajin explained: "Shelling Ford is a temporary name given by Conan Doyle before naming the detective in his novel Sherlock Holmes, that is, the famous detective in the experimental stage."

Ai was a little surprised, "I really didn't expect the organization to play this kind of game."

But since the page was opened, the next thing was much simpler. After copying a copy, it started to transfer to the CD.

She didn't breathe a sigh of relief until the progress bar showed 100.


"Shinichi, look ahead..."

Conan still couldn't find the identity of Pisk, which made him a little impatient. With the prompt of Dr. Agasa, he found the Porsche 356a not far ahead.

Then, two people got out of the car.

Gin, and vodka.

Dr. Agasa was very nervous, "It's them! Could they be with that Pisco..."

Conan stood up, his mind in turmoil, "No, this is impossible, I have already told Officer Megure to call me before releasing those seven people..."

He had no choice but to inform Officer Megure again that two men in black clothes had come to the hotel.

dangerous people, hoping that the police can hold them back.

"Pisk isn't here!"

Pushing the door open, Vodka looked at the empty wine cellar and couldn't help complaining.

"We agreed to meet in 30 minutes, but there is no news. We followed the transmitter and only found the laptop.

I don't know where that guy ran off to. I don't know where he went to. Why did that guy hide in this wine cellar!"

Gin said lightly: "This is probably the retreat that Pisk found for the sake of caution. If he didn't succeed at the venue, maybe he had planned to start somewhere else and dragged the man here."

Vodka persuaded: "Anyway, we'd better get out of here early."

The police outside didn't know what was going on. The whole hotel was searching for the tall man in black clothes. I'm afraid it won't take long for them to find this place.

However, at this moment, footsteps came from outside the door.

Gin sneered, "No need to go, Pisco..."

Vodka beside him also smiled, "Looks like that guy is here."

The door was pushed open, and Kenzo Masuyama walked in.

Vodka complained, "Why did you come now, Pisco?"

Kenzo Masuyama patted his clothes, "You don't know, those cops stopped me for some reason.

It's because they didn't make any progress that they let us go, so I had the opportunity to come and see you."

However, Gin sneered, then raised his gun and pointed it at the other party.

"What do you mean, Gin!" Pisco's face changed drastically, looking at him in disbelief.

"You are really old, Pisco. Why didn't you kill the photographer immediately and destroy the film?"

Pisco didn't understand what he meant at all. "Photographer? What are you talking about!"

Gin sneered, "I think your photo will be replaced in the morning newspaper tomorrow.

And it's a close-up of you shooting at the ceiling."

Hearing this, Pisco remembered that there seemed to be a flash when he did it, but he didn't notice it at the time. Now think about it, someone took a photo at that time.

Pisco was panicked, "No, if you kill me, you won't be able to find Shirley anymore. Yes, Shirley, I have clues about her. I just saw her.

Besides, I have worked hard for him for so many years, you are not qualified to kill me!"

Hearing his words, Vodka looked at his eldest brother, "Brother..."

However, Gin didn't care at all. Looking at the ridiculous look of Pisco in front of him, he actually felt a little happy in his heart, "Sorry, this is the order he gave me directly not long ago.

You have relied on the power of the organization to have the situation today. It's time to wake up from this dream. Do the rest when you die."

As he said, he pulled the trigger directly. Pisco didn't dare to believe until he died that the gentleman actually gave such an order.

Then Gin shot a bottle of Pisco on the wine rack again.

A raging fire burned, and the two left here in a flame.

The fire here soon attracted people's attention, including Conan.

Looking at the direction of the fire, for some reason, Conan felt that Ai must be there.

Regardless of the hotel staff's obstruction, he rushed towards the direction of the fire.

Rushing into the fire, he saw Masuyama Kenzo lying on the ground and the muzzle of a gun on his forehead.

But there was no time to care about these now.

"Habara! Can you hear me? Haibara!"


At this time, the staff also rushed to put out the fire.

Someone immediately found Conan, "Little friend, you can't go in, it's dangerous here!"

As he said, someone took Conan out.

Conan didn't know how he got back to the doctor's car in the end.

He lowered his head, holding a pair of glasses in his hand, which he accidentally picked up when he was taken out of the wine cellar. He recognized it at a glance. It was the tracking glasses he gave to Haibara.


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