The police said that the police had found a suspicious person.

"How is it, did you find another suspicious person?"

At the entrance of the hospital, Officer Megure looked at Shiratori Renzaburo, Chiba Kazunobu and others in front of him.

Officer Shiratori shook his head, "No."

"Officer Megure, we found this in the toilet!"

At this time, Officer Takagi ran over, and at the same time, he also brought a white coat, a mask and a hat.

Officer Megure frowned, "Is this the murderer's outfit?"

In the ward, Conan was sitting on the bed, and the nurse next to him was bandaging the wound on his leg.

The nurse patiently instructed the precautions, "Just come back to change the medicine after a while. The wound is not serious, but considering that you are a child, you should not do strenuous exercise recently. Running and playing football are not allowed.

Also, be careful not to let the wound get wet, be careful of infection, that's all, do you understand?"

"I understand, thank you sister!" Conan looked up with a bright smile.

The sister touched his head and said with a smile: "You're welcome, sister heard that you were injured because of chasing bad guys, and you are still a little hero! Just be careful, don't do such dangerous things next time."

After that, she pushed the cart out of the ward, leaving the place to Maori Kogoro and others.

Eri Kisaki sent the other party to the door, "Thank you for your help, Miss."

"You're welcome, this is what I should do."

After closing the door, Eri Kisaki turned around and looked at Conan with concern, "Conan, are you okay?"

Conan smiled and said, "I'm really fine, Auntie!"

Eri Kisaki patted his head in annoyance, "What a kid, you are, can you chase such a dangerous person? Thanks to Shajin who passed by and saved you, otherwise I don't know what would happen if the other party had a gun in his hand."

Then he looked at Kogoro Maori, "What should we do now? The murderer has already started to attack Officer Sato under the eyes of the police.

Since he can disguise himself as a doctor and come in and out here, he must know something about Xiaolan's situation. He will definitely not let Xiaolan go. It's just that Xiaolan has not recovered her memory now, so she is temporarily safe.

I can't believe the Metropolitan Police Department anymore. So many policemen can't protect one person. If it weren't for the sudden visit of these children today, Officer Sato might have been killed.

How can you let me rest assured that Xiaolan will be protected by them? "

Looking at Xiaolan who was already asleep, Eri Kisaki's face was full of distress.

At this time, the door of the ward was knocked, and Eri Kisaki opened the door. It was a nurse.

"Hello, Miss Fei, Dr. Fudo said he wants to talk to you about your daughter's condition."

Fei Yingli nodded, "Okay, we'll be there soon."

Behind him, Maori Kogoro looked at Dr. Agasa on the side, "Doctor, I'll trouble you to take care of Xiaolan."

Dr. Agasa nodded, "Don't worry, Kogoro, I will take good care of Xiaolan."

Hearing this, Maori Kogoro walked out of the house.

Seeing this, Conan was about to follow, but was stopped by Ayumi and Mitsuhiko on the side.

Ayumi put her hands on her hips, "Really, Conan, you're injured, don't move!"

Mitsuihiko also nodded, "That's right, Conan, you should have a good rest. I know you want to know about Xiaolan's situation. Leave it to us this time!"

Yuanta patted his chest, "That's right, Conan, I now order you to have a good rest in the name of the leader of the Junior Detective Team. Leave the matter of inquiring about intelligence to us!"

After that, the three of them walked out the door, and Conan looked at this scene helplessly.

On the side, Xiaoai passed by him and said teasingly: "Ah, it seems that someone has been taught a lesson by a child!"

After that, he left the room with his hands behind his back, and did not forget to close the door.

"Hey..." Conan rolled his eyes.

Dr. Agasa comforted him, "Okay, Shinichi, you were a little reckless this time. You are a little kid now. How can you just jump down from the third floor? And chase a criminal with a gun." "I can't help it. You know me, Doctor. I can't help it when I see this kind of murderer!" "You..." In the office, just when Fudo Kyosuke wanted to have a good talk with the two about Xiaolan's situation, Maori Kogoro raised his hand to stop him. He made a gesture of silence, then walked to the door, took a deep breath, and then suddenly

opened the door.

Suddenly, Ayumi, Mitsuhiko and Genta lost their balance and fell to the ground. Behind them, Xiao Ai looked at the scene indifferently.


Then the three of them looked up and saw Maori Kogoro with a bad face.

Standing up, Mitsuhiko smiled awkwardly: "Hehe, what a coincidence, Uncle Maori, you are here too."

Ayumi and Genta on the side looked away, not daring to look Maori Kogoro in the eye.

Finally, under Maori Kogoro's death gaze, Ayumi was the first to lose. She lowered her head and whispered: "Actually... Actually, we are worried about Xiaolan's condition, so we want to come together to listen. We are very sorry."

Hiki Eri smiled, "Okay, let them come in too."

Then she looked at Fudo Kyosuke on the side, "Doctor Fudo, is it okay?"

"Oh, it's okay, come in and listen together!"

"Thank you." The four little guys came in.

Then, Kyosuke Fudo got to the point and introduced the film on the computer screen: "According to the results of the MRI examination, no brain damage was found. It seems that Ling'er will lose her memory this time, and she wants to save herself from mental trauma."

Mouri Kogoro asked curiously: "So, if I just take my daughter to that restaurant and let the case repeat itself, she can recover her memory?"

Hiki Eri frowned, "Do you know what you are talking about! The memories that Xiaolan doesn't want to remember are not at all You shouldn't force her to remember!"

Mouri Kogoro also yelled: "You mean, you would rather Xiaolan be like this, and never recover her memory!"

Hiki Eri was not to be outdone, "I just oppose any possible way of torturing her! And have you forgotten the murderer? Forcing Xiaolan to recover her memory will only make him act on Xiaolan in advance!"

On the side, Fudo Kyosuke waved his hand, "You two, if you force her to remember, it may cause abnormalities in the brain."

"Ah?" Mouri Kogoro was a little surprised.

"I'll tell you." Kisaki Eri rolled her eyes.

At this time, the phone rang on the side.

Fudo Kyosuke apologized, "Excuse me."

Then he picked up the phone, "Hello, this is Fudo.

Okay, I know, I'll call and ask."

Then the phone was hung up, and he dialed another number, but no one answered.

All this was seen by Xiaoai.

Kyosuke Fudo turned his head and said, "Sorry, sorry."

Hiki Eri asked, "Doctor Fudo, is there any way to help her recover her memory naturally?"

Kyosuke Fudo thought for a while and said, "Well... Generally speaking, patients often recover their lost memories suddenly when they are relaxed."

Hiki Eri nodded and said, "I understand."

Then he looked at Maori Kogoro and said, "After Xiaolan is discharged from the hospital, I will move to your office."


Hiki Eri continued, "In this way, I can take care of Xiaolan, and she will definitely be able to relax a lot."

Mouri Kogoro couldn't accept it immediately, "What a joke, this will increase my pressure."

Hiki Eri glanced at him and said, "What you will do is none of my business. This is all for Xiaolan's good, so let's do it. I am informing you, not asking for your opinion."

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