The two of them were very happy.

"Oh, I have nothing to say. The gourmet detective is indeed worthy of his reputation!

I didn't expect your cooking skills to be so high!"

After dinner, Maori Kogoro looked at Ogami Zhushan beside him with admiration.

After everyone changed seats, they also wiped the tableware carefully with paper towels. Obviously, they didn't dare to bet whether the owner of this annex would touch the tableware.

Facing the praise from Maori Kogoro, Okami Zhushan smiled, "No, in order to satisfy my tongue that is not easy to please, of course I have to work harder on cooking."

Qintian Yumi, who was sitting not far away, took out a handkerchief and wiped her mouth elegantly, then said lightly: "It seems that we were all too worried just now."

In response, Mogi Harufu shook his head, "You are wrong, it is hard to say now!"

Just then, the robot who had not spoken for a long time in the main seat suddenly spoke.

"Are you all full? Are you satisfied with this last dinner I prepared?"

Hearing the voice coming from the loudspeaker, Mogi Harufu shrugged, "Look, the protagonist is talking!"

Then the robot continued to say: "Now we can get back to the topic. You must be very curious why I use this annex that cost a huge amount of money as the stage for this game!

First of all, please look carefully at each tableware placed next to you."

Everyone picked up the tableware and looked at it carefully.

Among them, Xiaolan looked at the handle of the spoon with some doubts, "There is a bird with a very big beak on it, and the whole pattern looks chilling."

Mouri Kogoro on the side said: "This should be a crow!"

Chikan Kyouyo seemed to think of something, "In this case, could this be..."

Before she finished speaking, another voice came from the loudspeaker.

"Now you understand, it is the family emblem of the rich man Karasuma Renya who died inexplicably about half a century ago."

"Karama... Karasuma Renya!"

Mouri Kogoro on the side was obviously very surprised by the name.

Even Shajin felt a strange feeling when he heard the name.

Karasuma Renya was naturally not unfamiliar to him. Although he had never really seen his appearance, he was only separated by a room door when he was closest.

In addition to his outstanding talent, he was able to get a code name at such a young age, and it was also inseparable from the gentleman's appreciation!

Normally, I call him Mr. or BOSS, but it feels a bit strange to hear his name suddenly.

Come to think of it, Twilight Annex, Tottori Prefecture, is not far from that person!

Shaking his head, he stopped thinking about it and continued to listen.

"Except for the tableware here, every door, floor, handrail, and even the chess and playing cards in the hall are all specially made by him.

In other words, this annex is the villa built by Karasuma, but this has become history, because forty years ago, a horrific tragedy happened in this annex."

The rain kept falling without stopping, and lightning flashed across the night sky, instantly illuminating this annex in the mountains.

The paleness of that moment added a weird atmosphere to this Twilight Annex.

In the room, everyone continued to listen to the sound coming from the loudspeaker.

"I believe that all the famous detectives have discovered that there are a lot of bloodstains in various forms everywhere in this annex when they stepped into it.

Yes, that is what this annex, which is still breathtakingly beautiful today, left on a night forty years ago."

As he told the story, everyone learned about the story of forty years ago. As for whether it is correct, no one knows, so let's just assume that what he said is true.

Forty years ago, this annex once convened celebrities from all walks of life in the political and economic circles to hold a secret meeting.

On the surface, it was to express condolences to Karasuma Renya, who passed away at the age of 99, but this secret meeting was actually an auction for the art collection of Karasuma Renya during his lifetime.

Because there are so many collections, the auction is expected to last for three days and three nights.

However, on a stormy night on the second night, two men who were soaked by the rain came to the annex and hoped to take shelter in the annex.

The organizer of the auction wanted to refuse, but the man took out a bag of cigarettes from his pocket and handed it to the organizer.

After smoking, the organizer suddenly changed his mind and invited the two men into the annex.

Afterwards, under the instigation of the man, everyone in the annex smoked the two men's cigarettes. Not long after, the annex was filled with a strong smell of cigarettes.

After hearing this, everyone also understood the true face of the so-called cigarettes - marijuana.

Things continued. Although some guests argued over the two men at first, the situation changed all of a sudden.

A man suddenly screamed like he saw a ghost, left the auction item he had won with great difficulty and ran out.

A woman seemed to be begging for someone's forgiveness, and tears burst out of her eyes and couldn't stop.

There was also a man who was excited and kept stabbing his wrist with a pen.

In the end, all the guests began to snatch the art works present, and even began to kill each other with the famous knives and swords auctioned.

The entire auction venue became a living hell. After this night, there were eight dead people and more than a dozen guests in coma lying in the auction venue.

As for the two men, they disappeared with all the artworks.

After hearing about this tragedy that happened forty years ago, Maori Kogoro was a little confused.

"It's strange. Why was there no news report on such a big case back then?"

Okami Zhushan said in a low voice: "The problem may be among those guests!"

Maori Kogoro was a little puzzled.

Da Shang Zhu Shan explained: "Because those people are all related to the political and economic celebrities at that time."

Chijian Shiyo agreed with his view, "That makes sense. Rather than letting the world know that they were tricked by two guys of unknown origin..."

Hakuba Tan said with his face supported: "Instead of going to great lengths to investigate the case thoroughly, it is better to suppress the whole case and retain their status in society."

Mogi Harufu on the side sneered, "I think those two men have already thought of such a result!"

Qintian Yumi nodded, "You are right, but this old story can really stimulate our appetite!"

As her voice fell, Ishihara Aki walked in with a pot of black tea.

The voice rang out again from the loudspeaker, "Now you should know why I chose this villa as the stage for this time!

My purpose is to let you detectives reenact the tragic incident forty years ago.

I want to see you kill each other for the treasure."

Da Shang Zhu Shan curled his lips, "Tsk, so boring."

Ignoring his complaints, the robot continued, "However, searching for treasure in such a large villa is like looking for a needle in a haystack, so I will give you another hint."


Xiao Lan looked over with some confusion.

I only heard a passage slowly coming out of the loudspeaker.

"Two travelers in a hurry looked up at the sky that night, and the devil descended on the castle.

The king took the treasure and fled.

The princess shed tears in the Holy Grail, praying for mercy from God.

The soldier slashed his sword and committed suicide, and the earth changed color."

After hearing this, Xiaolan was a little surprised, "Isn't this just now..."

The robot said, "Don't you think it's more appropriate to use this poem to describe the story that is about to happen in this villa?"

Qintian Yumi sneered, "Don't be silly, killing each other depends not only on who the opponent is, but we must also have that intention first."

The robot also said, "Of course, but none of you can quit this game, because you have long been confused by the magic I used, so you have no way to get out."

Everyone was a little surprised when they heard his words, only Shajin still looked uninterested.

"Now we are waiting for one of you to scream first, and then this game of wits will begin.

Listen carefully, whoever finds the treasure must go to the room on the fourth floor of the Central Tower and input the location of the treasure into the computer.

When the time comes, I will tell the winner half of the treasure and the way to leave this place according to the agreement."


As soon as the words fell, Mogi Harufumi screamed and fell backwards, holding his throat.

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