The dead body is dead.

"Chima Nozomi is dead."

When Maori Kogoro finished speaking, he thought that everyone present should be very surprised.

Unexpectedly, only Xiaolan and Ishihara Aki looked incredible.

Everyone else looked indifferent.

Maori Kogoro opened his eyes wide, "Hey, what's going on, aren't you surprised at all?"

Hakuba Tan shrugged, "What's there to be surprised about? It's something I expected a long time ago. It's just to see who will disappear. Now it seems that the mastermind behind this should be Ms. Chima Nozomi."

Maori Kogoro and Mogi Harushi were stunned when they heard his words.

Then, Haruhi Mogi asked with a puzzled look on his face: "What murderer! Why do you say Ms. Chima is the murderer?"

As Hakuba Tan explained to the two, they also understood.

Maori Kogoro frowned, "Then Chima is hiding and watching our reaction now!"

Everyone nodded.

Haruhi Mogi asked on the side: "What should we do now? The bridge is indeed cut off. Are we going to sit here and wait for death?"

Sakin shook his head, "Of course not!"

Hearing his words, everyone turned their heads.

Sakin smiled and said: "Just now I have notified Officer Megure of the Metropolitan Police Department through some means. I think the Metropolitan Police Department should have contacted the police here now."

Xiaolan suddenly realized, "That's it!"

But Hakuba Tan was a little curious about this method, "I don't know, what is this method?"

Sakin perfunctorily said a few words, just saying that it is a way to communicate directly through satellite.

In fact, it was Noah's Ark. After the cocoon conference, he got the full set of data of Noah's Ark, and now it is connected to his mobile phone.

Through Noah's Ark, he can directly access nearly 80% of the network in Japan, and it is naturally very easy to transmit information to the outside.

By the way, in the previous incident of Chousi Lang, the flight information of Shikano Shuji was also learned through Noah's Ark.

Since there is no need to worry about leaving, everyone is no longer in a hurry and walks around in this annex.

After all, everyone is very interested in the treasure mentioned in the tape before. Taking advantage of this time, several detectives want to see if they can find it.


Pushing the door open, Haruhi Mogi and Kogoro Maori walked into a room together.

The moment the light was turned on, the three saw the piano in the middle of the room.

As for why there were three people, of course Conan sneaked in behind them.

Haruhi Mogi was a little surprised, "I didn't expect there is such a fashionable thing!"

Walking closer, Kogoro Maori leaned over and looked down, "The edge of this piano seems to have been pulled by something recently."

Haruhi Mogi reached out and pressed the keys, and said with a smile: "This is probably the claw mark of an eagle. It seems that the guy has come to see it."

Conan looked at the piano, and as his eyes swept over it, he suddenly found that there seemed to be something sandwiched between two of the keys.

"Look, there seems to be something sandwiched on the keyboard of this piano!"

Haruhi Mogi and Kogoro Maori leaned over and saw the brown paper.

Haruhi Mogi pulled out the paper and unfolded it to read it.

"This... isn't this the treasure from before?"

Hearing his words, Kogoro Maori also looked over.

He frowned, "I don't understand, why are you writing on the rough paper?"

Mogi Harufu guessed, "I think this should be in the era when there were no photocopiers, someone looked at and printed this word.

For some purpose, it was distributed in large quantities."

As he said, he looked at Maori Kogoro and said with a smile, "So, the tragedy mentioned in the tape forty years ago and the code that imitated the location of the treasure are facts that need to be verified."

Conan lowered his head and showed a thoughtful expression.

Suddenly, he saw water marks under the piano in his peripheral vision.

"It's so strange, why is this piano wet?"

Mogi Harufu squatted down, "It seems that this is really the case."

As he said, he saw the spray on the side.

"Hey, isn't this the fluorescent reaction liquid of that lady?"

Mouri Kogoro was a little surprised, "So she has been here too!"

Mogi Harufu didn't answer him

, just said: "I say, mustache, go and turn off the lights!"


Mogi Haruhi was a little impatient, "Go quickly!"

Although he was a little dissatisfied with his attitude, Maori Kogoro still muttered to turn off the lights.

The lights dimmed, and Maogi Haruhi looked around, and finally his eyes gradually looked towards the bottom of the piano.


With his exclamation, the other two people in the room were attracted.

"Karasuma killed me, I finally took out the trump card to crack the code!"

Looking at this line of blood written by the fluorescent reaction liquid, the three frowned.

Maori Kogoro said in a deep voice: "I didn't expect that there was a blood letter on the piano. This matter is really not simple! The tragedy forty years ago really has an inside story."

Mogi Haruhi stared at the blood letter in a trance, "The last trump card, could it be..."


"Oh, Detective Maori, we meet again!"

Not long after, the police helicopter arrived at the dusk annex.

Because Officer Megure not only received the help message from Sakin, but also sent their location, so even though they were in the deep mountains and old forests, the police didn't take long.

Looking at the leading police officer in front of him, Conan was a little speechless, and suddenly looked dead.

He should have thought of it earlier. Tottori Prefecture is under the jurisdiction of Gunma Prefecture, so naturally the Gunma Prefecture Police will be responsible for this matter.

"Mr. Maori, it's been a long time since we last met. I didn't expect that we still have a chance to cooperate!"

The leading police officer quickly walked to Maori Kogoro and shook his hand.

Faced with the enthusiasm of this police officer, Maori Kogoro seemed a little confused.

Seeing this, the police officer pursed his lips, "Detective Maori, it hasn't been long since we last met, have you forgotten me?"

Xiaolan on the side also explained: "Dad, this is Officer Yamamura from Gunma Prefecture, have you forgotten? I just met him because of a case not long ago."

Hearing her words, Maori Kogoro burst into laughter, "Of course I remember, Officer Yamamura!


Looking at his appearance, everyone didn't doubt anything, but no one noticed that Conan lowered his head and a light flashed on his lens.

And Shajin on the side looked at this scene meaningfully.

Yamamura Cao, Gunma Prefectural Police, this funny police officer who appeared in Conan, Shajin was still quite impressed.

But so far this is the first time he has seen Yamamura Cao, and because of two cases before, Maori Kogoro's family had cooperated with Yamamura Cao, who led the team at the time.

Maori Kogoro naturally knew him.

"So, you received an invitation letter. The other party invited all the detectives to come to this annex in the identity of Kaito Kid, and wanted you to unlock the secret of the treasure of this annex."

Yamamura Cao touched his chin and continued: "In the process, you found that Chijian Shidai, who was also invited, and Da Shang Zhushan who was poisoned were the masterminds.

And now Chijian Shidai is missing, you suspect that the other party is hiding in a secret room in this annex and observing your every move through surveillance cameras, right?"

Everyone nodded.

Then, Yamamura So said, "So, Mr. Sakin notified the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department through a special method, and wanted to find the location of Chiken Kodai through the police.

In this case, let's leave it to our police. As long as Chiken Kodai is still in this annex, we will find it even if we have to dig deep.

That is..."

Here, he looked at the detectives with some hesitation, "Is the treasure you are talking about real?"

Everyone was a little speechless. As a policeman, why are you focusing on the treasure at this time!

Yamamura So's eyes lit up, "This is a treasure! Since she didn't hesitate to find you five famous detectives to find this treasure.

I think it should be worth a lot! If we can find it..."

Looking at his expectant eyes, needless to say, everyone understood what he meant.

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