The dead body was found dead in a pile of 100 pieces.

"It seems that the time of death is less than an hour."

Observing the condition of the deceased, Maori Kogoro made a preliminary analysis of the time of death.

Hattori Heiji said in a deep voice: "I think she was strangled to death before being tied to this fishing net!

From the footprints on the sand, the two types of shoes are slippers and long boots.

Miss Naoko is wearing a pair of slippers, and the long boots should belong to the murderer."

Looking at the corpse in front of him, Maori Kogoro sighed, "It's really tragic to die."


This time it was Conan who spoke. He was seen squatting on the side, and the watch-shaped flashlight was shining on the arrow-shaped mark on the ground.

"This should be the mark of the dugong arrow!

Since it was stepped on by a sandal, it is very likely that she dropped it when she was fighting with the murderer, and Miss Naoko accidentally stepped on it."

Hattori Heiji nodded and shone the flashlight on the ground around him, "Then the arrow was taken away by the murderer."

Mouri Kogoro said in a deep voice: "In other words, as long as we follow the shoe prints of the long boots, we should be able to find the murderer's hiding place."

"That's right."

Mouri Kogoro then said: "Look at these footprints, they are directly leading to the sea!"

Hattori Heiji was a little surprised, "Really!"

As he said, he shone the flashlight on the footprints, but found that something seemed to be flashing, "It seems that something shiny fell next to the footprints!"

As he said, he squatted down and prepared to check what it was.

"What is this?"

Putting it in front of his eyes, under the illumination of the flashlight, he looked at the object in front of him with some surprise, "This... This is, fish scales!"

Conan looked at the corpse and said, "In fact, Miss Naoko also had two or three pieces of such scales on her body."

"Hey, what are you guys doing here!"

At this time, a group of people came over.

Mouri Kogoro explained, "We are investigating this case."

But he didn't expect the leader of the other party to say, "This is the responsibility of our Fukui Prefecture Police!"

"Fukui Prefecture Police?"

Hattori Heiji smiled, "You are finally here."


Xiaolan said in surprise, "You said that the murderer's footprints disappeared when he walked to the beach!"

Hattori Heiji nodded, "Yes, and there happened to be a few fish scales falling next to it!"

"And fish scales!"

Hearing his words, Xiaolan and Kazuha became even more scared and huddled together.

Kazuha trembled and said, "Could the murderer be a mermaid?"

Hattori Heiji rolled his eyes, "Fool, how could a mermaid wear long boots!

I think the murderer may have walked along the wave line and then walked to the fishing net where he and Naoko had agreed to meet.

After committing the crime, he walked back along the wave line, so it looked like he was walking towards the beach."

Kazuha breathed a sigh of relief, "Is that so!"

Mouri Kogoro asked, "By the way, did anyone see Miss Naoko coming out of the room just now?"

Shimabukuro Kimie shook her head, "No, she was no longer in the room when I came over."

Fukuyama Rokuro looked He said to Benzo Monkyo, "Benzo, did you see it? You signed the list after Naoko."

Benzo Monkyo shook his head, "I didn't see it. There was no one there when I went in!"

Kogoro Mori touched his chin, "So, Miss Naoko was the first to come here, and soon she went to the fishing net to wait for the murderer."

Rokuro Fukuyama asked in confusion, "This murderer should not be the same person who killed Sumi, right?"

Kogoro Mori shook his head, "Oh, this is not very clear at the moment.

But what is certain is that the murderer has taken Miss Naoko's dugong arrow away."

"The murderer took the dugong arrow?" Kazuha was a little surprised.

Meanwhile, Shimabukuro Kimie pondered, "Saori also disappeared after she said the dugong arrow was missing. Could she be..."

Hattori Heiji nodded and said in a deep voice, "Yes, maybe she has been murdered now."

An old lady at the side was a little surprised, "What, are you talking about Saori? I saw her near the Mermaid Falls yesterday morning!"

Her words surprised everyone.

Then, another

The man also said: "Me too, I also saw her wandering in the forest near the waterfall from a distance."

Hattori Heiji asked: "Are you sure it was Saori you saw?"

The man nodded, "It's absolutely right, Saori is the only child on the island who dyed her hair and wore a pair of glasses."

The lady also said: "And she usually wears blue clothes."

After listening to the two people's words, Hattori Heiji fell into deep thought.

Maori Kogoro looked at the Benzo Monkyo, "Mr. Monkyo, do you know why?"

Benzo Monkyo shook his head and said nonchalantly, "Who knows, the child usually doesn't tell me anything

Oh, I just hope she won't be like the dead girl and become a mermaid!"

Maori Kogoro frowned, "Mermaid? What do you mean?"

Benzo Monkyo seemed a little surprised, "Don't you know? The legendary Yaobikuni specializes in eating mermaid meat hanging on the net."


Hearing his words, Kazuha unconsciously remembered what Shimabukuro Yakoto said last night.

"Once you let go, the monster will build a nest on you. If it's a woman, she will enter the water and become a mermaid who can't speak."

Feeling the girl's nervousness, Xiaolan sighed softly, and then gently hugged her.

Feeling the touch between the body, Kazuha was stunned.

Xiaolan said softly: "Don't be afraid, Kazuha, I will protect you.

It's okay, relax."

Hearing the girl's comforting voice, Kazuha's body gradually stopped shaking.


Mouri Kogoro said in a deep voice: "No matter what, when the sun rises, let's come to find Miss Saori!"

On the side, Hattori Heiji walked to Kazuha and said softly: "Kazuha!"


Kazuha turned her head in confusion.

"Don't leave my side!"

After saying that, he turned and entered the house.

Xiaolan on the side smiled and said: "At this time, Hattori unexpectedly gives people a very reliable feeling!"

Everyone entered the room, and at this time, Sakin also had the opportunity to call Shimashiro Kimie aside.

"Miss Kimie, you killed the person!"

Hearing his question, Shimabukuro Kimie was a little confused, and was interrupted by Sakin just as she was about to speak.

"You don't have to deny it. Since I came to talk to you, it means that I already know the answer.

Not only do I know that you killed the person, but I also know that the so-called longevity woman was also pretended by you. Similarly, the mermaid skeleton found that year was actually the body of your mother.

As for the cause of death, it is directly related to Monkyou Saori, Kuroe Naoko and Ebihara Sumi."

Hearing this, Shimabukuro Kimie's pupils shrank, and she looked at the man in front of her with some shock.

After a long while, she reluctantly said, "Why did you come to me? Do you want me to surrender?"

Sha Jin shook his head, "No, no, no, Miss Jun Hui, you may have some misunderstandings about me.

I roughly know your next plan, and I don't intend to stop you. I just want to remind you that after you fake your death, don't appear as a longevity woman.

After all, you are the same person after all, and there are many people who know about this. If you appear as a longevity woman after faking your death, you will definitely be caught."

Shimabukuro Jun Hui looked at him and asked softly, "Then what should I do?"

Sha Jin smiled, "Don't you know how to disguise yourself? Change your appearance and leave here. After being a longevity woman for so many years, you should live for yourself. You still have a long life, don't you?"

After that, he turned around and prepared to leave, but just after taking a step, he turned his head again and asked curiously, "Where is the toilet?"

Shimabukuro Jun Hui was stunned for a moment, and then pointed in a direction.

Shajin nodded and then left in that direction.

Looking at his back, Shimabukuro Kimie felt a little dazed. Living for himself?

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