The auction venue is located in GR 1 of the Sabaody Archipelago, which is generally a concentration of slave trading/auctions, with criminals and nationals of countries that have not joined the World Government.

It is occasionally used for devil fruit auctions.

Today, there are crowds of people here, all of whom are here to compete for the finale product of this time - the Gold-Gold Fruit.

GR 1 is listed as an illegal place, where there are all kinds of people, but no one dares to make trouble here.

The owner here, Don Quixote Doflamingo, is a pirate with 340 million shells!

Not only that, he is also protected by Kaido, the King of Beasts, who was called the "Emperor of the Sea" some time ago.

Against such a powerful background, the auction house is as stable as a mountain and has smooth sailing.

Diamante carefully led Rean into the crowded and bustling auction venue.

As soon as they appeared, they immediately attracted the attention of many people present.

People were whispering to each other.

"Who is this young man? He is so valued by the auction venue manager Diamante that he even accompanied him personally!"

At this moment, a scream suddenly came from the crowd.

"I recognized him! That's Rean, a member of the Red Hair Pirates!"

Another voice shouted.

"His bounty is as high as 600 million Baileys!"

These two sentences were like two heavy bombs, causing an uproar in the crowd and causing everyone to exclaim.

The words "Pirate Expo" and "Red Port" quickly flashed in everyone's mind.

It is amazing that a newcomer who has just made his debut can stand out in these major events and be active on the stage.

There is no doubt that it is not an exaggeration to call him the "super star" of the pirate world. !

In a corner of the venue, two gorgeously dressed people were talking in a low voice.

"Boss Tezoro, that big pirate is coming here, should we first..."

His tone was a little flustered, and the meaning was self-evident.

"How is it possible." Tezoro gritted his teeth and said, "I must get that fruit today no matter what!"

It was one of the slaves who escaped from the Holy Land: Gild Tezoro!

Gild Tezoro led a group of people to flee here, and accidentally heard the news of the devil fruit auction, so he disguised himself and sneaked into the venue.

At this time, Tezoro's eyes were full of madness. He finally escaped, and he didn't want to go back to those hellish days.

His Sky Dragon Hoof always reminded him of that tragic past.

As long as he eats the Golden-Gold Fruit, he can have countless wealth, and as long as he has money, he can buy everything! Own everything!

A smiling face appeared in my mind, Stella...

Diamanti thoughtfully arranged a front seat for Rean and gave him an auction list.

The auction prices at the venue are as follows:

Human: 500,000 Baileys

Long-armed tribe: 700,000 Baileys

Long-legged tribe: 700,000 Baileys

Snake-necked tribe: 700,000 Baileys

Pure-haired tribe: 700,000 Baileys

Dwarf tribe: 700,000 Baileys

Malloc: 1,000,000 Baileys

Giant tribe:

Male: 50,000,000 Baileys

Female: 10,000,000 Baileys

Human Fish:

Male: 1,000,000 Baileys

Female under 30 (tail fin not separated): 70,000,000 Baileys

Female over 30 (tail fin separated): 10,000,000 Baileys

Devil Fruit users: market price

Other rare species: market price

Rean looked at the price list with a lot of thoughts in his mind. The auction house claimed that the targets of the sale were all criminals and citizens of countries that did not join the World Government, but who knew whether it was true or not.

Diamante on the side was diligently promoting her own products.

"The auction of the Gold-Gold Fruit will be held at the end, please wait patiently."

"Of course, if you see a slave you like, you can also take a picture of it."

Rean suppressed his irritability and said.

"Okay, you can leave now."

Diamante was very confused, why was she angry for no reason, but she didn't ask any more questions and retreated.

On the stands, a man wearing a tall hat, star-shaped sunglasses, and long pink and purple hair made a grand appearance.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting!"

"I am the host - Disco!"

"Let's start right away

This month's slave auction. "

"I think everyone knows that there will be super hot items in this auction!"

The stands cheered.

"It seems that everyone can't wait!"

"Let's introduce the first item!"

"A girl from a fallen noble family, starting price 500,000 Baileys!"

Under the stands, under the spotlight, a girl wearing a slave collar, with a dull expression.

"5050,000 Baileys!"

"5100,000 Baileys!"

"5800,000 Baileys!"

The people below seemed to be fighting for rare treasures, and they were extremely enthusiastic.


The conversation between the two people next to him attracted Rean's attention.

"It looks lifeless. It will be difficult to discipline it after buying it back!"

"Yes, if it is disobedient, it can't complete the master's task, which is useless!"

"It's a pity that the devil fruit was not included in the auction. ”

“I heard that wearing a collar will make you behave well. What’s its name…”

“Pet Fruit.”

“Yes, that’s the name.” The man looked at Rean, and the smile on his face disappeared. It was a pirate!

But he thought about it and realized that he was protected by the Don Quixote family in the auction house, so he felt relieved.

“You also know this fruit? Isn’t it appropriate?”

Rean said lightly.

“Are you sure they have this fruit?”

The man said with a proud look on his face.

“Diamante and I have some friendship.”

Rean didn’t say anything, and cast his eyes on the stands again, sneering in his heart.

Diamante is playing like this, right? He originally just wanted to grab the fruit and leave, but now it seems that he has to grab something else.

The slaves were photographed one by one, until finally, a fruit with strange patterns was brought up.

The atmosphere in the venue instantly reached a climax

“Is that the golden fruit? ”

“I heard it can turn into gold.”

“I heard it can turn into gold, is it real?”

“Can I become the richest man in the world?”

Before Disco could name the bottom price, someone else had already made a bid.

”100 million Baileys!”

”120 million!”

”150 million! "


Finally, buyer No. 88 bought it at a sky-high price of 330 million Baileys.

Everyone envied this man's strength.

Rean didn't care about it.

Buyers No. 88, No. 51 and No. 33 would bid almost every time, but except for the last devil fruit, they would give up bidding for other items at the critical moment.

He guessed that these people might be hired by the auction house to raise the price.

As expected, they didn't really intend to sell the devil fruit.

Just then, man No. 88 walked onto the stage and walked directly towards the devil fruit.

Disco was very confused because there was no such plot during the rehearsal. This guy is really a fool!

However, he couldn't get angry on the spot.

"It seems that this guest can't wait to see his goods!" said the host.

"But please complete the payment first!"

"Go down first! "

Disco said while suppressing his anger.

Unexpectedly, without any warning, the man picked up the golden fruit and was about to bite it.

Disco was immediately shocked!


This part was not in the rehearsal!

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