The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two of them were in a state of panic.

Fishman Island.

Giron Court Square.

"Rean can perform space jumps in places with special marks."

"There is a certain distance limit."

"Very quickly! Be careful!"

Doflamingo has suffered from Rean before, especially now there is a mark on his back, so he is very afraid of this and reminds Jin and Jack.

After Jack untied Doflamingo's seastone handcuffs, he did not join the battle immediately, but used the power of the Thread-Thread Fruit to sew the wound and repair the damage in his body.

As soon as the voice fell, Rean appeared in front of Jack in an instant.

"Flying Thunder God Slash!"

A long bloodstain appeared on Jack's chest.


Blood splattered.

Jack staggered, but he didn't fall down in the end, roaring.

"You bastard!"

Rean looked at the bloodstain on his chest and thought: Animals have thick skin and flesh, the cut was too shallow!

A creepy murderous aura came.


Rean jumped in time to avoid Jin's samurai sword.

Flying finger gun!

Sharp air bullets shot out from his fingers, cutting through the air, making a sharp sound, and hitting Jin without any fancy.

But it didn't cause any damage.

Jin's eyes were full of mockery.

"You can't beat me!"

Rean suddenly realized that this guy was from the Lunaria clan. When the flames behind him burned, his defense was amazing, and his attacks didn't work at all.

Without domineering, these two tanks can't be beaten by themselves!

I have speed, but I still lack powerful means of attack.

If I had the Tailed Beast Ball, I don't believe I can't blow them to death!

Tezulo should have arrived there. He has held the three of them back for so long. I wonder if he has found the things. In this situation, he can't hold on for much longer.

The second squadron of the Neptune King's Army.

Because most of the guards were transferred to Gironcord Square.

At this time, this place is very empty.

Although Tezulo was captured as a slave before, there was a reason. If he hadn't fallen into the sea, he would not have been captured.

Although he is only half-baked now, it is more than enough to deal with the remaining guards.


The ten gold rings on his hands turned into slender golden thorns, piercing all the guards.

"Quickly notify Lord Jack for reinforcements!"

"Everyone has already taken Gironcord Square!"

Tezulo said calmly.

"Don't waste your energy."

"Your Lord Jack is not free now."

"There is a devil fruit. Do you know where it is?"

Gironcord Square.

Rean relied on Flying Thunder God to maneuver among the three people.

Doflamingo repaired his damage a little and joined the battle. He couldn't wait any longer and wanted to kill Rean now!

It was already very difficult for Rean to deal with two people alone. Now with Doflamingo, the situation was even more dangerous.

Fortunately, Flying Thunder God was able to move flexibly, but it was already impossible to counterattack.

"Give up quickly and die obediently!"

Suddenly, the flames behind Jin disappeared.

"You seem to be very confident in your speed."

When the flames behind the Lunaria clan disappear, their speed will be greatly improved, but their defense will also decrease.

Jin flapped the wings behind him and flew towards Rean at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Rean didn't react in time and his shoulder was cut, but he jumped smoothly.

Otherwise, Jin's knife would cut off Rean's entire shoulder.

However, at the jumping point, Rean had just appeared when Jin's attack arrived.

In the previous battle, Jin had memorized all the space jump points, and before Rean jumped, he expanded his perception of observation to the extreme.

As long as Rean jumped, he could find it instantly, using his body transformed into a pterosaur to make himself dive forward at a very fast speed, and spread his wings to attack Rean fiercely.


The extremely hard wings slapped Rean hard, and he flew backwards at a high speed as if he was hit by a cannonball.

Finally, he slammed heavily into the ground, raising a cloud of dust.

Doflamingo was overjoyed to see this, and was about to step forward to kill Rean.

"The annoying jumping bunny, has it finally stopped!"

Cough cough cough! A cough sounded, and in the smoke-filled environment, Rean slowly got up from the ground.

At this moment, he looked extremely embarrassed, all

His whole body seemed to be falling apart, and there was no part that was not painful.

Especially his shoulder, where blood was constantly flowing out, the severe pain made him almost unbearable.

However, despite this, Rean still gritted his teeth and stood up despite the severe pain in his body.

Panting heavily, he had reached his limit.

A heavy sound of footsteps came, attracting everyone's attention.

"I didn't expect that people were really here."

Jinbei appeared on the square with guards.

"Jack, explain to me why you are here too?"

Jack didn't expect Jinbei to appear. What are the guards he left outside the square for?

No one reported to him!

"As you can see, I'm chasing the criminal."

The four people in the battle were standing in relatively scattered positions, and it was impossible to tell who was in the same group with whom.

At this time, Jack's identity could not be exposed, and there would be places for him to use later.

Jinbei frowned.

"Why didn't you notify everyone!"

Jack snorted.

"I can do it alone!"

Jinbei was about to get angry, but was interrupted by Rean.

"I'll take a break first, you guys chat slowly."

"Also, I'll definitely come back to find you!"



Rean disappeared on the spot.

Doflamingo frowned. It was a tricky ability, and even seastone couldn't suppress it!

Seeing Rean leave, Jinbei was silent for a while.

"You are here for sightseeing, we welcome you."

"But you are absolutely not allowed to attack this island!"

"Even if I have to risk my life, I will stop you!"

The guards surrounded the few people.

However, they were not taken seriously.

Doflamingo tied the clouds in the sky with a thin line and used the skyway to leave from the air.

Jinbei also flew away from the air.

It would take two days for the ship to pick them up.

Jinbei looked at the two people flying away, thinking.

Could these two be the real murderers? ,

The second squadron of the Neptune King's Army.

In a room.

Tezoro looked at the strange fruit in the wooden box and thought to himself: Is this the pet fruit?

A slight strange sound appeared, and Tezoro was startled. He turned around and the golden thorn in his hand was about to fly out.

"It's me."

Tezoro stopped attacking and was surprised to see Rean covered with wounds.

"Are you okay?"

Rean shook his head and walked forward.

"Not dead yet."

"Is this it?"

Rean had never seen the devil fruit illustration, and was not sure whether this was the pet fruit. After all, he had been deceived once just now.

Tezoro understood Rean's concerns.

"I have confirmed it with the guards here."

"It should be this."

Rean picked up the fruit, hesitated for a moment, and opened his mouth to bite it.

Instead of guessing meaninglessly here, it is better to be direct.

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