The dead tree was buried in the desert.

Wano Country.

A corner of the Jiuli wilderness.

Surrounded by tall rocks, it is very suitable for hiding traces.

There are two figures hiding here.

Li En gently removed his hand from Tezulo's shoulder and asked softly.

"How is it? Do you feel better now?"

Tezulo moved his body and felt the power surging in his body.

He was surprised to find that the wounds on his body had completely healed, as if he had never been injured.

He couldn't help but sigh.

"Thanks to you! I feel much better now."

Although they successfully escaped from the battlefield, both of them were seriously injured and the situation was still very critical.

However, unexpectedly, in such a short time, Rean miraculously recovered.

How did he do this?

Is it because of the power of the devil fruit? Tezulo thought to himself.

His eyes were full of passion when he looked at Rean. Only a person with multiple devil fruits would dare to attack the country of Wano where monsters live alone!

Originally, he thought that as long as he had enough money, he could get anything he wanted, but at this moment, Tezulo realized how naive and ridiculous his previous thoughts were.

It turns out that only with absolute strength can one dominate the world and control everything!

And Rean's firm and tall back became more and more majestic in Tezulo's eyes, like an insurmountable mountain.

However, at this time, the mountain seemed a little shaky and unstable, as if it would fall down at any time.

Tezulo hurriedly stepped forward, held Rean with his hand, and asked him to sit down slowly, and asked with concern.

"Hey! Are you okay? Why do you feel something is wrong?"

Logically speaking, those hideous wounds on Rean's body should have healed long ago, why did this happen? Is there something else going on?

Sweat broke out on Rean's forehead, and the healed wounds on it were aching slightly.

This was the sequelae of Kaido's last blow.

In fact, even the power of Kurama couldn't fully restore the body.

"Haki..." Rean muttered to himself.

Teacher Kai once said that only Haki can overcome everything!

Rean always thought that as long as he had the power of Kurama, he could sweep everything away.

He didn't pay attention to Haki, nor did he think about learning it.

Now it seems that it's not entirely true. In the battle with Kaido, the Tailed Beast Ball did not play the role it should have.

And just now, Rean could feel that his connection with his "pets" was broken.

Did Kaido use his powerful Haki to knock off the pet ring?

It seems that the last Tailed Beast Ball did not completely solve him.

As expected, he still has to master Haki.

Now, Rean is not the only one who has this idea.

In his consciousness.

Kurama is still lying on the ground.

He looked down at the pet ring on his neck, thinking.

That power called Haki, it seems to be very useful...

In the pile of rocks, Tesoro saw Rean in deep thought.

"Do you want to fight back?"

"If so, you need more pets!"

Rean shook his head.

"No, there are more important things to do now."

Tesoro was puzzled.

"Master Haki first."

The term Haki is quite unfamiliar to Tesoro.

"What is that?"

"A kind of power."

Rean's understanding of Haki is limited to the original work, and it will take a while to explain it clearly.

"First, find a teacher."

There is a famous teacher who teaches Haki in Wano Country.


Nine Miles Wilderness.


Jin stood there and casually threw the bloody piece of flesh in his hand to the ground. On the flesh, a Flying Thunder God mark was stained with blood.

At this time, the collar on his neck had disappeared. He looked a little embarrassed, but his eyes were particularly fierce.

At the same time, a large wound on Doflamingo's back was bleeding, and his face was as pale as paper.

"Cut it all clean."

"No problem."

"Why do you have to go to this extent?"

"Just cut a few knives."

Doflamingo grinned.

"I'll only feel relieved if it's clean!"

He didn't want to live a life of fear and thieves every day.

Every time he thought of that hateful Rean,

The anger in Doflamingo's heart erupted like a volcano.

This damn guy actually dared to enslave him, he was simply tired of living!

He secretly swore that he would tear this bastard into pieces no matter what to relieve the hatred in his heart!

Behind him, Kaido roared impatiently.

"Are you done? You guys!"

His voice exploded like thunder, shaking the entire battlefield.

Although his body was covered with scars, and some places were still bleeding, his momentum was still domineering, as if he had never been injured.

This is no wonder, after all, as the governor of the Beast Pirates, one of the Three Emperors, and the user of the Fish-Fish Fruit·Blue Dragon Form, Kaido's strength is quite terrifying.

And the powerful recovery ability of the Mystical Beasts is even more amazing. Even such serious injuries can be healed quickly.

Don't say it——Don't say it——

Lei on the side, the Den Den Mushi on his body rang.

"Lord Lei, there are a few people wearing strange masks. Do you want to let them into the port?"

"They said they had an appointment with you before."

Lei thought to himself, "Could it be CP0? How could it be such a coincidence that they came at this time?"

CP0 came to Wano Country this time to discuss the export of weapons.

Originally, this matter was carried out through the middleman, Doflamingo, and it has been going very smoothly.

However, due to the appearance of Rean and the kidnapping of Doflamingo, the transaction was forced to be interrupted, and CP0 had to take action personally.

Lei turned around and asked Kaido for instructions.

"Lord Kaido, do you want to send them back?"

After all, Doflamingo has been snatched back by us, and the follow-up matters can be left to him to deal with.

And judging from the current situation, it is really not appropriate to let the people of the World Government know what happened here.

Although there is a certain degree of cooperation between the World Government and the World Government, pirates and the navy are always two opposing sides!

As long as the opportunity is right, both sides don't mind stabbing each other in the back.

Wano Port.

On the World Government's warship.

CP0's request was rejected, and they said Doflamingo would contact them soon.

The people wearing masks looked at the Den Den Mushi in front of them and looked at each other in bewilderment.

Didn't Doflamingo get caught?

Could it be that Kaido rescued him?

And what about the explosion on the sea just now?

It seems that it was launched from Wano.

Who are the beasts fighting?

If Rean was here, he would definitely recognize these three people who had fought in Red Harbor.





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