Ice Age!

At the same time that Moria cast Shadow Mage, Qingyun also cast Ice Age.

Moria had just controlled his shadow and turned it into his shadow clone, and he, along with the entire castle he was in, was frozen by Qingyun.

But despite this, Moria's shadow clone still attacked Qingyun.


However, Qingyun dodged it easily, and rushed to Moria, punching Moria, who was frozen into an ice sculpture, into ice chips.

In an instant, Moria's shadow clone disappeared.

The zombie soldiers he created, including the zombie Xin Duoli, had their shadows in their bodies rushing out and floating towards their original owners.

【The host kills Gekko Moriah, and his physical fitness increases by 49... and gains the ability of the Shadow-Shadow Fruit, as well as the Shadow-Shadow Fruit……】

The next moment, Qingyun had a Shadow Fruit in his hand, and at the same time, he mastered the ability of the Shadow Fruit, to the same extent as Moria.

Snap! Snap!

Qingyun quickly put away the Shadow Fruit, and then transformed into lightning.���He quickly rushed to the location of the famous sword Shushui and took the sword from Ryoma's body.

He put away the sword Shushui and turned into lightning, rushing to Perona.


Perona, who was lying on the bed with her big bear doll, preparing to go to sleep, was startled by Qingyun's sudden appearance and couldn't help but screaming.

"Perona, are you willing to get on my boat and go with me?"

Qingyun stretched out a hand towards Perona and asked with a smile.

So handsome!

Perona was deeply fascinated by Qingyun and couldn't help but stare at Qingyun.

In Perona's eyes, Qingyun directly turned into a handsome prince with a beautiful filter, making it impossible for her to refuse Qingyun.

""Okay, Your Highness."

Perona blushed and replied shyly, then she put her hand directly into Qingyun's hand.

The reason why Perona did this was because Qingyun used the power of the Sweet-Sweet Fruit to greatly enhance his charm.

In addition, he was already handsome and extraordinary. He directly transformed into Hancock, making it impossible for men, women, young and old to resist his charm.

Especially those boys and girls who are in their ignorant period, they can't resist Qingyun's current charm.

Qingyun didn't want to rely on the power of the Sweet-Sweet Fruit to invite beautiful women on board.

But now the situation is urgent, he can only choose to do so.

【Congratulations to the host for subduing Perona and joining the Sea King Group. Please choose Perona's position.】

"very good"

"Then from now on, you are the ghost princess of my Sea King Group."

Qingyun said with a smile.

As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun obtained all the abilities of Perona that were beneficial to him, including the ability of the ghost fruit.

""Yes, Your Highness."

Perona said in a tender voice, without any reluctance.


The ability of the Sweet-Sweet Fruit is really abnormal!

No wonder Hancock likes to use it in front of others!

Qingyun saw that Perona was invited to board the ship like this, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Click! Click!

Without saying anything more, he directly picked up Perona in a princess hug, and at the same time grabbed Perona's favorite big bear toy, turned into thunder and lightning and rushed back to the Sea King with Perona.

In the blink of an eye, Qingyun held Perona and took the big bear toy back to the Sea King.

"Qingyun, you come back……"

Before he finished speaking, seeing Qingyun using the power of the Sweet-Sweet Fruit, Nami and the others, even Hancock, and the Cube sisters who still hated Qingyun, couldn't help but stare in amazement. They did n't mind at all that Qingyun came back with Perona in his arms.

Perona didn't notice Nami and the others at all, because she was still focusing on Qingyun's face and couldn't take her eyes off him.

"I'm back."

Qingyun said with a smile.

He noticed the looks of Nami and the others, and was not surprised.

He immediately looked at the zombie Sindri.

The reason why he was so anxious was because of it.

Sure enough, the zombie Sindri had"died" because of Moria's death, and turned back into Sindri's corpse, and began to rot slowly.

Qingyun put Perona down and returned her big bear toy to her.

Then he turned into thunder and lightning, came to Hogback, and directly cut off the shadow of Hogback that was frozen into an ice sculpture.

Then he immediately returned to the Sea King and put the shadow into Sindri's corpse, turning it back into a zombie Sindri.

"That's the ability of the Shadow-Shadow Fruit!"

"How do you have the ability of Lord Moria?!"

"What did you do to Lord Moria?"

Perona saw this and felt an ominous feeling. She asked Qingyun in great surprise and panic.

Nami and the others were not surprised at all.

"They actually turned her into a zombie puppet again!"

"You really want to……"


However, they were disgusted by Qingyun's turning Xin Duo's corpse into a zombie puppet, and they couldn't help but get goose bumps all over their bodies.

"Who do you think I am?"

"How could I possibly do such a thing?"

"The reason I did this was to revive Xin Duoli."

"Because I know that once the Yellow Spring Fruit awakens, I can freely go in and out of the Yellow Spring and the human world, and even bring back the souls in the Yellow Spring and revive the dead."

Qingyun explained righteously.

"So this is ah!"

"It can actually revive the dead!"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

Even Miss Golden Week, who had already mastered the power of the Yomiuri Fruit, was shocked.

Because she only mastered the power of the Yomiuri Fruit and had not yet awakened.

Although it was unbelievable, they all felt that Qingyun was not lying.

Qingyun was naturally not just talking nonsense.

He had used the detection function before to see the power of the Yomiuri Fruit after awakening.

However, it is very difficult to awaken the devil fruit, and the Yomiuri Fruit cannot significantly increase combat power and self-protection capabilities, so he did not intend to let any of Kaya and the others eat it at first.

If it weren't for the Yomiuri Fruit summoning Miss Golden Week, he would not let her eat it.

"Moria asked Hogback to drug me, hoping to cut off our shadows and kill us, but I killed him instead.

Qingyun looked at Perona again and explained in a concise manner.


"You actually killed Lord Moriah!"

Perona was very angry.

She was picked up by Moriah when she was young and raised by him. She always regarded Moriah as her father and respected him very much.

When she heard that Moriah had been killed by Qingyun, she was naturally sad about Moriah's death and angry at Qingyun, the culprit.

"He was the one who wanted to kill us first.

Qingyun said righteously.

Perona had no way to refute this.

Because the reason she attacked Qingyun and his group before was also because of Moria's order.

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