Boom! -

The next moment, a powerful lightning shot out from one end of the magic weather stick.

Then, it quickly split into hundreds of lightning branches, each of which had terrifying energy and power, bombarding the incoming shells with a devastating force, and the range was far beyond the incoming shells.

Bang! Bang! Bang! -

Almost in an instant, all the shells were blown up by lightning, and none of them were spared.

This move looks like an ordinary electric discharge.

In fact, it is true.

However, the function of the magic weather stick is not just discharge.

Moreover, it can better control the ability of the thunder fruit, and it does not always rely on the ability of the thunder fruit.

"How amazing!"

Ke Ya and the others were shocked and very envious.


Nami smiled happily.

Crack! Crack!

Qingyun turned into lightning and quickly landed on Judicial Island and rushed directly into the enemy camp.

The navy was shocked and frightened.

"Don't be afraid, he's alone."

"Come on"

"Catch together��"

Commander Spandam drew out his elephant sword and gave orders with confidence.

However, he himself remained indifferent. He even started to flee after the navy rushed towards Qingyun.

He was frightened when he heard that Qingyun and his gang were heading towards Judicial Island.

However, in order to show his loyalty to duty, after asking for help from the Navy Headquarters, he brought his men to prepare for resistance.

He wanted to use the geographical advantage to attack the Poseidon with artillery shells in an attempt to defeat Qingyun and his gang and make a great contribution.

But when he saw Nami easily disintegrate their attack with a stick.

After seeing Qingyun rushing over alone in an instant, he knew that he was just daydreaming.

He didn't want to die, so he planned to let his subordinates hold Qingyun back so that he could take the opportunity to escape.

"Why did he just rush over!"

Taotu and Tina panicked when they saw this, fearing that Qingyun would start a massacre.

"Don't worry"

"Since Qingyun has promised not to kill the navy indiscriminately, then he will definitely not kill the navy indiscriminately."

Dashiqi said to Taotu and Tina with certainty.

"That's right."

Nami and the others all nodded.


At this moment, Qingyun's eyes widened, and his eyes flashed red. The blood-red domineering aura was released, sweeping towards the navy that attacked from all directions.

The next moment.

Almost all the navy's eyes rolled back, and then they fell to the ground and fainted.

Even those who didn't fainted were all sweating coldly, and they knelt on the ground, looking at Qingyun in horror, as if they had seen the god of death.

Even Nami and the others who were far away were a little shocked by Qingyun's domineering aura.

The still weak Ke Ya and the others couldn't help but sweat.

"So that's it."

Seeing this, Taotu and Tina finally understood why Qingyun rushed over alone.

If they waited for them to go together, they would definitely suffer a stronger impact.

Qingyun walked slowly towards Gabra, who was rushing the fastest and was not far in front of him and had already entered the werewolf state.



Move quickly!

Seeing Qingyun coming towards him, Gabra was very scared and kept trying hard to control himself to move, but he just couldn't control his body.


Without saying a word, Qingyun put his right hand on Gabra's forehead, and then directly used the ability of the Sand-Sand Fruit, performing the Cracked Skill, which directly sucked all the water from Gabra's body.

In an instant, Gabra's body shrank rapidly, like a horrible mummy, and soon died directly.

【The host kills Gabra, and his physical fitness is +38... and he obtains the wolf form ability of the Dog-Dog Fruit, as well as the wolf form of the Dog-Dog Fruit……】

The next moment, Qingyun had the wolf form of the Inu-Canis Fruit in his hand, and he also mastered the ability of the wolf form of the Inu-Canis Fruit, to the same level as that of Gabra.

Seeing this scene from afar, Nami and the others knew why Qingyun wanted to kill Gabra.

Although Tashigi, Jessica, Taotu and Tina were a little angry, they did not resent Qingyun for killing Gabra.

Because they knew that Gabra and the others all wanted to capture Qingyun, and if Qingyun was not strong enough, it would not be Gabra who died.

After putting away the wolf form of the Inu-Canis Fruit, Qingyun continued to walk slowly towards Spandam

"Don't... don't kill me"

"I am……"

"Please don't kill me"

"Please, please."

Spandam wanted to use his background, but when he thought that Qingyun dared to kill even the Tianlong people, his background was not enough, so he kept crying and begging Qingyun for mercy.

"Where are the two devil fruits you got?"

Qingyun asked Spandam calmly.

Although he knew that the two devil fruits were the Giraffe Fruit and the Bubble Fruit, and they were not very powerful in the original book.

But even if he didn't plan to let Kaya and the others eat them, he couldn't leave them to the World Government.


Spandam was stunned.

He had never expected Qingyun to ask him this question.

"Are you deaf?"

Qingyun asked coldly

"No, no."

Spandam quickly denied it, and then replied:

"They are in my office."

"If you want it, I'll take you there."

"Hurry up and lead the way."

Qingyun said coldly.

"Yes, yes."

Spandam nodded repeatedly.

Then he stood up and staggered to lead Qingyun.

Under Spandam's leadership, Qingyun came to the former's office and took the giraffe fruit and bubble fruit from him.


After putting away the giraffe fruit and bubble fruit, Qingyun suddenly grabbed Spandam's neck and began to absorb the moisture from Spandam's body.

"I have already given you the devil fruit you wanted, why did you still... kill... me?"

Spandam looked at Qingyun and asked in great confusion.

As soon as he finished speaking, he followed in Gabra's footsteps and became like a mummy.

"I never said I would let you go."

""It's just that I'll let you die quickly because you cooperated so well."

Qingyun said coldly.

As soon as Qingyun finished speaking, Spandam died on the spot.

After killing Spandam, Qingyun did not stop there.

He continued to freeze the sword of Spandam, who had eaten the elephant-shaped elephant fruit, and then directly broke it into ice chips.

【The host kills the Elephant Sword and gains the ability of the Elephant-Elephant Fruit in elephant form, as well as the Elephant-Elephant Fruit in elephant form. 】

The next moment, Qingyun has an elephant-shaped Elephant-Elephant Fruit in his hand, and also masters the ability of the Elephant-Elephant Fruit in elephant form, to the same degree as the Elephant Sword.

Qingyun smiled slightly, put away the Elephant-Elephant Fruit in elephant form, and walked out of the office to meet Nami and the others.

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