"One...one knife killed him in one second!"

Seeing the bodies separated and frozen, Xiliu, Magellan, Hannibal, Domino and Xiaosati were all stunned with shock.

They could have thought that Qingyun, who had killed Akainu and Aokiji, could defeat Xiliu.

But they never expected that Qingyun would kill Xiliu with one knife.

Don't you usually have to test it first and then use the ultimate move to decide the winner?

Why don't you play according to the routine?

After killing Xiliu in one second, Qingyun held the Sandai Kitetsu and walked towards Magellan, Hannibal, Domino and Xiaosati slowly.

Hannibal, Domino and Xiaosati looked at Qingyun, who killed people without blinking an eye and was ruthless and didn't talk much, and they were extremely scared and couldn't help shaking:

I will die!

I will die!

I will be killed by him too!

Even Magellan couldn't help but feel afraid when he looked at Qingyun:

This guy is too strong!

Even if I use all my strength, I'm afraid I'm no match for him!

Although they all felt unprecedented fear, the four of them had no intention of retreating.

"I'm going to use that move, you three, run away quickly."

Magellan first said solemnly to Hannibal, Domino and Little Sadie.

Then he looked at Qingyun and began to desperately use the power of the Poison-Poison Fruit while shouting:

"I am the director of the Undersea Prison, and I will never let you do whatever you want in Impel Down."

"I am the director of the Undersea Prison... and the deputy director, and I will never let you run rampant here."

Hannibal stood up, holding his long sword and walked to Magellan's side, shouting at Qingyun

"I am also the deputy warden of the Undersea Prison, and I will never let you do anything wrong in Impel Down."

Domino also stood up, and walked to Magellan's side, taking a stance, and solemnly said to Qingyun

"I am the warden of the Undersea Prison, and I will not let you do whatever you want in Impel Down."

Little Sadie also stood up, followed Domino, showed her whip, and shouted at Qingyun.

Hearing this, Qingyun and Nami were all moved.

Especially Tashigi, Taotu and Tina, who were former navy.

And Jessica, who was a navy chef, and Kalifa of CP9


Looking at Hannibal, Domino and little Sadie, Magellan was very surprised and quite moved.

He knew that Hannibal was not only lustful, but also wanted to replace him as director.

Domino was very strict and often scolded him for spending too much time in the bathroom and delaying the mission.

Little Sadie had a serious sadistic habit and always liked to torture prisoners and even jailers. He would become very excited as long as he heard the screams of his opponents being tortured.

He thought the three of them were already scared to death and wanted to escape.

And he knew that even if they went together, they were no match for Qingyun and could not stop Qingyun at all.

That's why he let the three of them escape.

But Magellan never expected that in the face of such a powerful invader like Qingyun, they could be fearless and resolutely stand with him.


Magellan smiled:

"We stand together……"

Aromatic thorns!



Before Magellan finished speaking, Qingyun suddenly rushed in front of Magellan and stabbed Magellan's chest with a knife, turning Magellan's chest and internal organs into stone, causing Magellan to be injured on the spot and extremely exhausted.


Seeing this scene, Hannibal, Domino and Little Sadie were all stunned.

Even Nami and the others, as well as Magellan, were a little stunned.

Generally speaking, shouldn't they not have taken action at that time?

Qingyun was too unethical!

""You dare not focus on me when I don't follow the rules? Have you been poisoned by yourself?"

Qingyun looked at Magellan and said coldly.

Kaka! Kaka! Kaka!

As soon as he finished speaking, Magellan was seriously injured by Xiliu's sneak attack. Now he was pierced in the heart by Qingyun's sneak attack, petrifying his chest and internal organs. He was completely unable to use the armed color domineering to stop Qingyun's petrification ability, and was directly petrified into a stone sculpture.

He died on the spot.

【The host kills Magellan, and his physical fitness increases to 66... and he gains the ability of the Poison-Poison Fruit, as well as the Poison-Poison Fruit.……】

The next moment, Qingyun had the Poison-Poison Fruit in his hand, and he also mastered the power of the Poison-Poison Fruit, to the same degree as Magellan.

But Qingyun didn't plan to use the power of the Poison-Poison Fruit.

Because he knew that once he used it, he would have a stomachache.

Magellan had diarrhea frequently because he used the power of the Poison-Poison Fruit too frequently.

He didn't plan to let Kaya and the others eat it either.

After all, they were different from him. Once they ate the power of the Poison-Poison Fruit, they could only use it, and they would have diarrhea all the time.


So after he pulled out the Third Generation Kitetsu, he directly put the Poison-Poison Fruit away.

"You bastard!"

"Hannibal cursed

Qingyun, and then he ignited his long sword and attacked Qingyun with it back and forth.

""Excitement - Red Devil Whip!"

At the same time, Xiao Sati also ignited her whip, and then rushed towards Qingyun while waving it.


Domino used the Armament Haki to strengthen his hands, and then rushed towards Qingyun.



Qingyun first used only one knife to easily knock Hannibal's long sword out of Hannibal's hand, and then hit Hannibal's head with the back of the knife, knocking Hannibal out directly.

Then, Qingyun turned to Domino and Xiao Sati.

He used the Sandai Kitetsu to spin and entangle Xiao Sati's whip, defusing Xiao Sati's attack.

At the same time, he grabbed Domino's black fist with his left hand and blocked Domino's attack.

Not only did Xiao Sati unable to retract the whip, but Domino also couldn't withdraw his black fist.

Then, Qingyun used the ability of the Sweet-Sweet Fruit to increase his charm, smiled slightly, and invited:

"Domino, little Sadie, would you like to get on my boat?"

Domino and little Sadie both have slim and plump figures.

The difference is that Domino is wearing a uniform, which matches her exquisite white face and long, curly golden hair. She looks extremely sexy and charming, and is breathtaking.

Little Sadie is wearing a pink leather tights, which shows her nearly perfect figure to the fullest.

With her orange, fluffy hair that even covers her eyes, she looks mysterious and charming, and extremely sexy and provocative.



Hearing this and looking at the smiling Qingyun, Domino and little Sadie suddenly felt as if they were hit in the heart and were so excited that they wanted to agree on the spot.

"I...I wish...I……"

"I wish...I……"

However, Domino and little Sadie held back and were reluctant to say the three words"I do".

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