After subduing Domino and Little Sadie, Qingyun did not rush to shower them with love.

Instead, he asked them how to get down to the sixth floor of the underwater prison, and then let them and Nami wait there.

He planned to go directly to the sixth floor to hunt down those powerful devil fruit users.

"Qingyun, I want to go with you and help you.

As soon as Qingyun finished speaking, Hancock immediately stood up and said worriedly but firmly.

"I want to go with you too"

"I want to go too."

Nami and the others followed and said in unison.

Qingyun was very pleased and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, I can do it alone."

"Besides, there are many super strong criminals on the sixth floor."

"If you want to kill them, you must use all your strength."

"If you were here, I wouldn't be able to perform."

"And I think Sengoku and Garp must have known the purpose of my coming to the Undersea Prison, and they must be on their way to bring people to the city."

"They must be in the navy too.���Exclusive ocean current route, the speed should be very fast"

"I need you to stay here and buy me some time."

After hearing this, the girls calmed down.

"All right"

"Then you must pay attention to safety."

They nodded and told Qingyun

"Don't worry."

Qingyun smiled and set off directly.

He had no interest in the criminals on the first to fifth floors, including the 5.5th floor.

He only wanted to hunt the criminals on the sixth floor, so he didn't plan to stay on the upper floors.

Soon, Qingyun broke into the fourth underground floor, the scorching hell.

He stopped, showing a hunter's smile of finding prey, staring at the man with swords on his legs who was flying over:

"Golden Lion, Shiki.

Qingyun was very sure that the man not far in front of him was Golden Lion Shiki.

In the original novel, Golden Lion chose to cut off his legs in order to escape, and then used the sword as legs and the power of the Float-Float Fruit to escape from the Impel Down.

However, the original novel did not specify when Golden Lion escaped from prison.

Qingyun did not expect that it was today.

"Anyone who stands in my way will die."

As a serious criminal, Jin Shizi did not have the privilege of reading newspapers, so he did not recognize Qingyun.

He thought Qingyun was a navy from the Undersea Prison, who came to stop him from escaping.

""Chop the waves!"


The Golden Lion used the sword on his foot to kick out an extremely powerful sword energy, attacking Qingyun.

The power was so great that it could cut through thousands of kilometers of sea surface.


Qingyun didn't say much, summoned the Third Generation of Kitetsu, and directly swung out an extremely powerful sword energy, attacking the Golden Lion.

The power was so great that it was enough to split mountains and break seas.


The two sword energies collided with each other, causing a violent explosion.

The sword energy kicked out by the Golden Lion was directly chopped and exploded by the sword energy swung out by Qingyun.

If the Golden Lion hadn't floated away in time to avoid it, it would have been directly chopped by Qingyun's sword energy and died on the spot.

Qingyun couldn't help it now. Not only is there the strength of Hawkeye, but there is also the strength of Aokiji and other strong men, whose strength far exceeds that of Golden Lion in his prime.

Not to mention that the current Golden Lion has just broken his legs and is seriously injured.


Qingyun's sword energy bombarded the wall. Although it blew up the inner wall, it could not blast up the thick outer wall made of seastone.

Seastone not only has the effect of limiting the ability of ability users, but is also extremely hard.

The outer wall of the underwater prison, the chains, the fifth and sixth floor cells, etc., are all made of seastone.

This is also the reason why the Impel Down City can not only imprison powerful ability users, but also those who are strong in physical skills or swordsmanship.

"When did the navy train such a powerful swordsman?"

Golden Lion looked at Qingyun in disbelief.

"What's your name?"

Golden Lion became interested in Qingyun and asked curiously.

"Although it would be unfair to kill you now, I don't mind taking advantage of your weakness to kill you."

Qingyun did not answer the Golden Lion's words, but looked at the Golden Lion and said coldly:


The golden lion laughed disdainfully:

"You want to kill me too?"

"When I was riding the sea, you were not born yet."

That being said, the Golden Lion was already alert, and his Observation Haki had already locked onto Qingyun.

From the move just now, he had already discovered that Qingyun was no ordinary person, and his strength had surpassed his own.

The reason why he acted so disdainfully was to make Qingyun think that he underestimated him, so that he could catch him off guard and attack him.


Qing Yun was too lazy to argue with the Golden Lion. He locked onto the Golden Lion with his Observation Haki, tightly grasped the Sandai Kitetsu and began to accumulate power.

""Lion's power - Earth roll!"

The golden lion felt something was wrong and quickly landed on the ground. Then he clapped his hands and used the power of the Floating Fruit to lift up the entire ground, turning it into multiple lion-head-shaped soils, and then controlled them to crush Qingyun together.

Ice Age!

Seeing this, Qingyun immediately used the power of the Ice Age Fruit to release extremely cold air, sweeping in all directions.

Crack! Crack! Crack! -

Almost in an instant, the entire fourth floor was completely frozen, including the lion-head-shaped soil controlled by the golden lion.

If the golden lion had not used the armed color domineering to cover his entire body in time to resist, he himself would have been frozen.

In the movie version, the reason why the golden lion did not use the armed color domineering was not because he did not know how to use it, but because the author had not set it up at the time.

"This... this is the devil fruit ability of the kid next to Garp, it seems to be called the ice fruit ability."

"But now it appears on you, it seems that the little ghost is dead"

"It seems that a lot of things have happened during the time I was imprisoned."

Golden Lion looked at Qingyun and couldn't help but sigh.


Qingyun still didn't say anything more. He directly used the armed color domineering to strengthen his right hand and the Sandai Kitetsu, and then used the domineering color domineering to further strengthen it, and then used the ice fruit ability to enchant it.

"Overlord color!"

The golden lion was shocked, but also a little excited, and couldn't help but grin:

""The young are really formidable.""


The Golden Lion directly controlled the two swords under his feet and took them into his hands, then used the Armament Haki to strengthen his hands and the two swords.

"Come on, let's go"

"Let me see how strong the natural king of the new era is."


Qingyun was still speechless, and rushed towards Jinshizi with the Sandai Kitetsu.


Jinshizi also rushed towards Qingyun with his two swords tightly grasped.

The two rushed in front of each other, and swung their swords with all their strength, slashing at each other with a devastating force.

Bang! Bang! Bang! -

The Sandai Kitetsu and the two swords collided in the air, producing an extremely violent collision. The entire fourth floor trembled violently, and the entire underwater prison shook slightly.

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