
Crack! Crack! ——

Qingyun summoned the Sandai Kitetsu without saying a word, strengthened it with Armament Haki, entangled it with Conqueror Haki, and finally enchanted it with the Thunder Fruit ability, then transformed into lightning and quickly attacked Katarina.

"Overlord Color……"


Seeing this, Katarina felt that something was wrong, and quickly transformed into a human fox, showing her fangs and claws, and then used her armed color domineering to strengthen her hands, ready to fight Qingyun.

""Haowang Haki!"

Most of the other prisoners were shocked when they felt Qingyun's powerful Haowang Haki.

Although they were extremely vicious pirates with bounties of at least 100 million, almost none of them had Haowang Haki. They had never seen anyone with a Haowang Haki as strong as Qingyun.

They realized that Qingyun really wanted to kill them and had the ability to do so, and they all felt scared.

Only a few criminals who were not attracted by Katarina's charm and still sat calmly in the cage, when they felt Qingyun's charm, they were shocked.���After the domineering aura of the king, their faces finally changed.

But they were not afraid, but excited.

Thunder God Slash!

Rushing in front of Katarina, Qingyun directly waved the Three Generations of Kitetsu, and with a shocking force, he chopped at Katarina with all his strength.

"Nine-tailed claws!"

Katarina made claws with both hands, swung her right claw with all her strength, and attacked Qingyun fiercely.

Twenty thousand pounds!

Just when the knife and claws were about to collide, Qingyun suddenly used the ability of the Light Floating Fruit to greatly increase the power of the Thunder God Slash.


Qingyun's Sandai Kitetsu and Katarina's right claw collided in the air, producing an extremely strong collision and generating a powerful shock wave, which directly blew away the person who rushed out first.

The people who came out a little later all fought hard to avoid being blown away.

And those criminals who were still sitting in the cage became even more excited.



Katarina could not hold on for less than 0.1 second, and her claws were cut off by Qingyun first, and her neck was also cut off by Qingyun in the air. She died on the spot, and she died with her eyes open.

【The host kills Katarina Depen, and his physical fitness increases to 66... and obtains the ability of the Nine-Tailed Fox Form of the Mythical Beast Canine Dog Fruit, as well as the Nine-Tailed Fox Form of the Mythical Beast Canine Dog Fruit.……】

The next moment, Qingyun had the Nine-Tailed Fox-shaped Mythical Beast Dog-Dog Fruit in his hand, and he also mastered its ability to the same degree as Katarina.

"Seconds...killed in seconds!"

"This little devil is so powerful!"

"How come a devil fruit suddenly appeared in his hand?"

"And that devil fruit seems to be Katarina's mythical beast Canine Fruit, the nine-tailed fox form!"

"Could it be that he has the ability to kill the person with special abilities and then obtain the devil fruit that the person has eaten?"

"It seems that he wants to kill us in order to obtain the devil fruit we ate!"

"Could he be someone sent by the navy to kill us and obtain the devil fruit we ate?"

"Probably not. If so, Zhan Guo would definitely not let him come alone. He would at least let two generals accompany him."

"He must have found a way to come here and wanted to kill us."

Looking at Katarina's torn body and seeing the Nine-Tailed Fox form of the Mystical Beast Canine Fruit suddenly appear in Qingyun's hand, the prisoners were all shocked and began to speculate.

"The second one."

Qingyun smiled with satisfaction, and directly collected the Nine-tailed Fox Form Fantasy Beast Dog Dog Fruit Nine-tailed Fox Form.

Snap! Snap!

Then, Qingyun still didn't say much, and then turned into a thunder and lightning and became a killing god, continuing to take the lives of these criminals, taking away their strength and devil fruit abilities, as well as devil fruits.



Soon, another criminal died in Qingyun's hands.

"Let’s all come together!"

"Let’s kill him together!"

"Otherwise they will kill us!"

""That's right, let's go together!"

After reacting, these criminals united together to deal with Qingyun.

However, there were three people who remained indifferent. They still sat quietly in their cells, watching Qingyun and other criminals fighting to the death.




Even though there were a large number of criminals, and they were all pirates and criminals with a bounty of more than 100 million, they could not withstand Qingyun's current strength and could only be slaughtered unilaterally by Qingyun.

Even San Juan Wolf, an extremely tall giant who joined the Blackbeard Pirates in the original work, was killed instantly by Qingyun.

"You three damn guys, stop watching the show in there and come out to help!"

"Otherwise, when we are all dead, it will be your turn."

Seeing that they could not stop Qingyun, and noticing that there were still three people who were indifferent, the criminals who were still alive and had found time to catch their breath shouted at them.

However, the three people seemed not to hear their words, and remained unmoved, sitting quietly in the cage, as if everything had nothing to do with them

"You three bastards!"

Seeing that they couldn't stop the three people, the criminals who were still resisting were extremely angry, but also very helpless.

"Good opportunity."

Several people watched Qingyun and the others suddenly run towards the passage quietly, trying to escape from here while Qingyun was not paying attention.

But how could Qingyun not have thought that someone would want to take advantage of the chaos to escape?

He was always paying attention to everyone.

After discovering that someone wanted to take the opportunity to slip away, he immediately gave up attacking the people who were resisting stubbornly, and turned to attack those people, killing them instantly.

The more criminals Qingyun killed, the more abilities he took away, including the devil fruit ability, and the stronger he became.

So the more criminals he killed, not only did he not feel tired, but he became stronger. The more he killed, the more fierce he was.

In less than ten minutes, Qing Yun had killed all of them except the three people who were still in the cage.

Therefore, he gained the positive and beneficial abilities of these souls killed by his sword.

Including the devil fruit abilities they possessed, such as San Juan Wolf's expansion fruit ability and more than a dozen devil fruit abilities.

And the devil fruits they ate, such as the expansion fruit and more than a dozen devil fruits.

It can be said that the harvest was quite rich.

But Qing Yun was not satisfied with this.

He knew that this was just an appetizer for the underwater prison.

The real feast was the three people who were still in the cage.

"Who will go first?"

Qing Yun held the Third Generation of Kitetsu in his hand, looking at the three people who were still in their respective cages, and asked calmly.

He knew that the three people were the Blood Red Count, Barrorick Redfield.

The Devil's Heir, Douglas Barrett.

The Destroyer of the World, Bondi Walder.

They were all powerful pirates, and they were arrogant and unwilling to associate with the weak, unwilling to bully the few with their numbers, so they had been sitting quietly in their cages.

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