
Kira and Hit answered in unison.

Immediately, the two of them accelerated towards Nami and Nokigo.

"Giant sickle rotation - sonic cutting!"

Buzz buzz buzz!

Kira used the Punisher's sickle on both hands to rotate quickly, forming a huge sickle afterimage, and at the same time produced a violent buzzing sound, and suddenly cut towards Nami.

This is a move that can use the Punisher's sickle to cut the enemy while using sound to attack the enemy's inside. It is very powerful and hard to defend against.

High-heat flame!

Hit directly opened his fangs and aimed at Nokigo, spitting out very hot flames at Nokigo, and suddenly attacked Nokigo.

Facing the attacks of Kira and Hit, Nami and Nokigo were not panicked at all, and their faces were full of ease and disdain.


They all first relied on the color of seeing and hearing to dominate. Nami predicted the attacks of the two and dodged the attacks while strengthening her right hand with Armament Haki.

Snap! Snap!

However, that was not all. Nami also used the power of the Thunder Fruit to strengthen her right hand. After brushing against Kira's Punisher's Scythe, she used her Observation Haki to swing her right fist with all her strength and hit Kira from diagonally below.

Kira had no way to avoid it and could only use his right hand and the sickle on his right hand to resist.

However, Kira had not yet mastered Armament Haki, so how could he withstand Nami's attack?


Nami slammed her right fist heavily on the sickle in Kira's right hand, directly smashing Kira's sickle, and then hit Kira's right hand hard, breaking his wrist.

Nami Then, together with Kira's right hand, it hit Kira's chest heavily.

Crack! Crack!

In an instant, Nami released powerful lightning from her right fist, electrocuting Kira, and directly hit Kira, who was much taller than her, and flew away.

At the same time.

Nokigo also used the ability of the explosion fruit to strengthen her right hand. After passing by Hit's high-temperature flame, she continued to attack Hit at a high speed.

Hit immediately adjusted the direction of the high-temperature flame, trying to burn Nokigo.

But Nokigo used her observation Haki and agile body to dodge all of them.

In a flash, Nokigo rushed in front of Hit, she swung her right fist with all her strength, and rushed towards Hit from the side. Hit was bombarded by Nokigo.

Hit was caught off guard and had no way to avoid it, so he immediately raised his hands to block.

However, Hit had not yet mastered the Armament Haki, and could not withstand Nokigo's attack.


The moment Nokigo hit Hit, Hit's hands were broken by Nokigo, and then Hit's chest was hit with both hands.


At the moment Nokigo hit Hit's chest, Nokigo's right hand violently injured Hit and directly knocked Hit out.



Kira and Hit fell heavily to the ground.

The former was charred by electricity.

The latter was charred and festered.

Died on the spot.

Died with eyes open



Kid stopped and ran to Kira and Hitt. Seeing the two people who had no breath of life and had completely turned into corpses, Kidd was very sad and extremely angry.



The crew members of Kidd's Pirates were also extremely sad and angry.

"I am so strong?!"

Looking at the dead Kira and Hit, Nami and Nojiko did not feel the slightest bit of guilt, but were very surprised.

Because they knew that if they were not strong enough, it would not be Kira and Hit who died, but them.

Although they are kind by nature, they are definitely not saints. They know who to show kindness to and who to kill.

The Kidd Pirates are notorious and do not deserve sympathy at all.



Just as Nami and Nochiko were fighting with Kira and Hit, Kaya and Makino also started to attack the navy.

Kaya first used the Armament Haki to strengthen her right hand and the snow on her right hand, and at the same time used the ability of the Operation Fruit to create a specific space, wrapping her, Makino, and the navy.

Immediately, Kaya swapped the small stone in front of her with the position of Major General Jade.


Major General Jade was totally unprepared and was stunned.

Kaya took advantage of this opportunity and swung Snow Walker with all her strength, slashing at Jade's head.

But Kaya used the back of the knife.

Because she knew that Jade was catching the Kidd Pirates and was a good sailor.

And just now on the Sea King, before she followed Qingyun down, Tashigi, Jessica, Taotu, Tina, Domino and Little Sadie had already begged Qingyun together not to kill the sailors.

Qingyun Yun agreed to them.


Although Kaya used the back of the knife, Major General Jade raised her hand in time to block it.

However, Major General Jade, who did not master the Armament Haki, could not stop Kaya's attack. She was seriously injured in both hands and hit in the head, and fainted on the spot.

At the same time,

Makino also rushed towards Major General Jade's two capable men.

She also relied on the Observation Haki to dodge the attacks of the two.

Then she used her hands strengthened by the Armament Haki to knock out the two capable men with one punch after another.

"I am so strong?!"

Kaya and Makino were also very surprised.

""How amazing!"

On the Sea King, Kalina and other girls who had just mastered Armament Haki and had not used it in real combat were all very surprised.

Especially Bonnie, she was stunned.

Because she is actually only ten years old now. Although she is more mature than her peers, she is still a child in essence.

Although Bonnie has experienced many adventures and fought with many powerful people, she has never fought with people with Armament Haki, and has not even seen anyone use Armament Haki.

This is the first time she has seen someone use Armament Haki.

Seeing that Nami and the others are so powerful, Kalina and the others are eager to try and want to use Observation Haki and Armament Haki to fight.

However, Tashigi, Hancock, Momotobu and Domino, who have already mastered Armament Haki and have already used it in real combat, were not particularly surprised.

After all, they have long known that there is a huge gap between those who master Armament Haki and those who do not.

"You have indeed become stronger."

Qingyun said affirmatively, and then continued:

"However, the reason why you were able to defeat your opponents directly is because your opponents are too weak."

"Now you should know why I asked you to cultivate domineering aura, right?"


Nami, Nojigo, Kaya, Makino, and Tashigi on the Sea King all nodded.

"I'm going to kill you!"

At this moment, Kidd stared at Nami and Nojiko, his eyes full of anger and murderous intent.

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