Seeing the Great Bear King, Qingyun was full of disdain.

Although the Great Bear King was the strongest on Clockwork Island, in Qingyun's eyes, he was no different from an ant.


But when Qingyun saw a woman next to the Big Bear King, his eyes lit up.

The woman had beautiful long golden hair, which was a little naturally curly.

Her jade skin was white and tender, and her facial features were very delicate and beautiful.

She was wearing a yellow and black close-fitting one-piece underwear, with only a purple windbreaker on the outside. Her right leg was covered with black fishnet stockings, her left leg was covered with pink stockings, and her feet were wearing a pair of red high heels.

Her curvy, graceful and voluptuous figure was fully displayed.

She looked charming, sexy and beautiful.

There are such beauties in the East China Sea?!

Qingyun was a little surprised and began to recall carefully.


Noticing Qingyun's eyes and seeing the woman clearly, Miss Huang Jinzhou knew that Qingyun must have taken a fancy to her, and suddenly felt a little unhappy.

"Qing... Qing... Qing... Qing... Qingyun?!"

At the same time, almost all the members of the Poker Pirates recognized Qingyun and were terrified. They were shocked because they all knew that Qingyun had recently been hunting pirates with special abilities in the first half of the Grand Line. They had never expected that Qingyun would appear here.

This giant"merchant ship" was not Qingyun's Sea King. They were terrified because they knew how powerful and decisive Qingyun was, and they actually wanted to rob the giant"merchant ship" where Qingyun was.

Isn't this like looking for death?

"Lord Qingyun, I know I was wrong."

The Big Bear King immediately admitted his fault to Qingyun respectfully, and then explained to Qingyun and begged for mercy:

"I am blind and do not know the real master. It is not just because this is Lord Qingyun's merchant ship that I have evil thoughts."

"I am also trying to survive and to feed my brothers."

"I really know I was wrong."

"Please, Master Qingyun, give us a chance to live."

"Lord Qingyun, please give us a way out."

The younger brothers of the Great Bear King followed suit and begged Qingyun for mercy.

They all knew that even if all of them attacked together, they were no match for Qingyun.

If Qingyun refused to let them go, they would most likely not be able to escape from Qingyun's eyes.

Although Qingyun heard the Great Bear King and others' pleas for mercy, he did not choose to answer, but stared at the blonde woman firmly, continuing to recall the information about the blonde woman.

Suddenly, Qingyun's eyes lit up:

That's right!

She seems to be the Sweetheart Queen who appeared in the adventure of Clockwork Island in the second theater version of the original work!

I actually forgot about her at the beginning!

Qingyun regretted it in his heart.

But there was no way.

After all, it had been many years since Qingyun watched the adventure of Clockwork Island, and he almost forgot it completely.

Qingyun also felt very fortunate:

Fortunately, I returned to the East China Sea again, and I happened to catch the"mermaid" of Sweetheart Queen, otherwise I would have missed her!

Seeing that Qingyun did not answer, all the people in the Poker Pirates did not dare to act rashly, for fear of angering Qingyun and letting Qingyun go on a killing spree.

"Lord Qingyun, are you interested in Queen Sweetheart?"

The Big Bear King noticed that Qingyun was staring at Queen Sweetheart, so he asked tentatively.

"Captain, are you……"

Hearing this, Queen Sweetheart suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart.

Qingyun neither confirmed nor denied it.

"If you like her, I can give her to you, but I only ask you to let us live."

Seeing Qingyun agreed, the big bear king smiled flatteringly.

""Captain, how could you do this?"

Hearing this, before Qingyun could speak, Queen Sweetheart asked King Big Bear in disbelief.

She never thought that she was loyal to King Big Bear, but at the critical moment, she was actually sold out by King Big Bear.

"Why not?"

The Big Bear King questioned the Sweetheart Queen, and then said with reason:

"Isn't it worth it to exchange your life for all of ours?"

"Besides, isn’t it much better for you to follow Lord Qingyun than to follow me?"

"What are you dissatisfied with?"

"you you……"

The sweetheart queen was so angry that she didn't know what to say. She was so sad that tears flashed in her eyes. She felt very wronged and was about to cry.


Miss Golden Week, Bonnie, Aisha, and Nami were all very angry about what King Bear said.

Even King Bear's subordinates thought so.

But in order to survive, they all agreed with King Bear's words, and no one asked King Bear for mercy for Queen Sweetheart.

""Master Qingyun, what do you think?"

The Big Bear King looked at Qingyun and asked with a flattering smile.

"Mariannu, kill everyone except the Queen of Hearts."

"But you have to spare the life of the Big Bear King."

Qing Yun said calmly.

He knew that the Queen of Hearts was loyal to the Big Bear King, otherwise she would not have captured Nami and offered her to the Big Bear King as his wife.

He had originally considered whether to kill only a few members of the Poker Pirates as a warning to others.

Then he would use the rest to threaten the Queen of Hearts to get on board.

But he never expected that the Big Bear King would actually offer the Sweetheart Queen to him.

And no one in the Poker Pirates spoke for the Sweetheart Queen.

He immediately decided to kill all the members of the Poker Pirates except the Sweetheart Queen.


Upon hearing this, everyone in the Poker Pirates, except the Sweetheart Queen, was shocked.


Miss Golden Week answered affirmatively.

She was also very angry at the Great Bear King and others who betrayed the Sweet Queen, and was particularly happy to kill them.

Miss Golden Week put her hands together and began to use the power of the Yellow Spring Fruit after awakening.

""Yellow Springs Open - Night Parade of One Hundred Demons!"

As Miss Golden Week performed Night Parade of One Hundred Demons, a dark door with skulls hanging on both sides appeared behind her and Qingyun. It exuded an extremely strange atmosphere and was daunting.


The door opened, and a gloomy cold air floated out of the door, instantly freezing the moisture in the air.


Then, accompanied by waves of creepy crying, a group of terrifying ghosts floated out from the gate, and then flew straight towards the people of the Poker Pirates.


Seeing this, all the members of the Poker Pirates, even Bonnie, Aisha, and Nami on the Poseidon, were frightened. It was the first time for them to see such terrifying ghosts.

And there were so many of them.

The members of the Poker Pirates had never seen such a scene before, and many of them were frightened to the point of being stunned, their bodies completely frozen.

Others were so scared that they peed their pants and ran away in panic.

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