"Iji, what are you talking about?!"

Judge was incredulous when he heard what Iji said.

Reiju showed no emotion at all.

It's what she deserved!

Qingyun was not surprised at all when he heard what Iji said, and even felt a little gloating.

"What's going on?!"

But Nami and the others were very surprised when they heard what Iji said.

They didn't expect Iji to talk to his father, Judge, like this.

Judge also didn't expect this at all.

"Father, it seems that you are really old. Even your ears are not working well."

"Why don't you just abdicate?"

Ichi said sarcastically.

"Yes, yes."

Niji and Yongji followed suit and laughed.

What Judge didn't realize was that under his teaching, although Iji, Niji and Yongji were all very strong, far beyond ordinary humans.

But they were all extremely arrogant, unsympathetic, and regarded human life as worthless. They looked down on the weak, liked to call them trash, and even liked to abuse them. Even if this person was Judge,


Hearing this, Judge looked at his three most beloved... no, should I say most proud sons, and finally realized the problem, with a trace of regret on his face.

However, he did not regret that he had transformed his three sons into ruthless killing machines, but regretted that he had not thought of this problem in advance.

He knew that if he continued like this, when he got old and his physical fitness declined, his three sons would most likely regard him as a waste and openly disobey his orders.

That's right, father, this is the good son you carefully trained!

Reiju looked at the somewhat regretful Judge and said to herself. He really deserves it!

Qingyun's mouth corners slightly raised.

He was in no hurry to take action, so he stood on the Poseidon and watched.

"Are they really father and son?"

Nami and the others are somewhat suspicious of the relationship between Jiazhi and Izhi, Nizhi and Yongzhi.

"I'm not old yet."

"I just couldn't believe it, so I asked."

Jizhi put away his regret and said righteously.

Jizhi knew that he couldn't admit that he was old, otherwise Iji, Niji, Yongji, and even Reiju might force him to abdicate.


The three Iji brothers nodded calmly, looking a little disappointed.

"I can't give you our most valuable Germa genetic modification and cloning technology."

"It is even more impossible to hand over my most beloved daughter to you."

"If you want it, come and grab it with your ability."

Jizhi ignored the three brothers for the time being. He looked at Qingyun and said righteously:

"Oh shit!"


"First, she wanted to use Reiju, genetic modification technology, and cloning technology to get benefits from me, but then she said she would not hand over her most beloved daughter to me."

"The speed at which you change your expression is even faster than I turn the pages of a book!"

Qingyun heard this, even though he already knew what kind of person Jiazhi was, he still couldn't help but complain.

Compared to Jiazhi, Qingyun even likes Akainu who is hated by most people.

"That's it."

"How hypocritical."

Nami and the others agreed and started to complain.

Judge was so ashamed that he blushed.

Reiju was used to Judge's hypocrisy and had no emotional fluctuations.

"Isn't this a matter of course?"

"Since we can't reach an agreement, let's go to war."

Iji, Niji and Yongji not only did not think that Jiazhi was wrong, but they supported Jiazhi very much.

Because under Jiazhi's teaching, the three brothers all put profit first.

As long as it is profitable, no matter what the price, they think it is reasonable.

"That's right."

Jiazhi knew that the battle with Qingyun and his group was inevitable. If he continued to shrink back, the three brothers might kill the king directly. He immediately pointed the spear in his hand at Qingyun and ordered loudly:

"Germa, attack!"

"That's the right thing to do."

The three Iji brothers knew that Qingyun was extremely powerful, but they were not afraid. Instead, they were all very excited and ready to fight.

Although Reiju didn't want to fight for Iji, she couldn't disobey Iji's orders and could only prepare for the battle.


Germa's soldiers showed no fear, and they all fired their guns and pulled the triggers.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In an instant, hundreds of bullets and shells poured down on the Sea King with the force of a dark cloud pressing down on a city.

The large number and wide range made it impossible to avoid.

"Leave it to me."

Taotu said confidently.

As soon as the words fell, Taotu directly grasped the handle of the knife with his right hand and jumped up.

"Binghe draws his sword!"


" Taotu quickly draws his sword and slashes it, and an extremely cold sword energy is formed, which suddenly attacks the incoming bullets and shells.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

In an instant, all the bullets and shells are frozen, stopped in the air, and then fall one after another towards the sea.

"Go out and kill all the Germa soldiers"

"Don't sympathize with them, they are all clones without emotions and only know how to kill."

Qingyun ordered.


Nami and the others answered in unison, and they immediately felt relieved of a lot of psychological burden.

Immediately, Qingyun summoned the Third Generation of Kitetsu, and used the power of the Float-Float Fruit to fly quickly towards Judge, Reiju, Iji, Niji and Yuji.

Nami and the others also showed their magical powers and rushed quickly towards the Germa soldiers.


Seeing this, Judge had no choice but to order a charge towards Qingyun, and then immediately took the lead, using the flying function of the combat suit to quickly fly towards Qingyun.

Reiju, Iji, Niji and Yongzhi followed Iji without saying a word and flew towards Qingyun.


Suddenly, Jiaji shouted to Iji


Yizhi understood instantly, and immediately emitted a strong light from his eyes, trying to interfere with Qingyun's sight.

However, what Jiazhi and the others didn't know was that Qingyun heard their thoughts clearly.

Qingyun closed his eyes just before Yizhi released the light from his eyes, and���There is a hit


Noticing that Qingyun closed his eyes before Yizhi shone, Jiazhi and the other five were all shocked:

How come he seemed to know it in advance?

"Now is the time to attack together."

Jiazhi immediately ordered.

"Electromagnetic thrust!"

Jage stored high voltage current on the high-tech spear, greatly increasing the power of the spear, and stabbed Qingyun at high speed.

"Poisonous attack!"

At the same time, Reiju made a fist with her right hand, and continued to use strong poison on her right fist, and quickly attacked Qingyun

"Mixed color burst!"

At the same time, Ichi accumulated the power of fire, Nichi continued the power of thunder and lightning, and Yongji mobilized all the muscles in his body and used all his brute force to smash towards Qingyun.

Although Qingyun closed his eyes and could not see the attacks of Jiazhi and the other five, he had already"seen" the attacks of the five people with his observation Haki.

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