"Qingyun, you can't run away, just surrender!"

Dashiqi pointed at Qingyun and said fiercely.

But her cute and adorable appearance didn't look scary at all.


Smoker was ruthless and didn't say much. He clenched the seastone in his ten hands and used the shave skill directly. In an instant (0.36 seconds), he stomped on the ground dozens of times in a row, generating a strong reaction force, and used the explosive speed generated by the reaction force to rush towards Qingyun.

They were originally going to Fengche Village to capture Qingyun, and were now replenishing supplies in Dongjing City. Unexpectedly, they got the news that Qingyun had entered Dongjing City, so they quickly brought people to capture him.


Qingyun then used the shave technique and rushed towards Smoker at a speed that was almost the same as Smoker's.

Shaving is one of the six techniques of the navy, and it is also the simplest and easiest to get started with, but it is difficult to master.

Colonel Mouse also knows how to do it, but he is only at the beginner level, and his speed is far slower than Smoker's. The reason why Qingyun was able to use the shave technique was because he killed Colonel Mouse.

And the reason why his speed was comparable to Smoker's was because he was much stronger than Colonel Mouse.


In the eyes of Nami, Nojigo, Kaya, Makino, and most of the people present, Qingyun and Smoker were so fast that they seemed to have disappeared.

"He actually knew how to use our navy's razor?!"

Tashigi was shocked.

Smoker was also very surprised, and he was even more certain that Qingyun was in great danger.

Smoker swung the Seastone Ten Hands with all his strength and smashed it towards Qingyun's head.

Qingyun, relying on his Observation Haki, suddenly leaned down and brushed past Smoker's Seastone Ten Hands when Smoker was about to hit his head.

At the same time, he swung his right fist with all his strength and smashed it towards Smoker's chest.

Smoker was shocked and quickly elementalized, turning his chest into smoke, making Qingyun's attack invalid, so he was not injured by Qingyun.

"They are there"

"How did his body turn into smoke?"

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene.

"Is he a devil fruit user?"

"It looks like it's a natural devil fruit?"

Nami, Nokigo, Kaya and Makino quickly figured out why Smoker could turn his body into smoke, and guessed that it was the ability of a natural devil fruit. They couldn't help but yearn for it.

Because Qingyun said that he would help them find a suitable devil fruit.

"He actually forced Colonel Smoker to transform into an element so quickly!"

Dashiqi frowned slightly. She realized that Qingyun was very powerful, which might be beyond her imagination.

Could this guy be...

Smoker looked at Qingyun as if he was facing a great enemy.

"Colonel Smoker, I'll help you."

As soon as the voice fell, Dashiqi held the samurai sword in her right hand, ready to pull it out to help Smoker deal with Qingyun

"Captain Smoker, we are here to help you too.

The accompanying navy also wanted to help.

"Don't make a move, you are no match for him, don't get in my way"

"Go and evacuate the civilians."

Smoker shouted hastily, sweat already breaking out on his forehead.


Although Tashigi and the others wanted to help, they knew that Smoker was right, so they followed Smoker's orders and evacuated the surrounding civilians.

"Wise choice.

Qingyun looked at Smoker and couldn't help but praise him.

He admired Smoker's character. Even though he worked in the hypocritical navy, he still maintained his own self, upheld justice, and did not covet vanity. He did not obey the arrangement of the superiors and took away the credit that belonged to the Straw Hat Pirates.

Unfortunately, Smoker was a man. If he was a woman, it would be better.

He could have rushed on board.

"White Gale!"

Smoker still didn't say any more nonsense to Qingyun. He turned his whole body into smoke and swept towards Qingyun, surrounding Qingyun.

""White vines!"

Then, Smoker turned the smoke into vines, controlling them to wrap around Qingyun one after another, trying to capture Qingyun alive.

But no matter where Smoker stretched out the smoke vines, Qingyun was able to avoid them with his Observation Haki.

This guy really has mastered Observation Haki!

Seeing this, Smoker immediately confirmed his guess and felt a headache.

He had not mastered any Haki yet, so he could only desperately increase the speed and number of the smoke vines, trying to exceed the limit that Qingyun could predict, and then catch Qingyun.

"Qingyun should be okay, right?"

Nojigo, Kaya and Makino looked at the smoke that Smoker had transformed into, and couldn't help but worry about Qingyun.

"Don't worry, Qingyun will be fine."

Nami said with certainty, but she was actually a little worried in her heart.

Although Nami and Nokiko could be said to have been robbed onto the ship by Qingyun, if it weren't for Qingyun, they would still be living under the rule of the Arlong Pirates, so they were still very grateful to Qingyun.

In addition, they had been taught the way of shooting by Qingyun with love for several days, and now they have already liked Qingyun.

Although Kaya and Makino were both robbed onto the ship by Qingyun's threat, they were also taught the way of shooting by Qingyun with love, and were deeply impressed, and they also liked Qingyun a little.

Of course, it was just a little bit of a liking, and it was far from the point of being loyal.

Qingyun still needed to continue to work hard to teach them the way of shooting.

"Four ladies, you were all forced onto Qingyun's ship, right?"

Dashiqi came to Nami, Nokigo, Kaya and Makino and asked cautiously.

According to the information she got, she knew that Nami, Nokigo and Kaya were almost all forced onto the ship by Qingyun.

She saw that Nami and the other four looked very friendly, and thought that Makino should be the same.

But just in case, she still kept a watchful eye.

"That's right."

Nami and Nojiko answered affirmatively without any hesitation.

After all, this was the truth, and they knew Qingyun didn't care about anyone's opinion, so there was no need to hide it.

They all saw that Dashiki was kind-hearted, and by saying this, they could prevent Dashiki from threatening Qingyun with them, and Qingyun could concentrate on dealing with Smoker.


Kaya and Makino nodded.

They didn't think as much as Nami did, they were just being realistic.

And they also had a glimmer of hope.

They hoped that Smoker could defeat Qingyun, bring him to justice, and send them home.

"Don't be afraid, Colonel Smoker will definitely catch Qingyun, and we will send you back."

Dashiki vowed.

Hearing this, Kaya and Makino felt a little happy.

Nami and Nojiko felt a little sympathetic to Dashiki.

"I'm afraid that Smoker is no match for Qingyun."

"And you will not be able to escape Qingyun's clutches."

Nami said directly


Nojigo looked at Dashiki and nodded affirmatively.

Hearing this, Kaya and Makino looked at the cute and adorable Dashiki and felt a little sympathetic towards her.

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