Reiju has long been numb to Judge's ruthlessness, hypocrisy, indifference and selfishness.

She was not surprised or sad at all that Judge ordered her to kill Qingyun and that Judge took the opportunity to escape.

"Pink poison arrows!"

Unable to disobey Judge's orders and wanting to avenge her brother, Reiju followed Judge's orders and attacked Qingyun. Reiju spit out a large amount of arrow-shaped poison from her mouth to attack Qingyun.

These arrows are highly toxic.

Crack! Crack!

Qingyun turned into a bolt of lightning and quickly caught up with Judge while dodging Reiju's attack.

Aroma Slash!

Qingyun said nothing, enchanted the Third Generation of Kitetsu with the power of the Sweet-Sweet Fruit, and then slashed at Judge.

Judge had no way to avoid it, and could only raise his spear to block it.



However, Judge could not block Qingyun's attack at all, and like Iji, Niji and Yongji, he was directly slashed by Qingyun. head.

After beheading Judge, Qingyun ignored Judge's body and let it fall downwards.

Qingyun flew back to Reiju.

Judge was dead, and his orders before his death were invalid.

Reiju was finally liberated.

Reiju looked at Qingyun, who had killed brothers who were as pitiful as herself. Although she wanted to kill Qingyun and avenge her brothers, she knew that she didn't have the ability to do so, so she looked helpless. However,

Reiju knew that a big reason why Qingyun came here was because she was beautiful and had a good figure, and he wanted to get her. What she could do now, and what might make Qingyun unhappy, was to end her own life and prevent Qingyun from getting her.

"I can revive your mother."

"But you need to use your Germa's genetic modification and cloning technology to rebuild your mother's body first."

Qingyun used his Observation Haki to read that Reiju wanted to commit suicide, and he took the lead and said it concisely.

The reason why he directly killed Judge, Iji, Niji and Yongji was not only because he hated them.

He had already used his Observation Haki to read their minds and knew that Reiju had mastered genetic modification and cloning technology under Judge's guidance.

And she missed her mother very much.

He was sure that Reiju would definitely help him complete his plan.


Reiju was shocked, her face full of disbelief, but she couldn't help but feel a little bit of anticipation:

"Are you serious?"

Reiju is the eldest daughter of the Vinsmoke family. She has had the longest contact with her mother. She still remembers her mother's appearance and her mother's gentleness clearly, and she often thinks of her mother.

She knows that her mother was killed by Judge.

This is also a major reason why she hates Judge.

Hearing Qingyun say that he can revive her mother, Reiju can't help but think of her mother again, and can't help but hope that what Qingyun said is true.

"The Gate of the Underworld - open!"

Qingyun said little, and directly used the ability of the Underworld Fruit after awakening to open the terrifying-looking Gate of the Underworld behind him, and summoned the soul of Reiju's mother, Vinsmok Sora, who had been dead for many years.

Although Sora looked very unreal in the ghost state, it can still be seen that she looks as stunning as Reiju, with perfect body proportions, extremely delicate and plump.

A closer look can reveal that Reiju and Sora look very similar. She is worthy of being Reiju's mother!

It seems that Reiju has perfectly inherited Sora's genes!

Looking at the ghost Sora, Qingyun couldn't help but sigh in his heart

"Where is this place?"

Suddenly arriving in an unfamiliar environment, Apiosola was confused.


Reiju recognized Sora at the first sight, and looked at Apio Sora in disbelief. Tears welled up in her eyes. She felt happy but also very guilty.

Because Reiju retained her emotions, and was very kind-hearted and considerate.

But influenced by her family, she had to show a cold attitude in some things.

For example, when she saw Sanji being bullied when she was a child, she laughed at him openly.

When Sora was still alive, he was often called a waste by Iji and the others, and she would publicly agree.

Because she didn't want to be involved.

But privately, Reiju would secretly care about Sanji and Sora.

It was because of Reiju that Sanji was able to escape from the Vinsmoke family and keep his kindness.


"You are Reiju, right?"

Looking at Reiju in front of him, Apisola recognized her at a glance, and was very surprised and extremely happy. He immediately showed a loving smile:

"Reiju, you've grown up."

"She has also grown beautiful."

Hearing Sora's familiar and gentle voice, Reiju couldn't help but burst into tears, and said excitedly and guiltily:

""Mom, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Reiju's first apology was for laughing at Sora and Sanji for being useless together with the three Iji brothers.

If she had known earlier that Sora would die of weakness due to being forced to undergo surgery by Judge, she would have stood by Sora resolutely even if she would be ostracized.

Reiju's second apology was for not protecting her brothers.

Because Sora knew that Reiju had feelings, before he died, he asked Reiju to take care of his brothers for her.

Reiju agreed.

But Reiju did not protect either the three Iji brothers or Sanji.

"Silly child."

Hearing this, although Apiosola didn't know what happened, she could still imagine that Reiju must have gone through a lot of pain, and felt very distressed, so she immediately said gently:

"I should be the one to say sorry."

"If I had held on and not helped Judge reform you and your brothers, you wouldn't have become like that."


Reiju's eyes widened with anger, and she said righteously:

"Blame it on my father���"

"If it weren't for him, we wouldn't be like this."

"You won't die young."

""Okay, I'm sorry to interrupt your mother-daughter reunion."

At this moment, Qingyun suddenly spoke.

Reiju and Apiosola looked in the direction of the voice.

Reiju then remembered that Qingyun was right beside her.

Apiosola looked at Qingyun with great curiosity:

"Who are you?"

Qingyun smiled slightly:

"You will know in the future."

As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun used the awakened power of the Yellow Spring Fruit to let Apiosola return to the Yellow Spring, and then closed the door of the Yellow Spring.


Reiju was horrified.

She still had a lot to say to Sora and didn't want to be separated from him so soon.

Qingyun knew this of course, he did it on purpose.

If he let Reiju finish her words in advance, how could he invite Reiju on board and let her help rebuild the bodies of those who needed to be resurrected?

"What I just used was the awakened power of the Yomizu Fruit."

"If you can recast your mother's body, I can let her soul enter the recast body and revive your mother."

Qingyun explained to Reiju concisely, and then went straight to the point:

"Reiju, are you willing to board my ship?"

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