"Monet, are you willing to get on my boat?"

Seeing that Monet was completely fascinated by him, Qingyun took the opportunity to ask

"I do."

This time, Monet answered affirmatively without even thinking about it, without any reluctance or duplicity.

This is the terrifying power of the Sweet-Sweet Fruit.

Of course, once Qingyun stops using the power of the Sweet-Sweet Fruit, Monet will recover immediately, but it will still be affected to some extent.

【Congratulations to the host for subduing Monet and joining the Sea King Group. Please choose Monet's position. 】

Qingyun smiled slightly:

"Very good, then from now on, Monet, you are a fighter of my Sea King Group."As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun obtained all of Monet's positive and beneficial abilities, including her Snow Snow Fruit ability

""Yes, Captain Qingyun."

Monet replied with a smile.

Then, Qingyun picked up Monet with one hand.

Then he came to Reiju's side and picked up Reiju with the other hand.

Crack! Crack!

The next moment, Qingyun turned into a bolt of lightning and chased after Caesar who was running away.

Soon, Qingyun came to Caesar with Reiju and Monet in his arms, blocking Caesar's way.

When he put Reiju and Monet down, he also stopped using the ability of the Sweet-Sweet Fruit.

Seeing Qingyun suddenly appear in front of him, Caesar was like a mouse encountering a cat. He was so scared that the research materials in his hand fell to the ground. He looked at Qingyun in horror:



""I see!"

When Reiju saw Caesar, she immediately understood why Punk Hazard was filled with poisonous fog and there were so many prisoners with prosthetic limbs.

Caesar was very familiar with Vinsmoke Judge and had worked together on weapons research at MADS. That was how Reiju got to know Caesar.

"I actually betrayed the young master!"

Monet came to his senses and found it extremely difficult to accept this fact.

"Qingyun... No, Lord Qingyun, please don't kill me"

"I can help you with things"

"I can help you make an artificial devil fruit"

"Can also help you make biological weapons"

"It can even help you create a giant army"

"Help you become the Pirate King."

Caesar was afraid that Qingyun would hunt him down if they didn't agree with him, so he hurriedly said this to Qingyun, hoping that Qingyun would spare his life.

Because Caesar knew that he would definitely not be able to beat Qingyun, even with Monet.

And Monet was obviously subdued by Qingyun. If they wanted to fight, he would be one against three, and there was no chance of winning.

His proud backstage was of no use at all in front of the 'future Pirate King', Qingyun.

The only way to survive was to beg Qingyun for mercy.


Reiju looked at Caesar jokingly.

She knew that Caesar was extremely conceited and crazy, and she had never thought that one day she would actually see Caesar begging for mercy from others.

"Caesar, you actually betrayed the young master?"

"The young master will never let you go."

Although Monet couldn't accept that she had agreed to board Qingyun's ship, she was immediately furious when she heard that Caesar was going to give all the projects funded by Mingge to Qingyun.

"How dare you say that to me?"

"Didn't you also betray the clown Mingge?"

Caesar asked Monet with a sneer.

Although Caesar was frightened by the sudden appearance of Qingyun, he still noticed that Monet said he betrayed Mingge. He thought that Monet must have said on the surface that he would help him stop Qingyun, but in fact he went to join Qingyun.


Monet couldn't refute it at all.

Because although she didn't know why she agreed to Qingyun just now, it was indeed she who agreed to Qingyun.

"Besides, with the invincible Lord Qingyun here, why should I be afraid of the little clown Mingge?"

Seeing that Monet was speechless, Caesar immediately flattered Qingyun with a sly smile:

"Let alone Ming Ge, even if Kaido behind Ming Ge comes, I don't have to be afraid at all."

Although Qingyun knew that Caesar was flattering, she couldn't help but feel happy when she heard Caesar say that.

After all, who doesn't like to hear good words?

Monet still couldn't refute it because she knew that what Caesar said was the truth.


Reiju was very disgusted with Caesar, a fence-sitter who was afraid of death and loved life. Although she knew that Qingyun would never accept Caesar as his subordinate, she still couldn't help but slightly opened her red lips and said:

"Qingyun is indeed not afraid of Mingo and Kaido"

"But he won't take someone like you as his younger brother."



Hearing this, Qingyun didn't say anything, but he directly called out the Sandai Kitetsu, indirectly showing his attitude.

Seeing this, Monet felt a little gloating.

Caesar actually dared to betray Mingge, and Qingyun didn't say a word, Caesar surrendered voluntarily.

Monet wished Caesar would die immediately.

Seeing this, Caesar panicked and hurriedly said to Qingyun:

"Lord Qingyun, I can swear that I will never betray you"

"If I dare to betray you in the future, I will be punished by God."

"And within a year, I will help you create 200 artificial devil fruits, and their abilities are no less than those of real devil fruits."

"I will also help you create extremely powerful biological weapons and a powerful giant army."


However, Qingyun still didn't say anything to Caesar, and directly used the armed color domineering to strengthen his right hand and the Sandai Kitetsu, and also enchanted the Sandai Kitetsu with the ice fruit.

Seeing this, Caesar knew that Qingyun was really like what Reiju said, and would not accept his active surrender, and immediately opened his arms and clenched his fists towards Qingyun, Reiju and Monet

""Void world!"

The next moment, with Caesar as the center, all the air in a certain range around was sucked into a vacuum.

This move will make all creatures except Caesar unable to breathe due to lack of oxygen, and severe cases will go into shock or even die.

But for Qingyun and Reiju who practice frequently, even if there is no oxygen suddenly, they will not be affected in the short term.

And Monet knew this move of Caesar, and when he saw Caesar raise his hands, he took a deep breath.

Ice Slash!


Caesar had just activated the vacuum world, and Qingyun took advantage of Caesar's brief stiffness to activate the Ice Slash, slashing out an extremely powerful sword energy, and quickly attacked Caesar with the momentum of freezing everything.


""Blue Flame Sword!"


Caesar couldn't dodge in time, and could only quickly gather the oxygen that he had just extracted after using the"Empty World" on the hilt of his specially made Japanese sword.

Then he turned on the hilt mechanism, and the straight flame emitted burned the oxygen, producing a flaming sword with blue flames.

Then Caesar used the Blue Flame Sword to resist desperately.

But how could Caesar's Blue Flame Sword withstand Qingyun's ice slash?


Crack! Crack! Crack!——

The sword energy swung out by Qingyun directly cut off Caesar and his Blue Flame Sword, and then immediately froze them into ice sculptures.

Caesar, dead.

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