Nami and the others did not feel the slightest sympathy for Qingyun beheading those who could not resist the temptation and stole the gold.

Because Qingyun had warned them in advance.

They were seeking their own death.

""Good job!"

Especially Nami and Kalina.

Instead of sympathizing with those people, they praised Qingyun for doing the right thing.

If you dare to steal their money, you are looking for death.


After all the people in the Golden City, including the prisoners in the underground prison, had left, Qingyun suddenly picked up Bakara in a princess hug, which caught Bakara off guard and frightened her. She couldn't help but scream:

"What are you doing?"

However, Qingyun ignored Bakara's question and said to Nami and the others with a smile:

"Nami, Kalina, you two take the others to plunder the treasures collected by Tesoro, I will take Bakara to be baptized."

Crack! Crack!

As soon as the words fell, Qingyun immediately turned into thunder and lightning, and took Bakara back to the Sea King.

""How impatient!"

Hearing this, although Nokiko and the others had long been accustomed to it and had prepared themselves mentally, they were still a little unhappy, but there was nothing they could do.

Although Nami and Kalina were also a little unhappy, they were more excited now.

This is the Golden City!

To them, it is simply heaven.

What could be more important than treasure hunting?

"Forget about that big pervert, let's go find the treasure."

Nami said


Kalina nodded.


Nokigo and the others nodded.

Immediately, Nami and Kalina began to lead people to plunder Tesoro's treasures.

At the same time, Qingyun had taken Bakara back to his room and locked the door.

In this situation, although Bakara had not experienced the world, she could already think of what the baptism Qingyun just mentioned was. She was immediately very surprised, but also a little happy. She was surprised because she didn't expect that the baptism Qingyun mentioned was that. She didn't expect Qingyun to be so impatient. She was happy because Qingyun was so hasty.

Just now, when she heard Qingyun say that she wanted her to be a waitress, she thought that although Qingyun liked her, he didn't like her completely, so he let her... She worked as a waitress.

But now, she knew that he really liked her.

Although Qingyun had many women, Qingyun was powerful and handsome. How could Bakara not be happy?

But she still didn't quite understand.

Since Qingyun had already liked her, why did he let her work as a waitress?

Qingyun didn't rush to achieve success and directly forced Bakara to teach him how to shoot.

Because he read Bakara's memory through his extremely powerful domineering domineering, and knew that Bakara was still a virgin.

So he had to take it slowly.

This is not only good for Bakara, but also for him.

Qingyun sat on the sofa, opened his legs slightly, looked at Bakara like a wolf, and asked with a smile:

"You should know what the waiter's responsibilities are, right?"

The waiter's responsibilities!"

Bakara was shocked and felt a little disappointed and lost.

"I know."

Bakara answered affirmatively, and then walked straight towards Qingyun.

Bakara walked to Qingyun's side... She leaned over, picked up the wine bottle and wine glass on the table, poured a glass of fine wine for Qingyun, and placed it in front of Qingyun.

Then Bakara stood up, showed a professional smile, and asked Qingyun with a smile:

"Captain Qingyun, do you have any other instructions?"


Qingyun was shocked and couldn't help but swear.

Because he could read minds, he knew that Bakara was not pretending to be ignorant or innocent, but really didn't know what he meant.

This was because Bakara had never been with any man, nor had she studied that knowledge carefully, and because she was protected by Tezoro, she had never been teased by any man.

So Bakara really didn't know what Qingyun meant.

Bakara felt disappointed and lost because Qingyun wanted her to serve him as a waitress and didn't like her.

"What the hell?"

Bakara looked confused and asked Qingyun innocently:

"Captain Qingyun, what is the word"fuck"?"

Bakara was still not pretending.

Because there is no"fuck" in daily language, there are only"bakayalu".

Bakara had never heard of the word"fuck".

Qingyun, who can read minds, naturally knew this.

He was very surprised.

Before this, he thought that Bakara, who followed Tezoro to the casino, was a perfect woman, but should be a seasoned man.

But he never expected that Bakara was actually a blank sheet of paper.

Although the seasoned man knows a lot and knows what he needs.

But a blank sheet of paper like Bakara is more malleable. Whatever you teach her, she will learn.

Qingyun smiled slightly and explained to Bakara seriously:

"Wow is not a thing, but an exclamation, similar to"this is incredible""

"When we see something that surprises us, or hear something that surprises us, or when we are angry, or even happy, we can say"WTF""

"So that's how it is!"

Bakara suddenly understood, but she also felt even more confused:

"Then why did you say"Fuck" just now?"

"Did I just say something that surprised you?"

"Or did he say something to make you angry or happy?"

Although Qingyun was already impatient to teach Bakara this blank sheet of paper, he was still not anxious, but continued to say with a smile:

"You did say let���Surprised"

"It also makes me very happy."

Bakara became even more confused and continued to ask Qingyun:

"But I just asked if you had any instructions."

"What's so surprising about this?"

"What is there to be happy about?"

"Because you misunderstood what I said about the duties of a waiter."

Qingyun stopped beating around the bush with Bakara and got straight to the point:

"What I mean by waiter's duty is to ask you to do this..., then that... and finally……"

After hearing Qingyun's words, Bakara's pretty face suddenly turned red with shame, and she felt a little embarrassed.

She was surprised, happy, and embarrassed at once.

It turned out that Qingyun really liked her, and she was not mistaken, but she was too naive.

Seeing Bakara's reaction, Qingyun felt even happier, and his blood boiled, like a hungry wolf seeing a lamb, and he wanted to pounce on Bakara directly.

However, he did not do so, but smiled and asked Bakara:

"Now, you should know what to do, right?"

Bakara shook her head and said in a tender voice:

"have no idea"

"And isn’t this too fast?"

"We just met."

Qingyun smiled shamelessly:

"No, Nami and the others are all like this"

"Come, I'll teach you……"


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