Looking at the huge Neptune and noticing everyone's reactions, Qingyun was very satisfied.


Without saying anything, he picked up Nojigo in a princess hug at lightning speed, then jumped onto the Sea King, which caught Nojigo off guard and frightened him. He couldn't help but let out a tender cry.

The moving voice and soft body made Qingyun's blood boil.


Without any hesitation, he kissed Nojigo's lips.


Nuo Qigao was shocked, her pretty face quickly turned red, feeling ashamed and angry.

She quickly broke free from Qingyun's arms and got on the boat, stepped back a few steps, and glared at Qingyun in shame and anger:

"Why did you kiss me all of a sudden?"

Qingyun smiled slightly and stared at Noqigao like a wolf:

"What do you think?"

He really has a crush on me!

I'm on a pirate ship!

Noqi Gao realized the situation and felt helpless.

"You help me rescue Nami first, and then I will do whatever you want to do."

She took a deep breath and spoke seriously.

Qingyun tried hard to suppress the evil fire in his body and asked:

"Which direction are the Dragon Pirates in?"

Nojigo walked to the side of the ship and looked at the ground, then pointed:


"Nokigo, ask that person to let us go up, and we will help you."

When the villagers saw Nokigo sticking his head out, they immediately shouted to her.

They really wanted to help.

But they also wanted to go to the Sea King to take a look.

Because they had never seen such a big ship that could float in the air or even fly.

Nokigo turned to Qingyun:

"Can you get them up?"

""It's enough for me to have you lead the way."

Qingyun said calmly.


He immediately moved his mind and drove the Sea King to fly quickly towards the Dragon Pirates, and then he went to visit the Sea King.

"I will lead the way for him. You guys just wait for our good news in the village."

Noqi Gao was shocked to find that the Sea King had taken off, and hurriedly shouted to the villagers.

The villagers were also shocked.

They were all very curious about how such a big ship could fly.

Noqi Gao looked at Qingyun, and was very curious about everything about him. She wanted to follow him and ask him clearly.

However, her intuition told her that if she followed him and asked, Qingyun would not only not answer her in detail, but would even let her see his shooting skills directly, so she gave up the idea.

"Oh, I don't know your name yet."

"My name is Noqi Gao, what's your name?"

Noqi Gao shouted at Qingyun


Qingyun said calmly.


The Dragon Pirates.

Nami came to Arlong:

"Aaron, I have already drawn the latest map, I am going out now.

Aaron smiled evilly:

"You should be close to earning 100 million Baileys, right?"

"Still a little bit"

"But it will be soon."

Nami stared at Aaron:

"You don't want to regret it, do you?"


The leaders of the Dragon Pirates laughed evilly at the same time.

"of course not"

"We fishmen are very trustworthy."

"You go quickly"


Aaron laughed seriously.

In fact, Aaron had planned to collude with Colonel Mouse to let him grab the money that Nami had worked so hard to earn so that Nami could continue to help him draw nautical charts.

Nami knew nothing about this.

But she knew that Aaron might not keep his word.

But she had no choice.

Because she was not Aaron's opponent, she could only pray that Aaron would not regret it.


Just as Nami turned and walked outside, a fishman ran in hurriedly:

"Outside... There's a ship flying towards here."

"How is this possible?"

"How can a ship fly?"

"Are you dazzled?"

Nami and the other fishmen didn't believe it at all.

"It’s true!"

The fishman pointed at the Neptune in the sky:

"If you don't believe me, just look for yourself."

Nami and the other fishmen looked in the direction the fishman pointed. Suddenly, their pupils trembled, their mouths opened wide, and their jaws almost dropped to the ground:

"That ship... is really flying!"

Aaron smiled slightly:

"This ship is perfect for me to conquer the world with."

Seeing the ship stop in the sky above the Dragon Pirates, all the members of the Dragon Pirates gathered with their weapons, looking at the Sea King in the sky.

""Who is coming?"

Aaron shouted towards the Sea King.

As soon as he finished speaking, Qingyun and Noqi Gao appeared at the bow of the ship.

"elder sister!"


Nami and the fishmen were all shocked when they saw Nokigo.

"Don't be afraid, Nami, we are here to save you."

Nokigao shouted at Nami.

"Wait here."

Qingyun said calmly, then he jumped up and landed heavily on the ground.

"You think you can be a hero and save the beauty just by yourself?"

"Are you dreaming?"


The fishmen all laughed out loud.

"You are no match for them, take my sister away!"

Nami immediately urged Qingyun loudly.

She didn't know Qingyun, and didn't know what Qingyun was capable of. She guessed that Qingyun was invited by Nojigo to save her.

But she didn't think Qingyun could deal with all the fishmen alone, especially Aaron.

She didn't want to implicate Qingyun and Nojigo.

They are sisters, not only beautiful, but also kind!

Looking at Nami, Qingyun smiled slightly.

At this time, Nami was wearing a blue and white V-neck T-shirt and yellow shorts, which fully showed her curvy figure and slender and beautiful long legs.

Her face was exquisite and moving, with short orange hair, she looked extremely capable.

"Now that you are here, don't leave"

"Your boat belongs to me."

Aaron smiled greedily:

"Come on, catch them for me"


The fishmen of the Dragon Pirates immediately rushed towards Qingyun with weapons in hand.


Qingyun didn't say any more nonsense. He just glared, and his black eyes instantly emitted a dark red terrifying light. The invisible domineering aura swept towards the fishmen of the Dragon Pirates with an extremely powerful pressure.

Ordinary fishmen couldn't bear Qingyun's domineering aura at all. Their eyes turned white, and they collapsed to the ground one after another and fainted.

Only Arlong, and the cadres of the Dragon Pirates, Xiaoba, Kroobi and Jiu did not faint directly.

But they were also shocked, and they couldn't help but stare at Qingyun, their bodies couldn't stop shaking, cold sweat broke out on their backs, and they looked at Qingyun with horror:

"This... this is the domineering aura of the king!"

"Who are you?"

Although Nami and Nokiko were not directly oppressed by Qingyun's domineering aura, they only felt the aftermath, but they were also frightened and sweating. They trembled all over, not daring to move at all, and looked at Qingyun in horror.

As expected of the domineering aura, the Qing soldiers are fast!

Qingyun smiled slightly, and without saying anything, he walked towards Along and the others without haste.

"Let's go together and kill him together!"

Aaron tried his best to overcome the influence of Qingyun's domineering aura on himself, roared and ordered the three cadres, and then rushed directly to Qingyun.

He was a racist and believed that mermaids were born stronger than humans.

Even though he knew that Qingyun had domineering aura, he felt more envy and jealousy than fear.

He must kill Qingyun.

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