"Wait a minute."

As soon as the voice fell, Krocas opened the door on Lab's back and returned to Lab's body.

"There is a door on the back of that island whale!"

Seeing this, Nami and the others were all very shocked.

Although Qingyun had known about it for a long time, he was still a little surprised when he saw it with his own eyes.

Not long after, Krocas came out holding a pile of books.

"These are my collection of medical books and medical notes. Take them and go. Don't disturb me and Lab's rest."

After saying this, Krocas put the book down and turned to walk towards the door on Lab's back.

""Thank you, Grandpa."

Ke Ya was overjoyed and quickly thanked Krocas.

Qing Yun was not polite either, he jumped up directly, jumped onto Lab's back, picked up a large pile of books left by Krocas, then jumped back in front of Ke Ya, smiled slightly and said:

"Come on, let's go to your room."


Ke Yatian smiled and nodded.

I wonder if Weiwei came with Mr. 9 to kill Rab at this time?

Qingyun���While holding the book, he returned to Kaya's room, thinking that Vivi would come with Mr.9 to kill Lab as soon as possible.

In this way, he could take advantage of Vivi and Mr.9 attacking Lab to"invite" Vivi to the ship, and at the same time, he could repay Krocus a favor.

Then he could"invite" Miss Valentine Michita, Miss Two-Fingered Sarah, Miss Golden Week Mariannu, and Miss.all sunday Robin to the ship according to the original plot.

As for other female agents, especially Miss female agents, forget it.

After all, if you want to get on his ship, there is still a certain threshold. It can't be just a woman, at least she has to be a beauty.

However, their devil fruits, as well as the devil fruits possessed by other people in Baroque Works, Qingyun will get them all.

Although he may not give some of the more useless devil fruits to his women, he has to keep them for himself, maybe he can use them in the future.

After placing all the books sent by Krocus in Kaya's room, Qingyun took Nami and the others off the ship, and then put the Sea King into the system space, planning to wander around the Twin Capes, waiting for the recording pointer to be fully charged.

"Where did you absorb the Sea King?"

Seeing Qingyun absorb the huge Sea King with ease, Nami and the others were shocked.


Qingyun smiled mysteriously and continued:

"Okay, let's start the special training now."

"While the pointer is storing up magnetic force, let's play... I'll catch you hiding."

Qingyun pointed to a small forest not far away:

"I will give you ten minutes to find a place to hide in the woods.

Qingyun showed a wolf-like smile:

"Whoever is found by me will be punished."

Hearing this and seeing Qingyun's smile, Nami and the others couldn't help but blush.

"Where is your special training?"

"You clearly want to teach us how to shoot in the woods."

Nami couldn't help but said coquettishly

"That's right, that's right."

Nojigo and the others followed suit.

"Ten minutes is too long. Three minutes. Start counting from now on. 1, 2, 3……"

Ignoring Nami and the others' objections, Qingyun not only shortened the time, but also turned around and started counting down.


Seeing this, Nami and the others ran towards the nearby woods.

When they reached the woods, Nami and the others scattered.

Some of them hid behind tree trunks, some hid on trees, and some hid in the bushes.……

"……170, 180."

After counting for three minutes, Qingyun turned to the grove and walked over slowly, his eyes becoming more ferocious:

""My dears, I am here."

Soon, Qingyun arrived in front of the grove.

With his observation Haki, he quickly locked onto Nami and the others' hiding place, and even knew who was hiding where.

Because observation Haki is the power to strongly sense the surrounding atmosphere, it can sense enemies out of sight, or further predict the opponent's actions.

In Sky Island, it is called the Heart Net, a kind of mind-reading technique, or the power of hearing.

As long as a person is alive, the body can make special sounds.

And everyone's special sounds are different.

Qingyun has already communicated in depth with Nami and the others, and can still distinguish their special sounds.


Qingyun directly used the shave, quickly came to a tree, came to Nami, smiled slightly and said:

"Got you"


Looking at Qingyun who suddenly appeared, Nami was startled. She lost her grip and fell backwards to the ground.

Fortunately, Qingyun was quick and caught Nami in his arms.

"How did you know I was here?"

Nami asked puzzled.

"I said I would do it to you."

Qingyun said with a smile.

Nami was shocked.


Before Nami could say anything else, Qingyun kissed Nami's lips.……


In the evening, when Qingyun was punishing the last Dezaia, a ship sailed into the Twin Capes from the direction of the town under the Whiskey Peak.

"Miss Wednesday, I saw an island whale."

Mr. 9 pointed at Lab and said to Weiwei with a smile

"It's so big!"

Weiwei looked from a distance and was surprised to see the huge Lab.

"Don't worry, Miss Wednesday, no matter how big it is, it's just a fish, we can definitely kill it."

Mr. 9 smiled confidently.

But he was also very uncertain in his heart, after all, he didn't expect Lab to be so big.

But he must remain calm and composed.

Because he didn't expect that the new partner arranged for him would be so beautiful, he had already taken a fancy to Weiwei, and he had to show himself well in front of her.


Vivi nodded firmly.

She tried every means to enter Baroque Works in order to investigate the Baroque Works, which was trying to instigate a civil war and subvert the Kingdom of Alabasta.

In order to investigate clearly, she had to work hard to climb up, and for this she had to complete every task given to her by Baroque Works.

"Let's go."

Mr. 9 drove the boat and took Vivi to Rab.

When they arrived in front of Rab and looked at Rab that was completely invisible, they realized how big Rab was.

But Vivi had no choice.

Mr. 9 didn't want Vivi to see his cowardly retreat.

"Let's go, Miss Wednesday"

"Okay, Mr. 9."

Weiwei and Mr. 9 aimed their guns at Rab.

"Stop it, Princess Weiwei, your artillery can't hurt this island whale."

Just as Weiwei and Mr. 9 were about to light the fuse, a voice suddenly rang out.

"Princess Weiwei?"

Mr.9 looked in the direction of the voice with a confused look on his face.

Weiwei's face changed drastically and she looked in the direction of the voice in horror.

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