"I do."

Although she didn't know why Qingyun asked this question, Weiwei still answered in cooperation.

【Congratulations to the host for subduing Nefertari Vivi and joining the Sea King Group. Please choose Nefertari Vivi's position. 】

Qingyun smiled slightly:

"very good"

"From now on, you are the maid of the Sea King.

Although Qingyun liked Weiwei very much before he traveled through time and was a big fan of Weiwei, the most suitable position for a princess is of course a maid.

Only in this way can the princesses who are usually spoiled know who is the master of the Sea King.

"Yes...Captain Qingyun."

Although Weiwei was very reluctant, she still nodded affirmatively and answered with her red lips slightly parted.


As soon as Weiwei finished speaking, Qingyun immediately picked up Weiwei with a princess hug, which caught Weiwei off guard and made her scream. A blush appeared on her pretty face, making her look as beautiful as a peach blossom.

After picking up Weiwei, Qingyun directly controlled his body to fly back to the Sea King.

Weiwei saw that Qingyun picked her up to take her back to the Sea King, and she did not take advantage of her, so she did not struggle or say anything, and let Qingyun hold her

""Wait a minute."

Mr.9 saw this and hurriedly called Qingyun.

However, Qingyun ignored Mr.9 and continued to fly back to the Sea King with Weiwei in his arms.

Mr.9 was stunned:

Why is Qingyun ignoring me?

Nami and the others have seen this before.

"Mr. 9 is calling you."

Weiwei reminded Qingyun

"I know."

Qingyun said calmly, but he had no intention of stopping to listen to what Mr. 9 told him to do.

Weiwei was also dumbfounded:

I know why don't you stop?

"Qingyun, please take me with you, I want to help Miss Wednesday... No, I want to help Princess Vivi solve the crisis in Alabasta."

Mr. 9 saw Qingyun holding Vivi and flying farther and farther, and hurriedly shouted at Qingyun.

Hearing this, Vivi was a little moved.

She knew that since Mr. 9 already knew her identity, he must know who her enemy was.

But Mr. 9 still chose to help her, how could she not be moved?

"No man is welcome on my ship."

Qingyun said without looking back.

He knew that Mr. 9 would choose to help Weiwei, and he was not a devil fruit user, so he didn't kill him.

Mr. 9 should feel lucky that he didn't kill him. He actually wanted to board his Sea King and snatch Weiwei from him.

It was just wishful thinking.

Nami and the others were not surprised at all. After all, they had had in-depth discussions with Qingyun and knew him very well.


However, when Vivi and Mr. 9 heard Qingyun's answer, they were both stunned and didn't know what to say for a while.

After they reacted, they finally realized that Qingyun was most likely a greedy, possessive and lustful man in addition to being a big pirate who killed people without blinking an eye.

They finally understood why all the people around Qingyun were women, and all of them were beautiful women.

Could it be that he...

Vivi couldn't help but have a bad premonition.

She felt like she was on a very incredible pirate ship, and was a little worried about what she would face later.

After carrying Vivi back to the Poseidon, Qingyun put Vivi down, took back her body and feet, and then asked Nami:

"Nami, where is the direction of the next island?"

Nami looked at the record pointer, then pointed to Whiskey Mountain and opened her mouth slightly:

"over there"

"Very good."

Qingyun directly controlled the Sea King and sailed towards Whiskey Mountain.

"How did this ship move on its own?"

Vivi was shocked to find that the Sea King had already started sailing.

Nami and the others could relate to Vivi's reaction.

"Qingyun is controlling it."

Nokigao spoke up to help Weiwei.

She didn't know why, but when she looked at Weiwei, she felt that Weiwei was very similar to Nami who worked hard to save the Cocosia Village. She wanted to love her very much.


Weiwei was dumbfounded.

"Captain Qingyun actually has such ability!"


Noqi Gao nodded and asked Weiwei curiously:

"Your name should be Vivi, and you are the princess of the Alabasta Kingdom, right?"

"What kind of crisis is your kingdom facing that requires you to hide your identity and come here in person to do such a dangerous thing?"


Nami, Kaya, Makino, Tashigi, Kalina, Carmen and Dezaia all looked at Vivi with curiosity and concern.

After knowing all these things about Vivi, they could vaguely see that Vivi was very tired, and they couldn't help but worry about her more or less.

Noticing the concerned looks of Nami and the others, Vivi was very moved and let down her guard, and said:


Weiwei directly told all the information she had found out about Crocodile's plan.

Nami and the others listened very carefully.

"I haven't boarded the ship yet!"

"I haven't boarded the boat yet!"

They didn't notice that Mr. 9 was shouting hurriedly while trying to control the boat to catch up with the Sea King.

Because the record pointer of Mr. 9 and Weiwei was in Weiwei's hand, without Weiwei, he couldn't go back.

"So that's how it is"

"That Crocodile is so abominable!"

After listening to Vivi's story, Nami and the others were very angry and felt sorry for Vivi.

They didn't expect that such a gentle little princess like Vivi would actually fight against Crocodile, who is so powerful and thoughtful.

They couldn't help but admire Vivi.

Especially Nami.

Because she had just fought with Arlong to save the Cocosia Village like Vivi not long ago.

"Qingyun, you must help Vivi defeat Crocodile and save her kingdom and her people.

Nami pleaded with Qingyun for Vivi.


"Qingyun, you must help Weiwei."

Noqigao and the others followed and begged Qingyun.

Seeing this, Weiwei was very moved and looked at Qingyun expectantly.

"Of course, I always keep my word."

Qingyun said firmly.

After receiving Qingyun's affirmative answer, Nami and Weiwei all smiled happily.

But the next moment, Qingyun showed an evil smile and stared at Weiwei like a wolf:

"But now, I need my maid to give me a massage."


As soon as he finished speaking, Qingyun picked up Weiwei in a princess hug again, and ran into his room with Weiwei and closed the door.

He didn't rush, first put Weiwei on the ground, then lay directly on the bed, and looked at Weiwei with a smile.

Although Weiwei had no experience, she could still understand Qingyun's meaning in this situation.

After hesitating for a while, Weiwei took a deep breath, walked towards Qingyun, and said:

"I hope you can keep your promise"


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