It doesn't matter if you don't feel it.

After feeling it, Weiwei finally found that her physical fitness and other aspects had become stronger than before, and she was very surprised.


Weiwei nodded affirmatively and asked Ke Ya in disbelief:

"Could it be that Captain Qingyun taught me how to shoot in order to help me improve my physical fitness and so on?"

Although it was a question, and although it was very unbelievable, Weiwei had already determined that the reason why her physical fitness and so on were improved was because she learned the shooting from Qingyun.

Because Weiwei was not a fool.

Last night, apart from learning the shooting from Qingyun and then falling asleep due to exhaustion, she did not do anything else.

During this period, Weiwei fell asleep every night because she was very tired in order to investigate the Baroque Works and Crocodile, but her physical fitness and so on had never become stronger because of this.

Even if you use your feet to think, you can guess that the reason why her physical fitness and so on have become stronger must be because of learning the shooting from Qingyun.


Ke Ya nodded affirmatively.

She believed this very much.

Because it was through learning gun skills and physical fitness from Qingyun that she was able to improve, and now she can happily sail with Qingyun on the ever-changing Grand Line.

However, Ke Ya then changed the subject and continued to say affirmatively:

"Although Qingyun did teach us how to shoot directly after we got on board in order to help you, me, and Nami improve their physical fitness, etc."

"But he must be doing it for his own sake."


Hearing this, Weiwei thought of the scene last night, her pretty face blushed, and she nodded with great certainty:

"You are right"

"Captain Qingyun is a pervert"

"And I don't know how to get tired"


Ke Ya smiled and nodded, then continued:

"But Qingyun was very good to us. Not only did he take us out to play, he also helped us buy things we needed and wanted."

"The most important thing is that he didn't treat us as rubbish to vent his anger, but taught us to learn and exercise, and also conducted practical training to help us become stronger."

"He also promised us that he would help us find the devil fruit that we want and is suitable for us to eat."

"Now, with the help of Qingyun, Makino has taken the Barrier Fruit."


After hearing what Ke Ya said, Wei Wei was extremely shocked, and her impression of Qing Yun could not help but improve a little bit.

Because she knew that no matter whether it was pirates, navy, or other people, the most powerful men would treat women as clothes. They would take them away if they liked them, and would not recognize them after pulling up their pants, or even abandon them directly.

They didn't care about their life or death at all.

But Qing Yun not only did not do that, but also taught them to become stronger, and even helped them find and seize extremely precious devil fruits.

Such a man is obviously a sharp tongue, but a soft heart. How could he not make women's hearts move?

"And Qingyun is not a demon who kills without blinking an eye as the Navy's bounty order says."

"On the contrary, Qingyun killed only the most vicious pirates and navy officers."

"He also saved many people and towns from these pirates and navy."

"For example, the Xiluobu Village where I live, the Kokosia Village where Nami and Nojigo live, and the Orange Town, etc."

Ke Ya continued


Weiwei was half-believing and half-doubting.

Because she knew that most of the pirates were evil people.

However, the navy, which was known for justice, was also full of evil people who were as terrible as the pirates, or even more terrible than the pirates.

And Kaya didn't look like she was lying. But after all, she didn't see it with her own eyes, and Qingyun had just forced her to teach her how to shoot, so she still couldn't believe that Qingyun was actually a good person.

"It is absolutely true."

Ke Ya said confidently:

"Just wait and see, Qingyun will definitely save your Alabasta Kingdom from Crocodile."


Vivi couldn't help but look forward to it.

Not only for herself, but also for the Kingdom of Alabasta.

"Okay, let’s go have breakfast first."

Helping Weiwei put on her clothes, Ke Ya gently helped Weiwei sit on the chair to eat breakfast.

After eating and drinking, Ke Ya helped Weiwei take a shower.

After taking a shower and drying her hair, Weiwei followed Ke Ya outside and found that Qingyun was teaching Nami practical training, teaching them self-defense, fighting and swordsmanship. She couldn't help but have a better impression of Qingyun.

Qingyun was not putting on a show for Weiwei, but was really teaching Nami and the others these skills.

First, he wanted to help them become stronger and enable them to protect themselves. After all, he couldn't be by their side all the time.

And he didn't plan to invite men on board. Sooner or later, he would ask them to help with things.

The second was naturally to capture the hearts of Nami and the others and make them fall in love with him.

He didn't want to keep a woman who hated him by his pillow, otherwise if he was backstabbed in the future, it would be a small matter. After all, he could become stronger if he died.

If he was backstabbed in the future, it would be a big shame.

He would be laughed at for not being able to subdue even a woman, and being backstabbed by a woman.

"A maid actually dares to get up so late, hurry up and do the horse stance for me."

Qingyun noticed that Weiwei came out with the help of Ke Ya, and immediately said sternly.

Weiwei was immediately furious.

However, she remembered that Qingyun punished her last night after she scolded him, so she didn't dare to vent.

She gritted her teeth and replied:

"Yes, Captain Qingyun"

"There is a flaw!"

Nami, who was doing actual combat training with Qingyun, saw Qingyun distracted and took the opportunity to kick out her right foot, attacking Qingyun's lower body.

However, Nami's right foot was firmly clamped by Qingyun's legs.

"Not bad."

Qingyun looked at Nami and praised her generously:

"Know how to find opportunities and go straight to the point"

"If it were an ordinary person below the rank of colonel, he would have fallen to the ground and could not move."


Nami smiled happily.

After hearing this, although Weiwei was still angry, she couldn't help but have a better impression of Qingyun.

"Qingyun is going to start training you"

"The horse stance is the foundation, which not only trains our endurance, but also makes our lower body more stable."

Keya smiled and explained to Weiwei for Qingyun.


Weiwei nodded.

She was not stupid and could hear the hidden meaning of Qingyun's words.

She pouted her lips, looked at Qingyun angrily, and whispered:

"But couldn't he be a little gentler to me?"

"And I’m still very tired now."

"If you feel tired, you don't have to do it and go back to sleep."

As soon as Weiwei finished speaking, Qingyun said lightly, and then continued to conduct actual combat training with Nami.

Weiwei became even more angry.

But Ke Ya's next words made her wake up.

"Weiwei, Qingyun knows you are very tired"

"The reason why he asked you to do the horse stance right away is because only by persisting in training even when you are tired can you break through your limits and become stronger."

Kaya hurriedly explained to Weiwei on behalf of Qingyun

"So that's it."

Weiwei suddenly understood.

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