"Don’t move"

"Otherwise I will kill him."

The pirate hunter who was winked at by Mr. 5 immediately came to Ikalem's side, put the samurai sword against Ikalem's neck, and threatened Qingyun and Nami with a wicked smile.

"Don't hurt him."

Weiwei panicked and immediately shouted and begged at the pirate hunter.

Nami and the others were also a little at a loss, not knowing what to do.


Qingyun didn't say much, he just glared, his black eyes suddenly glowed red, and the invisible domineering aura burst out, sweeping towards all the pirate hunters on the port shore.

In addition to Mr. 5, Miss Valentine, two senior agents, and Miss Monday, a mid-level agent, all the other pirate hunters were hit by Qingyun's domineering aura. They rolled their eyes and collapsed to the ground one after another, and fainted directly.

Mr.5, Miss Valentine and Miss Monday didn't faint, but they were all trembling with fear, their backs were covered with cold sweat, and they all looked at Qingyun in horror.

Nami and others, who only felt the aftermath of Qingyun's domineering aura, couldn't help but pause, and sweat broke out on their foreheads.

"Is this... the domineering color domineering?"

Carmen and Weiwei, who felt Qingyun's domineering color domineering for the first time, as well as Mr. 5, Miss Valentine, and Miss Monday were deeply shocked and could not calm down for a long time.

"Qingyun's Conqueror's Haki is even stronger than before."

Nami, Nojiko, Kaya, Makino, Tashigi, Kalina and Dezaia looked at Qingyun's back and could feel that Qingyun's Conqueror's Haki was even stronger.



Qingyun, who had released his Conqueror's Haki, did not hesitate at all and did not say any more nonsense. He directly used Shave and leaped, and quickly attacked Mr. 5, Miss Valentine and Miss Monday.



Mr. 5, Miss Valentine and Miss Monday did not dare to think about killing Qingyun and Vivi. They all had only one idea in their hearts, that is, to run away.

Mr. 5 quickly picked out a booger and then shot it towards Qingyun.

Then, he ran away without looking back.

Miss Valentine quickly used the ability of the Light Float Fruit to change her weight to only one kilogram, and then used the umbrella in her hand to turn around and jump into the air.

Miss Monday also turned and ran.

They knew that they were not on the same level as Qingyun. They would die if they faced Qingyun. If they wanted to survive, they had to run away.


Qingyun first casually swung the Sandai Kitetsu and used his sword energy to cut off the booger bomb that Mr. 5 had ejected.

Then he continued to use the razor to quickly chase Mr. 5, Miss Valentine and Miss Monday.

Soon, he caught up with Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine, and directly cut them down with his sword, killing them before they could fight back.

【The host kills Mr.5 Jem, and his physical fitness increases by 6... and gains the ability of the Explosion Devil Fruit, as well as the Explosion Devil Fruit.……】

The next moment, an explosion fruit appeared in Qingyun's hand. He smiled slightly.

"Devil Fruit?!"

Noticing the explosion fruit that suddenly appeared in Qingyun's hand, Nami, Weiwei, and Miss Monday were all very surprised.

"Could that be Mr. 5's explosive fruit?"

"Qingyun/Captain Qingyun can obtain the devil fruit of the other party by killing the devil fruit ability user?"

Based on what they saw and the devil fruit ability possessed by the ability user of Baroque Works that Qingyun just asked them to choose, Nami and Weiwei guessed the reason and felt more and more shocked.

Miss Valentine could not think of this and had no mind to think about it. She saw Mr. 5 and Miss Monday being killed instantly by Qingyun and was very scared.

"Please don't kill me"

"I was also forced to deal with you with Mr. 5 because of the orders from above."

"I know I was wrong, please don't kill me."

Miss Valentine knew that she couldn't escape from Qingyun's eyes. After falling back to the ground, she immediately knelt down and begged for mercy in front of Qingyun.


Puff! Puff!

Qingyun didn't say anything. He continued to shave and used the Sandai Kitetsu to reap the lives of the pirate hunters lying on the ground.

Nami, Nojiko, Kaya, Makino, Tashigi and Kalina, who had known that Qingyun was powerful and had seen Qingyun's decisive killing, were not surprised. However,

Carmen, Dezaya, and Vivi, who saw Qingyun's decisive killing for the first time, were a little surprised.

They were very glad that they killed Qingyun in Qingyun. Before Carmen's disciples killed Bartolomeo and his men and destroyed the Kingdom of Alabasta, they agreed to board Qingyun's ship, otherwise Qingyun would really kill them.

Although they couldn't bear to see Qingyun reaping the lives of these pirate hunters, they did not sympathize with these pirate hunters, let alone plead with Qingyun for these pirate hunters.

Because they knew that these pirate hunters were their enemies.

To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to oneself.

And if Qingyun was not so powerful, it would not be these pirate hunters who died here today, but them and Qingyun.

Miss Valentine felt even more terrified when she saw Qingyun slaughtering the fainted pirate hunters. Her delicate body trembled uncontrollably and she dared not resist anymore.

She knelt on the ground in horror, praying that Qingyun would decide to let her go.


Vivi saw that the Sea King had arrived at the port, so she immediately jumped off the Sea King and ran towards Ikalem.

Nami and the others immediately jumped off the Sea King and ran towards Ikalem.

"Ikalem, Ikalem……"

Weiwei came to Ikalem's side and knelt down, tears flashing in her beautiful eyes. She called out to Ikalem worriedly, but Ikalem did not respond at all.

""Let me take a look."

Ke Ya ran to Ikalem's side, knelt down, put the first aid kit aside, and then checked Ikalem's condition.

Weiwei, Nami and the others looked at Ke Ya and Ikalem worriedly.

"Don't worry, Ikalem is not dead, he just fainted from the serious injuries. I will treat his wounds first."

Before she finished speaking, Ke Ya had already opened the first aid kit and looked for medicine to treat Ikalem.

Wei Wei breathed a sigh of relief and asked hurriedly:

"May I help you?"

"You are not fit to help me now."

Noqi Gao is a nurse on the Sea King, and she also studies medicine with Ke Ya on weekdays.

"Noqigao, come and help me."

Ke Ya looked at Wei Wei and said directly


Noqi Gao hurried to Keya's side.


Although Weiwei wanted to help, she still stepped aside obediently.

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